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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2011
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My sister dragged me along to the beach yesterday to hang with some people, later on, around 11-ish a drunk guy that had came over and started talking to some of my sisters friends, there were about 9 people with me, 3 girls, the rest guys. At one this drunk threw himself towards my sister, she was sitting on a table, as soon as i saw this i quickly walked to her side of it, and stood there as the guy got up and said he only fell, but i was ready to tear him apart but i was so calm, it felt weirdly good.
It was more that, by doing and thinking this almost all of my pent up anger disappeared silently for some reason.
Probably due to adrenaline, this drunk idiot goes for your sister, or "fell" as he claims. You, as the brother and her unofficial protector moved into action to keep her from harm. Thankfully nothing escalated from there. It's amazing how a moment can make everything else just disappear and seem less important. You were focused on this guy who might try to do something to your sister Maybe this was a lesson for you, a way of telling you to let go of all your pent up anger?

BTW that was great of you to move to protect your sister instead of sitting there watching.
I've had situations that have caused adrenaline to be released before, but this time was different as I said I was calm,which is unlike me in situations like that,the adrenaline usually causes my hands to tremble and my voice to shake but i didn't this time,I was ready to charge him from the side and knock him to the ground the instant he did something,my sister kept saying I 'went into bodyguard mode'for a few minutes after he left. If he had of done it to any of them i feel i would have reacted the same.
When you face your fears, you often find out how strong and calm you can be. This is one of the reasons why I set myself into positions where I must face what I'm afraid of.
Whatever the reason, I felt good because of it. Silently pacing back and forth with a flock of seagulls blasting in my ears to volume down and ready to do anything to protect someone in a split second, if only i was able to be like this all the time, i would be almost overflowing with confidence.
It happened to me. I can describe it as a sudden adrenaline rush and then nothing. Feeling calm and almost at slow-motion. :D It's nice though. As IgnoredOne said if you put yourself in situations you fear, you'll be able to experience this strenght again.
Whenever i've been near a situation i need to i have put my self out there, to help or stick up for someone, this time was the first time it ever happened that way, other factors may have influenced this, i'm trying to work out what they might be and do.
condemnedsoul666 said:
Whenever i've been near a situation i need to i have put my self out there, to help or stick up for someone, this time was the first time it ever happened that way, other factors may have influenced this, i'm trying to work out what they might be and do.

I've done a lot of research on this for myself and the primary factor is really just expectations. If you think about it, in the future, you now will have this 'good experience' to fall back onto the next time that you are nervous or cornered; it gives your subconscious state a certain belief that success is possible.

You will need to build on this, look for other moments of stress to build more success into, so that you will amass enough positive experiences that you can respond effectively and positively in the future to stress.

You're basically adapting your mind, which originally was 'stress = I will be hurt/bad/negative" into 'stress = chance to succeed/good/positive'.

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