When was the last time..

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Easter weekend many years ago (15+)...it wasnt on purpose LOL

when was the last time you accidentally fell in a body of water
hmmmmmmm. when I was very little and taking swimming lessons. I did t know how to tread water yet - instructor thought I did. My brother fished me out.

When was the last time you had a back rub?
A bicycle- a few months ago. A motorbike- last week.

When was the last time you bought someone a gift?
Last week. I mailed it and they received it yesterday.

When was the last time you gave someone flowers?
A few weeks ago for my friends birthday.

When was the last time you argued with someone?
Too soon ago. I hate arguments.

When was the last time you drank all of the water you are supposed to drink in one day?
Can't remember, it is possible I make it up through over drinks and fruit and veg.

When was the last time you stayed up all night.
It happens all the time. Weird women keep calling my phone at 3am and then hanging up!

When was the last time you laughed at your own jokes?

When was the last time you got ready for work only to realize it was a day off
Never - have gotten to the point of getting close to the shower ...but not ready.

When was the last time you sat under a moon?
almost every night this week

when was the last time you went to a drive in movie ?
user 130057 said:
It happens all the time. Weird women keep calling my phone at 3am and then hanging up!

When was the last time you laughed at your own jokes?

I take offence on her behalf at you calling her weird, she might prefer textually challenged :p
johnny196775Again said:
about 30 years ago

when was the last time you vomited?

About two months ago.

When was the last time you lost your temper, good and proper.

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