Who would you like to thank?

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Who would you like to thank for something they've done for you that you are appreciative of? This can be ANYONE, not necessarily a forum person.

I'll start.

I'd like to thank a friend of mine who is willing to listen to me whine and is willing to give helpful advice. Your friendship means a lot to me and I apprecaite all the times that you patiently listened and tried your best to help. You have the unique ability to turn a bad day, into a good day for me. Thank you!

Disclaimer: Yes, I'm sure a thread like this has already been created at some point. :p
um defiantly marko/ wah

for chatting with me and always stopping by to say hello on my facebook, and making me feel good :D

AngryLoner for talking with me for almost 2 years now :O XD
he was the firstt friend or penpal that i've made here at all

tennisgirl, oceanmist and sollcae for all their kind pms

everyone here and bluey who i miss :(

he was always kind and friendly to me i hope he'll come back soon

van hoolangan for alking to me on msn

the random girl who stopped to cut me lose from my bike the other day, i fear to think as to what i would have had to hae done if it had not been for her,

and for Ashley in g8 for letting me use their vacum and everyone here at ALL for tolertating my random tagents and rants, and for the kind words and hugs for when i feel down


God, for giving me meaning in life.

My mom, for helping me with my medical stuff and being loving and the best mom in the entire universe!

Mark for always being there, even if he is a jerk sometimes. O___o he's still awsummmmmz

Courtney for being bubbly and sweet/manic (which is always so much fun!).

All the people here at ALL who cared for me I was in a very dark place <3 I love you all for being there for me.
umm, my GP, for sending me a letter to go to the clinic straight away, and when i get there, she says under 10 words and then says "that's it."

The week before she said i'm too young to be locking myself away, so she did that to make me get out of my house for a bit :p

It's nice to know someone that doesn't have to care, actually cares :)
Thanks to
-my mother
-the creators of the music/games/etc. that keep me going
-some of my teachers prior to college
-the woman who hired me years ago
-my first girlfriend (a thank you and an apology for the stunt I pulled on her)
New forum member LindaC for posting the thread How to overcome setbacks in life in Essential Articles.

It's strange how one can read the very same thing some days ago, forget it when negativity comes lurking,
then to read the same thing again and be "enlightened" once more.
I should print some quotes and hang around my flat to remind me until it sticks! :)

Ben, because even though it didn't work out with him, he made me believe that it's possible I could fall in love some day.

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