"You don't know about anime or videogaming so we can't be friends"

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2008
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Can you believe that's what someone told me today? Someone who I thought was a dedicated friend.

She wanted to talk about anime and videogames, I'm not into that stuff, so suddenly our friendship is meaningless.

What kind of a shallow, stupid person can't look behind those minor details?

I take comfort in the fact that I'm better off without friends like that.
"Dude! I like (insert sport here) too!" ---> "We should get together and play (insert sport here)"

"I play (insert gaming console here). Yeah? I play (insert game here). I have that game as well!" ---> "Invite me on XBL/PSN/PC Server and we'll play sometime."

Thus, friends.
Yes but there has to be more to friendship than that.
CAS said:
Can you believe that's what someone told me today? Someone who I thought was a dedicated friend.

She wanted to talk about anime and videogames, I'm not into that stuff, so suddenly our friendship is meaningless.

What kind of a shallow, stupid person can't look behind those minor details?

I take comfort in the fact that I'm better off without friends like that.
consider it a favor 2 u that she said that
i think u already answrd ur own q
being more selective in the future could prevent this
Having things in common is good... but I'd imagine you already had other things in common. Otherwise, you wouldn't have considered this person a friend. So I can understand it bothering you.
Yeah honestly I do find that a bit harsh that she ditched you over 2 hobbies. But you're better off away from picky people like that.
I agree that sharing similar views and interests with someone can be essential in founding a friendship. But some people go way overboard than necessary with the engrossment of their interests to the point of becoming an elitist snob (I need not give examples). Sometimes you just have to constrain your pride and accept a person as they are (if they're really serious about being a friend); even if they don't live the same lifestyle as you.
IgnoredOne said:
Common interests are a large part of friendship.

Well summed up.

Doubt The Rabbit said:
Why are you making multiple threads about the same situation?

Maybe he could not contain his outrage to a single thread. :)
i would never say anything like that to someone, but i usually end up not keeping in touch with someone if they dont share my interests. mainly because i dont seem to have many so when they start talking about one of the many other things i cant really participate in the conversation all that well. also, friends are overrated lol.
Thats not a friend, sure its goid to have somethinf to bond over, but a true friend is someone who wants to spend time with you either way
CAS said:
Can you believe that's what someone told me today? Someone who I thought was a dedicated friend.

She wanted to talk about anime and videogames, I'm not into that stuff, so suddenly our friendship is meaningless.

What kind of a shallow, stupid person can't look behind those minor details?

I take comfort in the fact that I'm better off without friends like that.

Well to me it sounds like your "friend" is a very narrow and shallow person as well as completely self-absorbed, and you are better off without such a "friend."
Doubt The Rabbit said:
Why are you making multiple threads about the same situation?

I'll post about what I like. It's not as if it's affecting you in any way. If you don't like what I post, nobody'd forcing you to reply.
CAS said:
Can you believe that's what someone told me today? Someone who I thought was a dedicated friend.

She wanted to talk about anime and videogames, I'm not into that stuff, so suddenly our friendship is meaningless.

What kind of a shallow, stupid person can't look behind those minor details?

I take comfort in the fact that I'm better off without friends like that.

I want to flip this for a second. What I want to know is the details behind what happened. You said that she wanted to talk about anime and stuff, but you aren't into that. Is that what you told her, did you just brush her off because you have no interest in that stuff so you didn't want to talk about it? Because if that is what happened then I don't blame her.

Now if you do let her talk about that stuff and listen to her, and she just tossed this out of the blue then that is pretty crappy.

I've made friends with people on here and in real life who don't share the same interests. They let me prattle on about my games or whatever, it's something that is fun for me and they get enjoyment about hearing the fun I have. Sometimes they ask questions if they don't quiet understand what I'm talking about. Now that is friendship, when you share each others interests even though you know nothing about them, because you care and enjoy that persons company.
I am posting in this thread to set a few things straight about the person the OP is talking about as I am her friend too.

She had explained to me why she is the way she is, and from that I understood why she was that way with you.

She didn't do that to hurt you purposely. There was no connection between you two. There are other details to that which will remain with her.

She had stated feeling horrible for what she did. Letting anyone go, no matter the reason is never a good feeling. Given your reaction about this, I don't feel a friendship between you two would be a lasting one anyhow. Nothing personal.

Now this is coming from me personally: Let it go, forgive her and move on. There's tons of people here willing to take up a friendship.
And who are you exactly?

Why should I take notice of what you say?

The person in question was a liar. She told me on several occasions she considered me a good friend. Was even willing to let me send a Christmas present over to her when all the time she disliked me.

I bloody despair, I really do.
Being as you replied to said person, you already HAVE taken notice of them.

Sometimes, people just don't click, perhaps this was her way out and letting your down "gently." Not everything is about you, if she doesn't think you have ANYTHING in common, therefore you will not have anything to talk about, I don't see the point in having her as a friend anyway.
I have friends that talk about games and anime all the time, they know I'm not into them. I talk about things they aren't into as well. BUT, we have other things in common, therefore, we make concessions with each other.

Get over it.
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