Date a girl in Lonely Life?

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I do not want any internet gfs no matter how good looking, or wonderful people are here. Granted I haven't experienced much since I been here aside from some fun conversations, and the word association game. But internet dating is for rich people, who in general do not need the internet to date in the first place because they are rich. The poor and middle class must hunt down those close to them.
Squishy_Brian said:
Lol true love exists in fairy tales... Anyone here wanna take a census?? I have a feeling there are more guys on here than girls anyway.

actually I would say its about 50/50

Its not a dating sight are a night club you see where normally its 90% guys and 10% girls.
okay Date a girl in Lonely Life? well if she lives near to you n likes you.. sure..

If not depends on what you mean by date?
Okay My first boyfriend was someone who I met through a friend of mine. he was in some of my classes at school. He had normal friends and a normal family.. yet everything he told me about himself; everything I thought I knew about him ..for months was a lie. This guy and I were on a phone plan which allowed us unlimited calling and texting.. he was the first person I spoke to every morning and the last person every night. To this date I have never spent as much time with any other male (besides my brother) than I had with him. For months.. I believed a story about him which was entirely untrue. He is the best actor that I know. He cried real about something which was a lie. This guy was in a seven year relationship with another girl during the months that we were 'girlfriend/boyfriend'. I met his entire family as his girlfriend (OR so I thought cause he was skillful enough to make it seem as though he had told them that I was his girlfriend).

That being said.. trust is pretty important but I could meet someone online and have them tell me the honest to God truth about themselves, and I can meet someone in real life and have them say nothing but lies.. forget what the odds are!

To me relationships can be valued for what they are worth...if u meet someone online and they keep you company and make you feel sparks or whatever then build a relationship with them.. in all relationships just be honest about what you want n stuff. In online one's look out 4 scam artist .lol in real life one do the same. At the end of the day all you can do is be skeptical and have faith n it's contradictions.

as for if you can date a girl on alonelylife?
who? does she live near you? what sort of dating do you have in mind.. saturday night ..let's check out this site together???

Okay honestly I think you can meet someone online and have a relationship with them but unless you know them in real life you can't really commit to them. You can intend to commit to them but you have to give the real life relationship a chance b4 you know that you want to commit any other way requires you to trust a person too much.

i think...
19 year old male here. living in Northern California. anyone wanna talk? just pm me.:)
Most of the guys here seem to hate women so I don't really think there's much dating on here.
frey12 said:
I do not want any internet gfs no matter how good looking, or wonderful people are here. Granted I haven't experienced much since I been here aside from some fun conversations, and the word association game. But internet dating is for rich people, who in general do not need the internet to date in the first place because they are rich. The poor and middle class must hunt down those close to them.

I don't get it:D
IDK, I think someone had it right. I don't remember atm who it was, lol. But whether online or in RL dating can be just as hurtful. The only difference is how much time you physically invest in the relationship. Online you invest your mind and inner soul. In Rl you invest those qualities, but also the physical aspects of the relationship. But, truly, isn't what's inside the part that is supposed to matter the most? The whole who u r thing? Whether you meet or type or talk on the phone, if something is going to go wrong, then it will. It may take longer for you to notice in RL tho, because you also have the physical relationship to pull you in and keep you hanging onto to something you know may be totally wrong for you. The odds are the same, only the field the game is being played on is different.
Almond said:
Most of the guys here seem to hate women ...

I suspect it is mostly venting. Most people are a little to rational to condemn half the population.
Minus said:
Almond said:
Most of the guys here seem to hate women ...
I suspect it is mostly venting. Most people are a little to rational to condemn half the population.

I've made a few stupid comments in the past that I look back on and shake my head at. Mostly it was my depression doing the talking for me. I try not to let that happen anymore.

I try to be respectful of the ladies here. As lonely as I am, I sort of feel like it's in poor taste to hit on someone in a loneliness forum.

Besides, no one lives even remotely close to me.

JustLost said:
I've made a few stupid comments in the past that I look back on and shake my head at. Mostly it was my depression doing the talking for me. I try not to let that happen anymore.

I try to be respectful of the ladies here. As lonely as I am, I sort of feel like it's in poor taste to hit on someone in a loneliness forum.

Besides, no one lives even remotely close to me.


On second thought, forget all that. I'm just a dumbass.

Mystery solved.
JustLost said:
JustLost said:
I've made a few stupid comments in the past that I look back on and shake my head at. Mostly it was my depression doing the talking for me. I try not to let that happen anymore.

I try to be respectful of the ladies here. As lonely as I am, I sort of feel like it's in poor taste to hit on someone in a loneliness forum.

Besides, no one lives even remotely close to me.


On second thought, forget all that. I'm just a dumbass.

Mystery solved.

lol I think if you where to hit on someone here then most would be flattered even if they did not take you up on the offer. just as long as its done tastefully of course. Which am sure it would be as you have always been a good egg :)

maybe we should start a dating forum? Would be interesting to see what sort off ppl would visit it. Maybe I well start one myself lol

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