Why do men only like women that are...

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Steel said:
It works both ways, I've known women who were put off by the single parent thing as well.


Then there are the ones that will marry the guy anyway and treat the step-kids like honeysuckle.

Who the hell does that?!
cheaptrickfan said:
Steel said:
It works both ways, I've known women who were put off by the single parent thing as well.


Then there are the ones that will marry the guy anyway and treat the step-kids like honeysuckle.

Who the hell does that?!

People who try to convince themselves it will work. They didn't really want another persons kids in their life, but for the one they love they tolerate it.

As they say, marry the girl, marry the family. Don't always get along?
Despair said:
cheaptrickfan said:
Steel said:
It works both ways, I've known women who were put off by the single parent thing as well.


Then there are the ones that will marry the guy anyway and treat the step-kids like honeysuckle.

Who the hell does that?!

People who try to convince themselves it will work. They didn't really want another persons kids in their life, but for the one they love they tolerate it.

As they say, marry the girl, marry the family. Don't always get along?

Some of them don't even try to tolerate it and treat the kids terribly. There's no call for that.
This reminds me of my mom's boyfriend. He pretty much hates me and I hate him.

Why do I hate him? Because he doesn't love me and would act like I didn't exist. He only likes my mom & hates me and my brother. He is forever trying to drive a wedge between me and my mom and has actually succeeded in getting my brother to go live with my dad. Now that I'm at college he's probably so ******* happy I am gone.

He also speaks in whispers about me when I'm at home. Like saying bad stuff to my mom about me when I'm 20 feet away.


:/ it sucks
I think getting involved with someone with kids would be too much for me. I'm an extreme monogamist when it comes to love - comes from an old world hardcore christian upbringing I suppose, but nevertheless I am 100% find one and forsake all others.

Now Im older, theres no way I'll meet someone who hasn't had past relationships, but mistakes happen. Thing is, when kids are involved you can't think of it as a mistake. If you come to love them, then you are constantly reminding yourself your partner did it with another person, and you have to learn to love that this happened. That's the psychology involved and why It would not be for me, personally.

I feel too many people discard their relationships to move on, don't put enough into them, don't change and grow together. It's an incredibly "loose" age, and for that I hate it.
SophiaGrace said:
This reminds me of my mom's boyfriend. He pretty much hates me and I hate him.

Why do I hate him? Because he doesn't love me and would act like I didn't exist. He only likes my mom & hates me and my brother. He is forever trying to drive a wedge between me and my mom and has actually succeeded in getting my brother to go live with my dad. Now that I'm at college he's probably so ******* happy I am gone.

He also speaks in whispers about me when I'm at home. Like saying bad stuff to my mom about me when I'm 20 feet away.

See, this? This I don't get at all.

If I do eventually get involved with someone who has kids, I can't say for sure that I would love them - maybe I would. However, I would like to think that if I loved that person, I would appreciate the fact that he has children whom he loves and who need his love, and give him his space/time with them.

To try to supplant your lover's children, to make yourself the most important thing in that person's life is an act of extreme selfishness.

Soph, your mother's bf is a ******* ******* for treating you and your brother like that.
Here's all my daughters...I love all them very,very much.
1 is my biological daughter. 2 are step daughters.
I love my 2 step daughters as if they were my own.

mmmm..I'm a daddy. Somewhere along the line I'm not a heartless jerk of a prick...
well..duh, of course I don't want my daughters to be treated like honeysuckle or a sperm bank.

One of my duaghter was rapped by a so call nice guy.
I need to have some quality time with the SOB....

Most people don't know me well enough to make anytype of judgements.

I enjoy sex and I know what love is.

Catharsis said:
If you come to love them, then you are constantly reminding yourself your partner did it with another person, and you have to learn to love that this happened. That's the psychology involved and why It would not be for me, personally.

You don't have to love that it happened, just accept that it did and move on. Take your starting point with this person as a fresh start. You will get nowhere good by comparing yourself with ghosts from the past. Trust me. :/

Catharsis said:
I feel too many people discard their relationships to move on, don't put enough into them, don't change and grow together. It's an incredibly "loose" age, and for that I hate it.

I wouldn't call it a loose age, myself, rather one based on instant gratification. People seem to think that things ought to be ready-made for them, whether it's a frozen dinner or a mate.

It's absurd.

Lonesome Crow said:
mmmm..I'm a daddy. Somewhere along the line I'm not a heartless jerk of a prick...
Most people don't know me well enough.

I know that you're not a heartless prick. xoxo

It's hard being a step parent, you are suddenly going to be thrust into the role of caring for a child who is a) partially grown, and b) not a biological relative. It must be a very stiff learning curve, and isn't for everyone.

Unfortunately, sometimes adults do compete with children for attention.. and this is where friction or worse lies.
Steel, what kind of adults are they???

Hell, they act more like children IMO.

Steel said:
Unfortunately, sometimes adults do compete with children for attention.. and this is where friction or worse lies.

Yeah, try growing up competing with a biological parent for attention.Not fun :p
SophiaGrace said:
Steel, what kind of adults are they???

Hell, they act more like children IMO.


Lol, yes they do. Part of being in a relationship with someone who has kids is accepting that you are not always going to have the top priority on their time.
Catharsis said:
I think getting involved with someone with kids would be too much for me. I'm an extreme monogamist when it comes to love - comes from an old world hardcore christian upbringing I suppose, but nevertheless I am 100% find one and forsake all others.

Now Im older, theres no way I'll meet someone who hasn't had past relationships, but mistakes happen. Thing is, when kids are involved you can't think of it as a mistake. If you come to love them, then you are constantly reminding yourself your partner did it with another person, and you have to learn to love that this happened. That's the psychology involved and why It would not be for me, personally.

I feel too many people discard their relationships to move on, don't put enough into them, don't change and grow together. It's an incredibly "loose" age, and for that I hate it.

FFS...you're 30 years old...get loose already.

I used to go to sunday school too. My father was the dean of our church. I did prently of bible studies.
My father was/is a very strick disciplinrian. I couldn't breath or make mistakes.
Everything had to be perfect or pure..Err that really messed me up mentally and emotionally

errr...wtf. the first time I kissed a girl was summer camp...CHURCH summer camp.
Then I my HS years...the church girls were all innocent cent during the day...I used to go skining dipping with them and
they sitted on my lap while playing quarters getting drunk out of our freaken mind.FFS
Oh ****, we're all going to hell :p
Throw a fucken rock at me FFS..lmao
Marry was a fucken Whore. She was also JC's best freind.
The teachings are in there...it's how you process it and percieve it.
A sin is but a mistake. We learned and grow through making mistakes...Stop judging people becuase we all make mistakes. That's the teaching.

You can sit on the side line all day long becuase you're afraid to get dirty. To make a touch down...You gatta get on the field and play.
Not only that you must play or participate...You'll probably get knock on your ass a couple of times or more. You pick yourself back up and play through
the pains. You give it your best..when or lose...I played football in HS too.
It's call...self dicipline, goals setting and following through, aversity and perseverance. Getting really, really dirty, and hurted with bloode, sweat and tears.
I played an entire season with a sprang angle. It hurted like hell every time I ran or made a tackle. My coach wraped my angle everyday.
He encourage me to go on...try and try again. He gave me a Troyphy at the end of the season.
He was trying to teach me something that I can carry on and apply in the rest of my life.

yes...I'm a tough guy and a bad boy at times.
It some of the reasons some women are attracted to me becuase it's also those triats that I'll work through whatever the fresia life throws at me and at the samething she feels safe with me.
It's also some of the reason why some women will ask me out...they have these same traits. They know what they want and aren't afriad to ask for it or they go for it.
Chelle asked me out....so did Cherry, Jenni, Sheryl, Lois, Tammy, Deena, Lori, Julia, Andrea, Rita, Danille, Misty, Gina, Denise and the girl at summer camp. Just to name a few...
Well fresia...that's a lot of catapillar a guy has to kiss before he fines a butterfly :p
To top it off...**** pastie face hill billies white boys be really hating me becuase I have hawt white chicks chasing me or stalking me...lmao

I know in theory calmer heads should prevail , but sometimes all of that theory gose out the window when you have a guy wanting to pyshcailly fight you.
I don't enjoy fighting...but I'm not afriad to kick some ass or knock some fucken head either if I have to. If had ever had a guy pick on your woman or call her
a btich in public...you'll grasp it. Right, wrong, indifference, even if you get your ass kick or get arrested.....I'll throw some punches.
No one attacks my woman.

If you had ever had a guy come on to your woman and she had informed him in so many different ways "NO" and he still continues to harrass her...
You best step in real fast and tell the SOB to back the fresia off and be tough about it. No negociating or pleading...she did that already.

The pros and cons of being with a hawt babe.
Such as....
Jealousy...I'll save that for another thread. lmao

Here another way to look at it...
If you had ever been with a woman...you'll know a thing or two about house plants and gardening:p It comes with the territory of being in
a relationship...

If you water a plant too much..it'll kill too.
If you leave it in sunshine for too long this too will kill it.

If you put a plant into a small size pottery. This too will minimize it's growth or size.

Sometimes you have to replant into a new and bigger pottery...
If the roots bottom out..this too will kill the plant.
lol, whew. After reading some of the replies on here, I'm so glad my boyfriend doesn't think of me as just a baby-maker that should be ready to have sex at the drop of the hat. I don't plan on having kids. I don't always feel like *******.

He waited a year for me to be completely ready, and I'm thankful he's patient with me... If he wasn't, I think he knows I couldn't be with him. Issues from my past have made it very hard to be intimate sometimes. It sucks.

Whenever I go into panic mode, he stresses he doesn't need sex and that our relationship isn't all about sex. So instead of having sex, we'll just spend time together cuddling, walking, or watching tv until I calm down again.
Just_Some_Dude said:
@ HI

there is nothing impure about a woman who has had sex.

i prefer experienced women. they know what they like, they have experimented and have boundaries and values about sex that are well established, and they aren't afraid to enjoy themselves!

dude, don't rule out non-virgins! that's crazy-ness!


im not against non-virgins, just born-again-virgins with all that abstinence honeysuckle. women with a healthy sexual attitude are awesome.
Blended families can be a Herculean task, even on good days. Unless you are, or have been a step-parent, you can't know the obstacles one must overcome on any given day.
EveWasFramed said:
Blended families can be a Herculean task, even on good days. Unless you are, or have been a step-parent, you can't know the obstacles one must overcome on any give day.

I've seen both the good and the bad: I've seen wonderful, loving step-parents and some who are worse than Mommy Dearest.

Same with the step-kids.

I think that people would avoid a lot of pain all the way around if they just tried to treat one another with love and respect.
cheaptrickfan said:
EveWasFramed said:
Blended families can be a Herculean task, even on good days. Unless you are, or have been a step-parent, you can't know the obstacles one must overcome on any give day.

I think that people would avoid a lot of pain all the way around if they just tried to treat one another with love and respect.

I couldn't agree more...
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