2nd date movie at my place.What did i do wrong?

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Dec 6, 2011
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Hello everyone!I need your advice on this.And sorry for my english.
There is a girl i met 2 weeks ago from a common friend who asked to go meet her and take some notes for him.I did meet her took the notes and after 2 days we met again so i would give her the notes back.We stayed on the street and chatted.When she was about to leave she said to me to text her and go for coffee sometime.
After 2 days i texted her and said there was gonna be a party in our dormitory(we live in the same dormitory with her,but in different buildings)
but she said she had left for the weekend to visit her dentist.We chated a bit and then said goodbye.This was 2 fridays ago.A week ago on tuesday i texted her to say hello and ask if she was back.She replied 3 hours later and apologized for not replying earlier,saying she was asleep.We exchanged 20 messages and i asked her out for the next day on wednesday.
Next day we meet,go out have a long walk,go drink a coffee together and generally we had a great time together and i started liking her.She happened to like horror movies(and i adore horror movies) so i asked her to go watch a movie together-without any ultirior motive to bed her or anything.She said :Why not,we could arrange it sometime.This on wednesday.
Next day i decide not to text her cuz i didnt want to rush things.So i text her on friday and ask her if we'll see that movie after all.She replies i'll tell you tommorow.I reply if i should at least get a movie for tommororw and she said yes get one.
On saturday i was waiting all day and she wouldnt send.When it was like 21:30 she texts me and asks what im doing.(At the time i was thinking that maybe i rushed things and did wrong to ask her watch a movie together at 2nd date,and felt a bit bad.)I replied im at my dormitory and just relaxing and asked what she was doing.She replied nothing so i asked her to meet outside my dorm and we'd decide what to do-watch a movie or go for a walk.She said i prefer to watch a movie.She comes in 5 mins and we watch the movie and generally had a great time and i tried to make her as comfortable as possible,since she was first time in my room.After the movie i thought what to do(she was still with me):Go and kiss her or dont kiss her so she wouldnt think i want only to bed her.I decided not to,and do it on our 3rd date.She said thanks for the movie and left.
Next day(sunday) i call her at 15:00 and she wont pick up.I text her after 10 min and ask how was she.No reply.I didnt know what was wrong.I didnt call again,nor texted.
Next day on monday while i was finishing my lunch at the dormitory restaurant i noticed her sitting 2 tables away from me.I look at her and the moment whe looked at me i smile and greet her and stand up and go sit with her.She was sitting with her best friend,whom i didnt know.I sit next to her friend as the seat next to her was broken(bad luck) and the moment i begin talking(to say hello etc) she takes her phone and leaves,as if to talk(or indeed to talk).It was exactly at the moment i sat there.You cant imagine my frustration at the moment.I was sitting with an unknown person and didnt know what to do or say.I tried to be relaxed (didnt do it well)and talk with her friend.Her friend (female) asked me where do i know her from,where im from etc as i she didnt know anything about me.I was about to leave when she comes back and acts as if nothing happened,said hello said she had lessons later.I was so frustrated from before that i couldnt think,so i said i too had lessons,greeted them and left.
My questions are what's going on?Why didnt she answear on sunday.And yesterday why did she leave the moment i went to her table?And what i should do now?I really like her,and dont know if i did something wrong.Maybe she expected more of me when she came at my place to watch the movie but i DIDNT WANT to rush things since it was only 2nd date.Any advice?And sorry for this lengthy post.
I'm not sure anything is wrong between the two of you. Could be that some sort of personal drama happened on Saturday night or on Sunday, and she was still dealing with it on Monday. Might have been on the phone when she left, trying to handle something related to that.
So what do i do now?Call her again later today and ask to see her?What if she wont aswear again?Text her?Next time we meet im gonna make my intentions known.But we have to meet first..
revanushka said:
So what do i do now?Call her again later today and ask to see her?What if she wont aswear again?Text her?Next time we meet im gonna make my intentions known.But we have to meet first..

If she were interested in you, she would let you know. Don't think it's something to do with you. Try not to take it personally. Move on. f she is interestedt, she will make it clear or seek you out in some way. You will be able to tell by her friendliness. I think if you tell her you like her and she is acting as you say, you may end up feeling embarrassed or rejected. I'd move on and leave it to her to make the next move.
Naleena said:
revanushka said:
So what do i do now?Call her again later today and ask to see her?What if she wont aswear again?Text her?Next time we meet im gonna make my intentions known.But we have to meet first..

If she were interested in you, she would let you know. Don't think it's something to do with you. Try not to take it personally. Move on. f she is interestedt, she will make it clear or seek you out in some way. You will be able to tell by her friendliness. I think if you tell her you like her and she is acting as you say, you may end up feeling embarrassed or rejected. I'd move on and leave it to her to make the next move.

I prefer saying what i feel and then be rejected than not saying anything and then later regreting for not saying anything.
I think that she may be thinking i dont like her or something since so far i havent shown in any way i like her,except from being friendly.
Ok i figured it out.I called her and asked to meet cuz i had something to tell her.She didnt want to and insisted i tell her on the phone.I told her im coming over to your building and she said: cant you understant i cant now?Anyway on the moment i decided to tell her on the phone,that i was interested in her.She said i dont know how you understood it but i am not interested,i am not alone(proly meaning she has a BF).
Yes rejection sucks but now at least i know and i can move on..
revanushka said:
Ok i figured it out.I called her and asked to meet cuz i had something to tell her.She didnt want to and insisted i tell her on the phone.I told her im coming over to your building and she said: cant you understant i cant now?Anyway on the moment i decided to tell her on the phone,that i was interested in her.She said i dont know how you understood it but i am not interested,i am not alone(proly meaning she has a BF).
Yes rejection sucks but now at least i know and i can move on..

Ah, I'm so sorry. That is such a shame :(

I know the feeling though. At least you had the courage and confidence to just tell her your emotions, I've not actually managed to do that yet. I can definitely sympathise with that sort of female behaviour though.

Starting to lose track of the number of girls who seem interested in me, then turn out to be sleeping with someone or even have a BF! It's kind of like they're looking for a fling or something. So frustrating.

There must be women who give clear and honest signals out there somewhere, I hope both you and I meet one of these rare ladies at some point! :)

I wish you better luck in the future, well done for confronting her on it.
Sometimes, I worry that people mistake my normal behavior as signals. That would really suck. I'm the sort of person who flirts with pretty much everybody. If I actually am attracted, I tend to just tell the guy.
nerdygirl said:
Sometimes, I worry that people mistake my normal behavior as signals. That would really suck. I'm the sort of person who flirts with pretty much everybody. If I actually am attracted, I tend to just tell the guy.
But if you had a BF and were out with someone you saw as a friend, wouldnt you somehow imply you have a BF?She could do it too but didnt.
Yes she probably was behaving normal and i misunderstood it.But when on Saturday she was at my room and we were talking about photos in general and i told her i was yesterday out and some girls were shooting photos for half hour and she replied startled:The girls were with you?How can i not take this as a sign she was interested???
Well today after 4 years (!!) we live in the same dormitory i saw her where i am parking my moto and she was heading to her room with a boy.Err ok at least she was honest yesterday when she said i am not alone.Now i checked her facebook and she published 2 hours after i told her i like her a song that goes like: how much i loved you,you will never know.Was it about me or she is playing with me?BTW she hadnt published anything since 23rd of November!!I dont know...
@ TheSolitaryMan I wish you too luck.Dont be afraid to say your feelings even if it results in a rejection.There is a wooman out there that may share the same feelings for you.You just have to find her and prove her you are worthy of her feelings..
revanushka ot rossii?

Anyway I'll give my honest opinion, hopefully no one gets offended. If a woman is coming to your house/apartment, just the two of you alone (and you're not longtime freinds), its a clear sign that she wants intimacy (maybe not sex, but intimacy, or maybe just sex). My advice raelly depends on what your goals are, at my age I'm looking for fun, something special, sure if I meet the right person, but mostly fun, but you seem to be looking for something more intimate. In any case, you shouldve been more intimate with her. She probably took it as a sign of mild rejection. Women are usually shy, and expect men to lead. I believe usually if you see something you like go for it (unless the repurcussions are truly great, and not just inside your head). I'll leave it at that, since I could write a lot more, but its not applicable to your case

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