What I did versus what I should have done.

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2011
Reaction score
Georgia, US
The title says it all I guess. They say hindsight is 20/20.
Give examples of things you've done in a given situation and compare it to what you think you SHOULD have done, or what you could have done better.

Why bother? The past is the past. Can't change it. Can only change present and future.
I should have ignored John, as in just carried on not really bothering to get to know him. Could have saved myself a whole load of trouble, heartache and £200. I didn't though. I got sucked in and thought I'd found a friend / a guy. A really great one I thought.
the girls that talked to me... I should have invited them to join me on a drink or something... instead of freaking out and ignoring them...

that girl who rejected me, I should have forgot her instead of trying to hang out with her often her friend and get... rejected again.

there is more, maybe I'll post later >.<
If I could have done something differently, I would have dumped my exes way, way sooner!
I think it's good to make mistakes, though. That's how we learn. It's a problem, though, if you keep making the same mistakes over and over. :)

Very touchy matters

all the guilt and shame for the many worng decisions and actions I made.
If the consequence only effected me
it would some what easier to live with.

I cant change the past no matter what.
Hopefully I learned from my mistakes.
if Im fourtunate enough to be able to forgive myself, I can move forward.

Making it right...mending fences with
others is not always easy. Cleaning
up my side of the street. Some will
forgive me, will not.
whats harder is...still cleaning up my mess even if that person had also hurted me.

I must do my part. Im doing that now..
The results...is still up in the air

Hopefully Ill be able to live in my own skin.
Getting Clean, coming clean and living clean.

I love her more than life itself.

Mmmm...but if we continue to resolve our problems with the same mentally or
beliefs....we going to get the same kind of results.

anyway...just alot of honeysuckle going on in my life @ the moment. Trying to deal with it without going fucken crazy..
Jilted John said:
Regret is a wasted emotion.

It's not so much regret as it is realizing that there may have been a better way to handle a situation.

For instance, in the past I realized I should have spoken my mind in more instances instead of running away all the time. It would have saved me a lot of trouble in the long run, but that's the type of person I am. I run away from my honest thoughts and feelings and hole myself up in a corner until I feel better.

I don't regret any of it because there's nothing I can do about the past, however perhaps in the future I'll take a chapter from my life and say, "Yo, I've got somethin' to say and y'all are gonna shut the fresia up and listen to me."
regret can have some plusses like i should have taken a shower or not ate garlic before a date

mistakes can also be good you find out you like something that you bought in error or whatever or have to learn how to fx something or get a better result via a mistake.
i should have never fallen in love or made so many promises.

instead i should have stayed away and acted like just another dick.
fightclub said:
regret can have some plusses like i should have taken a shower or not ate garlic before a date

There are no plusses in regret. Worrying about the past will not get you anywhere. You can never change it no matter how hard you try, and regretting it will only bring you frustration.

To think about the mistakes of the past and learn from them are different than regretting them. Regretting something doesn't necessarily ensure you've learned anything.
Doubt The Rabbit said:
fightclub said:
regret can have some plusses like i should have taken a shower or not ate garlic before a date

There are no plusses in regret. Worrying about the past will not get you anywhere. You can never change it no matter how hard you try, and regretting it will only bring you frustration.

To think about the mistakes of the past and learn from them are different than regretting them. Regretting something doesn't necessarily ensure you've learned anything.

i dont know i think there is something in it I regret not listening to my intuition telling me to get out of a tight spot before its to late, now days that intuition has its volume turned up and if i get a bad feeling I take note as not doing so has cost me dear in the past.


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