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that depends of course... with who you are in a relationship...
that's why you must be active, so you can find out more about the person you like/love... because time pases and suddenly you'll realize you don't know nothing about the person you have spend so many time...

when you are in a relationship you must be active, give 100% attention... spend a lot of time with that person...
the more you know ...the better... easier to take important decisions (kind of ;)
lonelygirl said:

You said it! I'm married. I love my husband. He's a kind, good man and yet I find myself lonely. I guess it's because, to be honest, my husband is not really an intellectual. I like to think about the big picture and he's more focused on the mundane aspects of day to day life.

I am still lonely, and there are problems in the marriage. We'll see, I hope it lasts!

sometimes love need sacrifices ... you shouldn't think that your husband is dumb.. ( NO WAY ) ... as long as he is your husband... the father of your children ...head of the family... you should pay him attention in those things he is the best (or at least better than you)....
I think you should appreciate and support him all the time.
I really understand where you're coming from LG. I was in a relationship like this too. It's not an easy road. We were mismatched and that made me miserable. There was no intellectual/higher stimulation. For a long time I tried to "cope" because afterall I made a commitment plus I thought she was a good person and I thought I was being unreasonable in my requirements but eventually it just became too much to handle and I had to exit.

I needed more than she could give. I couldn't exist on such a basal level and she couldn't elevate to mine. I really hope it works out for you though. It sure didn't for me.

lonelygirl said:

You said it! I'm married. I love my husband. He's a kind, good man and yet I find myself lonely. I guess it's because, to be honest, my husband is not really an intellectual. I like to think about the big picture and he's more focused on the mundane aspects of day to day life.

I am still lonely, and there are problems in the marriage. We'll see, I hope it lasts!
I actually think I was happier when I was single. I honestly have to say that when I was single - I did not feel as lonely as I do now.
When I was in a unhealty relationship I felt less lonely than now. But anyway, I couldn't keep it up so I think in this case it's better to be lonely.
Im happier single n i know this to be true,but sometimes i do lone for a nice conversation.
There are many, many things I love about being single, but an inert pillow makes a lousy substitute for a warm soft body to cuddle with, and - although it helps - a computer screen can't replace a partner's voice full of understanding and comfort...
unkn0wn said:
lonelygirl said:

You said it! I'm married. I love my husband. He's a kind, good man and yet I find myself lonely. I guess it's because, to be honest, my husband is not really an intellectual. I like to think about the big picture and he's more focused on the mundane aspects of day to day life.

I am still lonely, and there are problems in the marriage. We'll see, I hope it lasts!

sometimes love need sacrifices ... you shouldn't think that your husband is dumb.. ( NO WAY ) ... as long as he is your husband... the father of your children ...head of the family... you should pay him attention in those things he is the best (or at least better than you)....
I think you should appreciate and support him all the time.

I love my husband, but no one is perfect. I try my best. I don't think that the man is necessarily the head of the family! I think both parents should sort of co-rule. lol

Uknown, what's your ASL? Just curious!
lonelygirl said:
unkn0wn said:
lonelygirl said:

You said it! I'm married. I love my husband. He's a kind, good man and yet I find myself lonely. I guess it's because, to be honest, my husband is not really an intellectual. I like to think about the big picture and he's more focused on the mundane aspects of day to day life.

I am still lonely, and there are problems in the marriage. We'll see, I hope it lasts!

sometimes love need sacrifices ... you shouldn't think that your husband is dumb.. ( NO WAY ) ... as long as he is your husband... the father of your children ...head of the family... you should pay him attention in those things he is the best (or at least better than you)....
I think you should appreciate and support him all the time.

I love my husband, but no one is perfect. I try my best. I don't think that the man is necessarily the head of the family! I think both parents should sort of co-rule. lol

Uknown, what's your ASL? Just curious!

i like the PM's ;)

p.s. sorry, but i really want to be unkn0wn.. for a moment.. ok?
I've never been in a relationship, but I agree on both sides.

As husky mentioned (on like the first page :p too lazy to read the rest), it does seem like "being someone's kinda priority" would be nice.

But, not having to worry about someone, or be with them all the time is good too. But liking to be with said person, it seems spiffy. :)
Everything must happen at the correct time: I am single now, and feeling great. Yet, when I had a girlfriend, I felt great about exploring our feelings. She is constantly around, bugging me, but that doesn't mean that I do not appreciate just doing what I want!

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