Where is god?

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Well-known member
May 5, 2007
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thanks to God, im now the loneliest person on earth.

the causes of my loneliness are all random circumstances that have happened by chance... its fuckin great. and its been happening for the past 3-4 years...

does god have a plan for me? if his plan is for me to go crazy, be lonely for the rest of my pointless fuckin life, then overdose myself on drugs, then the plan is working.


WHERE WAS GOD WHEN I DID TRY TO KILL MYSELF? ONLY TO HAVE SOMEONE TO SAVE ME? so i end up in the same fuckin situation like ive always been?

i had to go through it all by myself... all alone, with no one else understanding my pain.

seriously, if God can see this, please improve my life, as i cannot take it anymore.
Just as you found out there was no Santa-claus and no tooth-fairy when you where just a little one, part of the growing up is to also find out that there is no god.

Sereusly do you really believe that if there was one being that could change all this by nothing moor then a wave of there arm he would let he's children suffer in this way? would you let your child suffer this much if you had any? Of course you would not. No parent would.

There for I conclude that if there is a god he is evil or just doesn't give a honeysuckle.

I do believe in something. But not one being that can answer your prayers. It just doesn't add up that there would be a god. I mean what would be the point of a god if there was one? To what I can see even if there is one he doesn't do a lot. So if there is one he can suck my dick!

SighX99, I apologize for my ranting here. Its just I do believe there is moor then we can see and in many ways I am a very spiritual person. But seriously the bible is a crock of honeysuckle. Nothing moor then the worlds best fantasy book.

Stay strong dude. There is a reason to all of this. I well have faith in that. I have to believe there is something for my own sanity.
Bluey said:
If there is a god he is evil or just doesn't give a honeysuckle.
To what I can see even if there is one he doesn't do a lot.
So if there is one he can suck my dick!

This pretty much summarizes what I also think about
"God" as somewhere in my life, I also asked myself the
same questions and also pleaded to god to improve
something. Yet nothing happens, as in fact my life
continues to go downhill with each passing day

Seriously...if god actually gave a **** about us,
would the world be such an unfair, screwed beyond repair place?
Hell no. And that brings us to Bluey´s point.
In which he is either evil and/or doesn´t give a crap.
Am I going to believe in something like that? Hell no.
We can only believe in ourselves, and even that to
only a certain extent.

Cheers =)
I don't know.

I walk my high school GF home on good friday a week before
the prom...She fucken died that weekend.
I got totally wasted for years

My best friend messed my finacee while i was sitting in class.
I really had to get fuked up out my mind.

i used to pray everyday that somehow ..if there is a god, that
god would keep my family together...I love my duaghter so much.
I really, really really got messed up out of my fucken mind after
the divorce.

I was strap to the fucken hospital bed for over a month after a
suicide attemp. I hated life..I hated everything and everyone
that brought me back to life...I got tottally, tottally wasted.
Life was a fucken blurrrrr for a couple of years. I spent all my money
on booze ,dope, woman and whatever the fresia. Another suicide
attemp....the fucken slow version. All of the people that pretended
they where my freinds wern't around after all the dope and money
was gone...I didn't give a rats ass one way or the other.
I was out there...way the fresia out there. Reality sucked ass
and life's on life's term was a major fucken pain in the ass.

I was suckered into attending an AA meeting...I didn't know what the
fresia that was. A hooker friend of mine ran a little scam to get me
into a meeting. Yeah..fucken JC's best freind was a fucken hooker too.
Marry , marry, mother fucken christmas.

SOB talking about fucken god in meetings was the last god **** thing
I wanted to hear...Working the 12 steps was the last god ****
thing I wanted to do.

But I thought I give it try...oh fucken will. Nothing else worked.
I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I sobered up..met a very beautful girl. She loved me so fucken
much it fucken hurted. I live with her for 5 years...She kept telling
me...go back to the fucken meetings even if I was still clean and
sober..I didn't listen. So she left my ass again.
I though god was a fucken major lunatic with bag pranks.

But i went back...Later i started dating. All kinds
of women chasing after my ass..I was single with fucken
money to fucken burn again. Then I got together with my GF.
12 years into this crap...my god **** sponsee messed her.
Not again...not the same honeysuckle..especailly if it was a fucken
god thing ..if I was doing service work and helping anohter
recoverying addict...fresia!!!!..GOD **** IT. i didn't get
clean and sober to have to deal with this crap.

So I figure I love a normy..Will. Jenni fucken died last year.
fresia..fresia..fresia. What fucken gives..and where the fresia
is GOD in all this honeysuckle ? Didn't god know she reminded me so
much my HS gf...WTF ?????

I still havn't had to drink or used over it..but fresia man, i felt
like a fucken lunatic on a good day. I'm hanging on by a piece
of thread at times...

So my ex-gf gave me a hug last night..i don't know what the fresia
that was all about...But i did pray for years for her to hold
me..just hold me. She was a stone cold heartless ***** for years.
Yeah..i guess that's such as fucken mirracle.

Maybe she and I should get back together....I'll fucken relapse, tear her honeysuckle up..
be the devil may care fucken fella for the next 3-4 years.
Have her get down on her fucken knees praying every god **** night..like a fucken lunatic.
Fair is Fair :p

I'm stuck on step #2 again. Somewhere it say..."Seeing is beliving"
err..what the hell did I just witness ?

I don't fucken know....

I can't do the holi roller, mystical being crap at the moment.
I have a sponsor that loves me, cares about me and helping me through all this honeysuckle.
He's not going to use me or abuse me...
He's a doctor shitting money up the wazoo.
He gives me Good Orderly Directions.

Don't drink or use
be grateful
be positive
help others
go to meetings
Read recovery literature.
face my fears
Pray a fucken lot for my fucken ex-gf...even though I'm faking it and just going through the motion.

That's about all i can chew on for the moment.

Most likely he'll throw honeysuckle out of nowhere like..... i have to forgive her next.
Probably the next hardest thing I'll have to do.
I still hate the stupid *****.
Mental, emotional and spiritaul growth probably...And i'm not a fucken saint either.
Ok, my view would be like this. There is god or the Supreme Force (and I have not always believed in him/her, I was an atheist before but came to this inevitable logical conclusion later in life). He isn't evil, he's principally the Creator. Why not evil? There is a lot of beauty in the world, an evil being would never have been able to conceive of all those things. More like he's an observer allowing his creations to play out in their own way, occasionally interfering (through helpers) if something goes way off the original plan. However, yeah, I think any kind of pleading to god is pretty much pointless. So, in that respect, my belief in the existence of God does not make me feel safer or make much difference for me in my everyday life, all the bad (and good) things that are going to happen, are going to happen and god isn't going to bail me out.
I agree with Silvernight. It's not God we can rely on for help. He won't. We're all to insignificant for him to bother with at that level. But I believe there are other "spirits" that we may be able to call upon. Look back on your experiences. When you were homeless, was there ever a time when you look back to and wonder how you made it through that night? I know I had a number of those times. And the person who saved you from your suicide attempt. I know you look at it as interfering, but they must have cared enough to keep you around. I look back at my first two attempts and wonder how I survived. For me there was no human interference. The first one I tried to drive off an old bridge. The car bounced off the old cement rail. A week later that rail collapsed under it's own weight. The second I simply tried driving my Camaro at over 120mph into a bridge support. I wasn't wearing a seat belt and yet I walked away with only an oval shaped bruise on my chest. Something held be back in my seat with such force that the seat broke backwards and I ended up in the rear of the car.
You help yourself (and others) no one said god will help you.
People make life honeysuckle not god, he did'nt help jesus why would he help us.
Personal opinion:

After careful scrutiny, I've decided that "God" is a big dumb orb of energy at the center of the universe that occasionally spits out light and matter. Asking a big dumb orb to care about the organisms that grow out of it's byproduct is like asking the same thing of mold.

I don't know about you, but praying to the occasional mold that appears in the corner of my bathtub doesn't seem to yield much result.

Maybe if I tried latin...

Anyway, having a big dumb orb as our creator isn't all that bad. Really, I think that's the beginning of wisdom. Once you figure out the orb doesn't give a honeysuckle, you can stop petitioning it for help and advice. We help ourselves. God doesn't.
Satyr said:
Personal opinion:

After careful scrutiny, I've decided that "God" is a big dumb orb of energy at the center of the universe that occasionally spits out light and matter. Asking a big dumb orb to care about the organisms that grow out of it's byproduct is like asking the same thing of mold.

I don't know about you, but praying to the occasional mold that appears in the corner of my bathtub doesn't seem to yield much result.

Maybe if I tried latin...

Anyway, having a big dumb orb as our creator isn't all that bad. Really, I think that's the beginning of wisdom. Once you figure out the orb doesn't give a honeysuckle, you can stop petitioning it for help and advice. We help ourselves. God doesn't.

lol Big dumb orb. Love this :D
Silvernight said:
Satyr said:
Personal opinion:

After careful scrutiny, I've decided that "God" is a big dumb orb of energy at the center of the universe that occasionally spits out light and matter. Asking a big dumb orb to care about the organisms that grow out of it's byproduct is like asking the same thing of mold.

I don't know about you, but praying to the occasional mold that appears in the corner of my bathtub doesn't seem to yield much result.

Maybe if I tried latin...

Anyway, having a big dumb orb as our creator isn't all that bad. Really, I think that's the beginning of wisdom. Once you figure out the orb doesn't give a honeysuckle, you can stop petitioning it for help and advice. We help ourselves. God doesn't.

lol Big dumb orb. Love this :D

I've been called something like that before.

Big - yep

dumb - yep

orb - well I'm kinda round and been called an oaf. Close enough.

Maybe I'm God!
LonelyDragon said:
Silvernight said:
Satyr said:
Personal opinion:

After careful scrutiny, I've decided that "God" is a big dumb orb of energy at the center of the universe that occasionally spits out light and matter. Asking a big dumb orb to care about the organisms that grow out of it's byproduct is like asking the same thing of mold.

I don't know about you, but praying to the occasional mold that appears in the corner of my bathtub doesn't seem to yield much result.

Maybe if I tried latin...

Anyway, having a big dumb orb as our creator isn't all that bad. Really, I think that's the beginning of wisdom. Once you figure out the orb doesn't give a honeysuckle, you can stop petitioning it for help and advice. We help ourselves. God doesn't.

lol Big dumb orb. Love this :D

I've been called something like that before.

Big - yep

dumb - yep

orb - well I'm kinda round and been called an oaf. Close enough.

Maybe I'm God!
Dude can I have a truck?

Maybe love?
Hijacc said:
LonelyDragon said:
Silvernight said:
Satyr said:
Personal opinion:

After careful scrutiny, I've decided that "God" is a big dumb orb of energy at the center of the universe that occasionally spits out light and matter. Asking a big dumb orb to care about the organisms that grow out of it's byproduct is like asking the same thing of mold.

I don't know about you, but praying to the occasional mold that appears in the corner of my bathtub doesn't seem to yield much result.

Maybe if I tried latin...

Anyway, having a big dumb orb as our creator isn't all that bad. Really, I think that's the beginning of wisdom. Once you figure out the orb doesn't give a honeysuckle, you can stop petitioning it for help and advice. We help ourselves. God doesn't.

lol Big dumb orb. Love this :D

I've been called something like that before.

Big - yep

dumb - yep

orb - well I'm kinda round and been called an oaf. Close enough.

Maybe I'm God!
Dude can I have a truck?

Maybe love?

I love you man!

Here's a truck to prove it.

Trust me dude, it's eerie, but I've been in all the same situations you've been in man.

There is no God. Worship yourself.
I find it interesting how upset some people are with God even though they're doubting his existence. I spent most of my youth going to church and reading the Bible, but I guess I never came to rely on God as much as others did. When I finally decided to leave Christianity I had no hard feelings for God (or Jesus) - Christianity just wasn't for me and that was that.

I think blaming your problems on a figure you don't believe in is counterproductive. If you want to improve your life you have to get up and do something yourself.
gyneco said:
I find it interesting how upset some people are with God even though they're doubting his existence. I spent most of my youth going to church and reading the Bible, but I guess I never came to rely on God as much as others did. When I finally decided to leave Christianity I had no hard feelings for God (or Jesus) - Christianity just wasn't for me and that was that.

I think blaming your problems on a figure you don't believe in is counterproductive. If you want to improve your life you have to get up and do something yourself.

WOW !!! It's nice to see someone that does"nt believe in god and does"nt blame god at the same time.
If you dont believe in him how could he possibly help you :p
I believe in god but i know he wont help us so save yourself.
God is who or what ever you belive it to be.
Personaly, i think God is a woman with a sence of humour. Why else would a bloke have his dick left out side his body!

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