What brings happiness

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A new life

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2011
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We are so often encouraged to "live in the now.”
And while I agree wholeheartedly, I've found that this is much easier said than done.
Our tendency as humans is to look back on the past,
and anticipate the future, paying little attention to "now" because our minds are elsewhere and elsewhen
(I want credit for coining the term "elsewhen")

So really our moment-to-moment experience is:
Our perception of the past + our perception of our current circumstance + our belief about the future.

I have observed that I'm happy when a few simple conditions are met:

1) Some recent event that I see as positive. This could be as simple as someone recently having been nice to me,
some new purchase that worked out well, recently losing a pound or two, or having had an exceptionally pleasant day yesterday.

2) Feeling good about my “now” experience (enjoying what I’m doing and feeling well)

3) A little bit of hope for a slightly improved future.

So by doing small little things today, that we can feel good about tomorrow, we can make looking back on today better for our tomorrow.

And hopefully if we keep doing small little Things like this, the seeds of hope will grow.

**** one small example of the "little things" I spoke of, is the fact that
I created this post in a Word document first, so when the site crashed on me (and it did) I didn't have to type this all over again. (BIG GRIN)
seratonin, dophamine and endorphins,

there you go


things that can help with that are good music, chocolate, excersise and long showers

To drag it down to its most basic reality: satisfaction of desire.
Well, I've found that "living in the now" doesn't work as well for my happiness as anticipating the future does. Actually it seems as though nothing good ever has to happen in my life, as long as I have hope that it will, some time very, very soon. I'm at my most depressed when I don't seem to have anything good to look forward to.

I don't know if it's the best way to live, but at least thinking about how awesome the future will be is better than dwelling on how much the present sucks.
Perky Size D titays.

For the happiness is an in job n spiritual people...
Nothing....becuz thats who you are aleady. Thats ur essence...

You dont need anything . do anything to be happy.
Itts just a simple chioce.
Chose to be happy
The little things in life help in-between the bigger strokes of positive outcomes from chances taken. Achieving smaller scale and long-term goals. A moment's respite and a cool drink in midst of daily toil. An abundance in money probably helps, too.
Happiness is joy of life. Happiness is work by the heart. Happiness is gives us achievement. Happiness is individual perspective.
Happiness is a passing cloud, sadness is a passing cloud.

Likewise I wish I knew the answer to your question, emotions can be such a cursed thing to have.
Happiness is self-acceptence and as darkwave said fulfillment of a desire one has.
You just need to embrace love and light completely. Do not let negativity run you down, seek to connect with others in love and friendship.

1. Humble yourself that others may pick you up
2. Live for others in kindness and love
3. Free yourself from all past guilt and negativity. This is best done by accepting Jesus.
4. Now be filled with the holy spirit. You will gain the peace of God which surpasses all understanding.
5. We could die at any moment, so it's important to feel your eternity is secure.

Avoid sinful indulgence, these things will only desecrate and defile you.

Even if you aren't christian, command all wicked spirits and demons to leave and bind them in the abyss in name and blood of Jesus. There are invisible spirits about and they do influence us. I bet you will see a difference. If you are in serious suffering try a deliverance ministry.

"As you measure, it shall be measured onto you." -Jesus
"As a man thinketh he is." -Jesus
"The kingdom of heaven is within you." -Jesus

Act, don't react. Seek to rise above your conditions, even in this haunted world.
Stepchild said:
Well, I've found that "living in the now" doesn't work as well for my happiness as anticipating the future does. Actually it seems as though nothing good ever has to happen in my life, as long as I have hope that it will, some time very, very soon. I'm at my most depressed when I don't seem to have anything good to look forward to.

I don't know if it's the best way to live, but at least thinking about how awesome the future will be is better than dwelling on how much the present sucks.

I once saw one of the state lottery commissioners on TV and she plainly stated that what they sell is HOPE

blackwave said:
Dear lonesome crow: nonsense.

I agree.
If it were that simple, wouldn't we all just do it?

However, I do believe that you must meet happiness half way.
(be open to it, willing to embrace it, believe it's possible for you)