Who from ALL would you vote for as President?

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Who would you vote for as President?

  • Mintymint

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Barbaloot

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Inanimate Carbon Rod

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 23.8%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2011
Reaction score
Be it in your country or after founding a new one, who from ALL would you vote for as President?
Barbaloot said if elected she would kill all humans. Think of how this might affect your children. I am minty and I paid for this ad.
Barbaloot voted for herself and admitted it. Can you trust such a one? Minty 2012.
Given the choices, I'd vote for myself.


wtf guys
Mintymint says he would contaminate our natural resources by containing duckfaced offenders in our waterways. Protect our Environment. Vote for anyone but him. This campaign message was brought to you by Barbaloot 2012.
Barbaloot is a woman. Voting for her would be like voting for your mom. You wouldn't vote for your mom, would you? Gross.
Paid for by concerned citizens against your mom.
Rod need not resort to hateful acts of competition. Rod speaks for itself. A Vote for Rod is a Vote for Honesty.
Paid for by the United States of Rod
Other is so honest that he doesn't need a name or face. He's just there, willing to serve and give his best for ALL. Please, don't vote for these others with flashy, costly names and faces. Vote for the one man who dares to be so honest that he's (literally) transparent. Vote for Other. This ad is not funded for or endorsed by Other, as he is not actively campaigning for himself due to his complete honesty and upright character/
Rod is bad. Have you ever seen anything good that includes a rod? It's like a cattle prod, or a plunger, a rod isn't a good thing. Prod even has the word rod in it. Have you ever seen a carbon dildo, it would probably give you AIDS. don't vote Rod, it has AIDS. Paid for by nobody, for nobody, and wouldn't be anyone affiliated with Other, or the the other running candidates. This message is only meant to inform, not insult. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Rod, like some other candidates, remains faceless. Speechless. Unable to lie or cheat, for it has neither the mouth nor hands to do so. However, what Rod does have is trustworthiness and dependability our country needs. You see Rod. He is there, standing faithfully at the head of our societies, a beacon of hope and truth where there was once none. Instead of voting for quarreling candidates or a candidate whom one can't prove exists, vote Rod. Rod: A rod you can see. A rod you can trust. A rod who is there for all of us.
Donated by the International Faceless Society for Honesty, Trustworthiness, and Dependability. "We donate because we care."

Unassociated Heckler: Hey, if Other is transparent, how do you know that Other is a man?! :cool:
CITIZENS! The slander-ridden accusations that Other doesn't exist prove that the other candidates in the race for ALL 2012 President are on the ropes! Do you really want an inanimate object to be your next leader? Do we really need another year of mint-flavored controversy and scandal? And the very name BARB reminds one of painful, sharp things that cut and give you tetanus.

To answer the accusations of existence: Other is in a state of uncertainty much similar to Schrodinger's Cat. Other could be alive, Other could be dead, Other could be conservative, Other could be liberal... following this logic, Other is potentially and theoretically ALL THINGS AT ALL TIMES.

What better candidate could there be?

Other than be exactly everything to everyone.

These other professional politicians can't match the simplicity and complexity of Other's very nature.

A vote for Other is a vote for everything you ever wanted. Other 2012!!
Celebrity News Network (CNN) did fact checking with their think tank debate to determine if Minty Mints political ad & statement was true, half-true, or pants on fire.

It was determined to be true.

Barbaloot did say she would kill all humans if elected on ALLf.


mintymint said:
Barbaloot said if elected she would kill all humans. Think of how this might affect your children. I am minty and I paid for this ad.
In these troubled times, do we really need uncertainty? Do we really need a cat whom can either be alive or dead? Vote Rod. Rod is the epitome of certainty. Rod is forever unchanging. Rod is stability. Rod is power.

Rod...is the future!

Paid for By the International Certainty Committee of the Future
I'd have to cast my vote for LimLim....his concern for boob health in the Rant on Nudity thread won me over.

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