Looking to visit a psychiatrist some day

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2013
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Hey guys, I'm planning on see a psychiatrist hopefully next month before my birthday. As you all know I been dealing with issues because of this one person. I've consistently thinking about what could I have done differently and what could I have had to increase my chances with this person. For instance, if I had a car(http://www.alonelylife.com/showthread.php?tid=28586), would she be more inclined to be in my company. Any then there's this issue(http://www.alonelylife.com/showthread.php?tid=28688). I really just want to vent to somebody who will listen to things more objectively. Even though psychiatrist aren't really known to be that "human", but I guess that helps too.
That's a good idea. I recommend you get a male one, it can get embarrassing to talk about sex with a woman (and eventually you're gonna talk about that).
Felix said:
That's a good idea. I recommend you get a male one, it can get embarrassing to talk about sex with a woman (and eventually you're gonna talk about that).

I'm more comfortable with females since I was and still am surrounded by female my whole life. Thanks for the recommendation though.
Maybe you would be better seeing a counsellor rather than a psychiatrist? The sessions are usually longer and more frequent.
i think you better visit a counsellor as suggested or even a psychologist first before visiting a psychiatrist,because it can bring harmful chemical to your life if you see one and the psychiatrist prescribed a medication to you,think twice

By the way,i had schizophrenia and i am taking antipsychotic,it sucks,probably i am addicted and dependant on it forever
I used to be on medication, Concerta because I have a mild form of autism, I've also been on anti-depressants. Honestly, it probably was the worst time of my life. I'm 19 now, I was on concerta from 13 to 17, anti-depressants from 16 till 17. I just stopped taking everything, because it really messed me up. I've really seen improvements, I used to be hyper active when I didn't take the concerta, much more than before I took it. Now I pretty much dealed with my issues... I don't think I'm depressed anymore, and my autism is pretty much gone I think (at 18 the doctors didn't diagnose me again).

I'm still like, different from others, but I'm not a typical autism patient.

I'm also thinking of visiting my doctor so she can get me in touch with a psychologist tho. I have been trough a lot and none of my friends nor my family (the main cause of my misery at the moment) know it. I don't want them to worry, and I've also always hidden the "fact" that I have autism, because I was very ashamed of it. besides the other issues there's also this girl that I have liked for about 2 years now... And I still do, but I don't think I have a chance, I messed it up... I don't know how to deal with it, a psychologist might be able to help me, and possibly you too. I'd first just talk to a psychologist, they're pretty easy to get in touch with, just see your doctor and tell him/her you want to see a psychologist.
just remember: if you feel very uneasy, most probably there is a very good reason for that, so follow your gut and don't go back. Even with a therapist there must be a "click" of some kind. If they tell you what to do, run. If they never ever speak and just listen (that is the freudian angle) also run. If they start giving you medicines at the first meeting, or after a few minutes already categorize you in a condition, run.

Wish you to find a good one, I was always more comfortable with therapists of the opposite sex, who knows why. Less emotional?

One was actually a psychiatrist, but he always advised me against taking medicines and was very critical against his profession. A rare gem.
I just don't know why would someone lie about me. Especially to keep me away from someone. I hope I can see a therapist soon. They also thought it was suspicious that I was doing something that I normally do. Why do I have to be so lonely?

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