When was the last time..

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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A few weeks ago. I think my mum brought me one from a local bakery.

When was the last time you were glad to see someone?
5 months ago.

When was the last time you caged yourself for a long time in your own room?
I ate 5 of them yesterday... um... yeah, diet failure.

When was the last time you stood outside and listened to the birds?
When it was not a flavouring or a constituent part of something else, a long time ago...

and I make home cooked meals all the time, so probably yesterday.

When was the last time you had a sneezing fit?
To answer JSG, about 5 hours ago.

To answer user 130057, i do not remember.

When was the last time your bike was stolen?
Easy for me to answer. When I was 17, so 23 years ago. I know who stole it. I know who bought it afterwards. They're lucky I have mellowed...

When was the last time you actually looked at pages 2+ of this forum?
Couple of days ago. I'm a stalker..

When was the last time you didn't know what to ask a person?
Right now!



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... ... ... ?!

When was the last time you thought you were far more amusing than you actually are?
All the time I suspect! :p

When was the last time you fell asleep watching TV?
Not sure I ever really danced, but I did somewhat at my brothers wedding ten years ago.

When was the last time you were excited about tomorrow?

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