Everyone's perceptions of live is different...its reality. Wheather a person accepts this or not
is up to that indiviual.
Unconditional love, Preference.
Acceptence is a principle...as I understand it to be.
In working the 12 steps program...acceptence is the principle of step 1.
I'm powerless over people, places and things. (Al anon) version of steps one.
The principles of acceptence is still applied to alcoholics or addicts or other 12 steps program.
In a nut shell..people are going to live, belief, act, as they wish to.
By me accepting this..it brings me freedom and peace. I dont feel like I have to
control people, place N events around me...It is what it is. Life happends as it should.
Everything unfolds as it should.
Acceptence of life on life's terms...such as death of a love one can be a son of a *****.
i had no say so over Jenni's death. This as another type of acceptence.
The principle of unconditional love...A parent might have this insight a little bit better.
As a parent...I will always love my children uncondidtionally. Sometimes they act in accordance
of what I belive to be ok..other times they don't. They makes mistakes..take unhealthy actions
or live a life style that I may not aproval of...Never the less I will always love my children.
I have this unconditional love for my children...I don't jugde them for what they do or dont do.
Saperating the person from their actions...rather I would try to consel my children of what
actions r healthy or not healthy. My children are nither good or bad...they simply make unwise
decisions...as Ive also had made myself ..as I develope as a person.
My mother has that same unconditional love for me...she dosnt aprrove of some of my actions,
decisions or life style...Never the less she still loves me unconditionally.
Preference...our beliefs system, morals, values, religion...etc.
Thes are all merely prefernce...
If it's just preference..then one is not better than the other (good or bad)...it's just different.
If we can come from this percipative then the competing, comparing stops.
As for my father...he is like pioson to me. He is still an alcohol in his disease.
Learning to saperate the person from the disease..can be difficult.
My father takes insane actions...
I love my father....I however need to love him from a distance.
I PREFER not to be his fucken punching bag. Those behaviors are unacceptiable/unhealthy to me.
notice i used the word...healthy or unhealthy...not good or bad.
By saperating ourselves from ur actions...we are able to change.
In other words...its still the same priciples as I've written about our feelings...
I'm not my feelings...I have feelings.
I'm not my actions...I take healthy or unhealthy actions.
I'm not my behaviors..I have various behavior patterns.
I'm not my traits..I have various triats.
Acceptence of ourselve...if we can accept ourselves as who we truely are..
with all of our assets and liabilties..our flaws, mistakes.
The good the bad..the evil the beautiful....etc
Without judging or condeming ourselve..then we are able to accept others as they are
with thier flaws and mistakes....
It's the same principle as loving ourselves first...it comes from the inside out.
Once we learn how to love ourselves unconditionally without condeming ourselves for
making mistakes or not acting proper everytime...than we are able to love others
unconditionally as will....We are all work in progress..its all continous grow or developements.
The short version...." Live and let live"
There's only 2 things in life that's a garantee...
1, you're going to die.
2, you must live until you die...
Everything else in between is a chioce (prefernce)