Am I the only one who thinks being female sucks?

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May 14, 2011
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I'm new to this forum so I'm not sure where to put this. But for the last few months I have just grown fed up of being female. As far as I see it there is NOTHING great about being of the female gender. I have been dealing with this off and on since childhood and the older the more dissatisfied I become.

I'm just NOT typically female and this can make social situations awkward. Now I'm not a sports fanatic at present but I was as a teenager and people found that strange. I never read love novels or looked at soaps- I just found that to be garbage. Never cared for boyfriends (did care for the sex though but never got any :) )

I hate makeup
I could care less about shoes
I'm not looking foward to having children any time soon
Marriage and weddings do not seem to get my interest
I like a clean house but not too big on decorating. I like antiques though.

I guess I felt that for most of my teenage years and early 20's my mom was sore dissappointed. I see how mothers and daughters look foward to doing things together but with my mother I don't. I've cut off contact with my mother for over a year now and I can say its a bit of a relief. I remember when I would visit her and she would start talking about sewing and cooking and I'd feel bored and uneasy. She would expect me to respond and I'd just mumble a few words. Overall I think my mother just saw me as crazy or wierd. My mother is a housewife and has been for most of her life. I'm a career woman who is far from conservative so we could NEVER see eye to eye.

I lived with my father and brothers since 8 and I chose to do that. I have never regretted the decision. Living with him was not always easy but it was far better than living with her.
I am most uncomfortable around women. 'Small conversation' among women comes as the most uncomfortable thing to do.
So when I just don't respond or show interests in flicks that chicks dont dig I do get the stupid nasty looks. Of course I just put them in their place and show them how dumb I think their interests are.

Then there are the social difficulties and expectations I have to deal with.
My safety for instance. I can't jog at night or there is always some sicko ready to vent some sexual harrasment on a daily basis. Men always assume I am so called typical and act accordingly. They don't understand when I say no I mean no and I'm not just playing or being hard to get. That just because I talk to you nicely it does not mean I'm interested in you. I'm just nice. If I were interested I would tell you which I have which scares men off. I remember once the boss' son had a huge crush on me. He'd offer these lame pick up lines and get his words mixed up like some lovestruck 10 year old.For 3 weeks we were on an audit together and he kept doing this. Now I wasn't into a relationship but I was sexually starved. So I confronted him on it. First he was taken off guard but I was like 'look if you like me just say so'. He admitted he was in a long distance relationship and it would have to be discreet. I had no problem with that but thing is I told him to be prepared when I have other partners too. The day to meet me came and he NEVER showed up. Admittedly I still got some action that day anyway but I couldn't help but wonder if he really expected me to sit around and wait on him while he had sex on the own. The nerve!

Lets not even mention when you tell guys you're not into a relationship and just out for fun. They tell you yes first then seek one anyway thinking that youre just a 'typical' female playing some game or that eventually you'll 'come around' and look for a relationship because 'naturally' thats what you want. When time passes and they realise it will never materialise into anything else they get angry with you for just not being what they think you should be. WTF!

People assume I have kids or want or am looking forward to weddings. When I say no I dont have kids usually men would ask 'what are you waiting for' to which I reply 'who the hell said I wanted in the first place?' I get this all the time. Now its not that I dont like kids. I just dont have much patience with them especially when they are rude. I have 2 nephews who I love and adore and I'm beginning to think thats enough for me.

Lets not mention when men treat you in a dismissive manner when you give some type of info on something he knows nothing about. They usually then ask a guy friend who either gives him the same info you gave or something halfway decent. My boss did that to me once and I have never forgotten it. I lost all respect for him that day.


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