Am i lonely because im shy, or shy because im lonely?

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Feb 27, 2009
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ive been thinking about this for quite a while.....ive been shy for as far as i can remember, not really lonely, but for the past few years ive barely made friends....(im at a new school now, and now its official. i have NO friends)

while at my new school i was shy. at first i was shy because i had no friends (maybe psychiological problems)....but as time went on, i became lonely because of awkward social experiences due to my shyness.........its weird because i also knew someone who went to that school who was new and was in the same position as me...but then he became popular. how he did it i have no clue. i hate being lonely, especially in class where theres free time and everyone chats together while i sit there pretending to do work. what really scares me is group i HATE those. i usually sit there feeling like i am about to die, as ppl pick there groups until someone notices me and asks me to join, which i would do but then not say a word, probably because i can sense they know im lonely, which makes it even more awkward. i guess the whole reason for my problems is because im at a new school, because at my old one i was shy, but had good friends and classes where i wish i would never leave...even my brother is popular in school.

WTF....oh well its march, only got a few more months till schools out, then its off to university (hopefully i can make friends there)

any feedback or other similar experiences?
oh yes i absolutely hated school. i had no friends. it was the most miserable time of my life.

A university is so much better. you dont have to be social. its ok to each lunch alone. its ok to be alone. no one knows anyone, well, if you go out of state. everyone is a stranger so you get to start over.

just hang in there. as far as social concerns, college is way less stressful. i made a lot of friends in college.
rdos4 said:
bla bla bla

Yeah, I can sort of relate to what you're saying. I've moved around alot and have been in about 10 or so schools. I didn't have any friends at my last school, and none in my new one either. I just don't seem to have much in common with anyone here...all that people my age seem to do is get drunk and take drugs. They refuse to take anything seriously. Besides, they all have their own little groups...getting into one of those would be hard. I don't mind group assignments too much, since I am usually the only person doing any work in the group, and I end up doing all the work, which is pretty fun. The best part of school for me is the work - everything else can go die in a fire.

fresia school, fresia teenagers.
Its kind of unhealthy to go to a institution where you dont feel at ease, 5 days of the week and for most part of the day. I mean school is basicly the main activity of your current life and yet you dont like it there...
I had the same problem when I was in highschool and afterwards I believe I might have better quit, I mean I dropped out the last year, so basicly it was all for nothing. I mean a social life is important. You need to change your attitude and if that isnt working out, maybe get some therapist, I mean you cant go on like this. You need to try to fix it as soon as possible, the younger you are the easier it is to make friends. And if you cant make any friends at school go to some other, or do some sports or get a job. But most of all dont feel depressed. :)
I barely remember school, being ancient, and I was never smart enough for university. But I understand the cycle; shyness makes me awkward so I come across as an idiot in social situations; embarrassing memories of negative social situations make me more shy and awkward.

I sometimes wish I could just switch off from what other people think, then it would matter less.:(

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