Tired of failing

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TheRealCallie said:
People throwing out insults, after a warning, of course, are typically banned. So, clearly there are no insults running rampant here.

Define "Insult"
Xpendable said:
TheRealCallie said:
People throwing out insults, after a warning, of course, are typically banned. So, clearly there are no insults running rampant here.

Define "Insult"

*******, *****, turdhead, poopybutt, ******, jerk...insults directly targeted at an individual.
Granted, that's not exactly how the dictionary defines the word, but those are what I see (and many others) view as insults.
Yes, people can be rude here, but hey, that's life. People are rude, you might not like it, but oh well.
TheRealCallie said:
Xpendable said:
TheRealCallie said:
People throwing out insults, after a warning, of course, are typically banned. So, clearly there are no insults running rampant here.

Define "Insult"

*******, *****, turdhead, poopybutt, ******, jerk...insults directly targeted at an individual.
Granted, that's not exactly how the dictionary defines the word, but those are what I see (and many others) view as insults.
Yes, people can be rude here, but hey, that's life. People are rude, you might not like it, but oh well.

Dumme Kuh :club:
You will never succeed unless you failure. The most successful people I know have failed a LOT. But, they don't focus on the failure. They learn from it. They learn a lesson, change directions, etc. The biggest failure that we commit is not trying. You are not a failure if you come in last at the Boston Marathon. The real failure is to never try in the first place.
LonelySutton said:
I don't want to do stuff anymore... cause I am tired of failing. Though, truthfully, I have a pretty decent life... and so if someone saw my life they might think it was pretty good.. I feel like it is a disaster. Everything I have tried throughout my life I have succeeded about 75%. I feel tired and sick of trying. I look at my life and feel depressed that I didn't get what I thought I was going to and I couldn't make things happen. So I know that I won't make things happen going forward.

Anyone else feel this way?

I feel like this way fairly often, myself. I too am tired of failing. I'd love to know what success feels like for a change, instead of feeling like my life is one big no-win scenario. I too have some things that I really want to make happen, but sometimes I get paralyzed with fear of being fundamentally mediocre. I really want to get on a different trajectory in life. But I just don't know where to start.

These feelings make it hard for me to get up in the morning, but I also can't afford to just lay in bed and mope, as much as I want to. So I tell myself when I wake up in the morning, "the only way out is through". The only way out is to keep pushing through these failures that are only temporary, and to have faith that one day I will find the success I've been dreaming of. Also, when I feel overwhelmed, like all I can do is fail, I tell myself to focus on one thing at a time and take the smallest possible step forward, the easiest, simplest thing I can do, as long as I'm going in the right direction.

Anyway, I know how crushing and overwhelming these feelings can be, and heaven knows I've been tired of failing for years. But I hope some of these thoughts I shared will be helpful to you. I can really relate.

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