What do you miss about childhood?

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Hanging with my siblings and the kids on the block. Playing sports, ride bicycles to places. As long as we were outside doing something.
abusive nuns? naaaa… nasty children? naaa… maddening loneliness? naaa
I am happy it's over, and I am ready to have a new, happy, one (childhood)
Peaches said:
abusive nuns? naaaa… nasty children? naaa… maddening loneliness? naaa
I am happy it's over, and I am ready to have a new, happy, one (childhood)

Never too late to have anther one. :p
Being able to play in parks, play with toys and like childish things without judgment. Being ignorant about all the nasty things in the world that go on. Playing board games with my brothers. Make-believe, pretending I could be an insect or a creature or an alien. Sleepovers at my Grandma's house. Being read to at night. Summer vacation. NOT having life revolve around a lack of money and stupid bills. NOT worrying about who I was going to date and NOT feeling like I already missed my chance to find someone I'd actually be happy with Feeling like every day was an eternity instead of a minute, feeling like every day was full of possibility.
I do what i want and do not care if people judge me negatively for it, because if they do then they aren't my real friends. But that is me.

Have a nice day everyday, if you can. :)
Being able to run around barefoot and hang upside down from tree branches.
I miss not having any responsibilities, things were alot easier when they werent my problem :D I miss getting excited over things like Christmas and Birthdays, I still enjoy them and I enjoy getting to see my family but its not the same as when I was a kid and I got excited wondering what I was getting that year. I miss feeling like I could achieve anything!
No bills to pay, long summer vacations, sleeping as long as I liked, and like the above poster, getting excited about Christmas and birthdays.
ladyforsaken said:
Oh, besides my dad, the beach.

And hermit crabs.

I just remembered and was missing watching The Little Mermaid after I come home from kindergarten classes with no feeling of worry whatsoever. Sitting in front of the TV with my legs stretched in front of me eating lunch prepared by my mother. It's nice to be taken care of in that manner and not have any responsibilities.

Also miss riding my dad's back. That was fun.
1. Local characteristics that made cities look different. Shops, buses etc. For example, back in the 80s when I was a kid (and for decades before) each city would have different colours and liveries for their buses. Here in Newcastle we had yellow buses, but when we'd visit family near Liverpool, they had green buses. Manchester - Orange etc Now everywhere (aside from London who have been allowed to keep their red buses) they're all owned by big companies, so you have the same livery everywhere. Same with shops and increasingly restaurants. There's less local variation. The same shops and restaurants are everywhere.

2. Playing Out. Football in the back lane, bike races round the local area, the cheap thrills of Knicky Knocky Nine Doors, where you'd knock on a random door, run off and try not to get caught.

3. League ladders. Before the start of the football season, the likes Shoot! And Match (the two big weekly football magazines aimed at boys) would include league ladders, which you'd stick on your bedroom wall. They had slits in the league position for the top 4 English leagues and the top 3 Scottish leagues, along with tabs for all the participating teams. The tabs would slot into the slits and then every Saturday night I'd get the results from Grandstand (sports TV programme) or The Pink (Saturday night football results paper) and update all the league tables. I loved it. (I was the kind of kid, who used to create my own FA Cup draws as well).

4. Thursday nights with my Dad and Brother.
My Mam used to be out on Thursday evenings. My dad wasn't/isn't a drunk, but on Thursday night, he'd go to the local shop for a couple of cans of beer, and a can of Coke and some crisps for me and my younger brother. And we'd sit down and watch Top of The Pops. My dad would give his critique of all the live performances, videos and Top 40 rundown. Which would tend to be a one mild swear word comment. 'honeysuckle' 'crap' etc. My dad is really into his music and has played in bands since he was kid (he's now 65 and still does). I learnt loads about music from him, even if our tastes sometimes differed (there's a lot the same too).

5. Spending time at my Grandma's. Me and my brother used to spend weekends at my (paternal) Grandma's fairly regularly, which we loved because my Grandma would spoil us far more and let us watch the A Team (my Mam wouldn't because it had guns). She used to take us out all sorts of places. She injured her leg badly in an accident and wasn't as active, which curtailed me and my brother spending weekends there. My Grandma nearly 90 now and it makes me sad that she's been in pain with her leg for nearly 28 years now.
nothing really - they say it's never too late to have a nice childhood, so I think I am having it now
Nothing apart from near perfect health. You acquire this and that as you age.

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