Are you a loser who enjoys upsetting people?

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Under the dirt, that’s my home ⚰️
Jun 19, 2021
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I mean, I am far from a sensitive flower, I love a bit of banter and a laugh,
I am the first person to pull a bit of fun online, but I always make sure it's with people that appreciate it,
(Well aside from Ardour, he has to put up with it because I cant help it with him lol). But in all seriousness,
Have you guys found people have no manners on the internet, or they want to hurt your feelings because well, why not?
Typically, it's usually people who would/could never speak to me IRL. It may sound bad, but I am sure they even consider themselves below me...
So my brother posted a picture of us together and some of the comments were soo mean, started with women saying mean things and then a few guys.

The comments were like, would be a nice pic if Ceno wasn't in it, Idk it kinda hurt my feelings, I am so kind to people yet they always find a way to piss on my grave.

So anyone on here like that? Just get off on saying horrible honeysuckle to people ? Or anyone experienced this before?
My witty sarcastic humor is more of a generational staple. Daria was my favorite cartoon as a teen:


I mean Hell, I'm still playing late 90's - early 2000's video games. 🤷‍♂️

If someone ACTUALLY bothers me on the internet, I will just point blank tell them they even failed at trolling in life and just shrug it off.

I don't think trolls realize that their troll-ish aspects are also part of a Manufactured Personality (yes. that's a proper term). Typically once you introduce them to that, it puts them in a "put up or shut up" position, which is exactly why I handle it that way: I'm kind of a no bullshit kind of a guy in that I have absolutely no respect for, well, people who just arbitrarily have absolutely no respect. 🤷‍♂️😅

I can't just live in my feels like that. I really don't understand how anyone can. I get that people have bad days, but there are unfortunately people who are so incredibly glued into what's trending and so hopelessly addicted to dopamine that they actually don't understand that it's a behavioral control problem in their lives resulting from a lack of personal internal management.


I'll just flip the script on a troll over my A.M. coffee the way parental figures casually flip through the newspaper over breakfast.

I don't really let much on the internet actually effect me. Usually I can catch myself in the moment of it and decide I need to go touch grass. (y)
I'm so sorry that happened to you. But, it doesn't surprise me.
Hurt people, hurt people. There are a lot of hurt people that can't control themselves.

I'm not an attractive person. So, the times I posted my picture it was machine gunned. It really hurts because it's something I can't change. It wasn't this site.
Just steer clear. I avoid the drama people. That being said, I oftbcome off as a jerk who wants to hurt other people's feelings. Ppl don't enjoy bluntness or hearing views opposite their own anymore.
As a fellow Brit i love the sarcasm/harsh banter you can have with someone who knows you well and it really shows true friendship 😂 . But even though the internet has some great aspects, it has it's fair share of arseholes who enjoy shitting all over you from behind a screen for no reason. Usually people make comments about people's looks etc to make themselves feel better or they are just a prized twat and they most likely wouldn't do it to anyone's face. In my experience people have said honeysuckle to me, i've said something back and they say i am a bad person etc which is truly ridiculous. Don't say things if you can't handle retaliation. Btw, you are a very attractive woman so i'm not sure why they'd say you'd ruin photos😅
My witty sarcastic humor is more of a generational staple. Daria was my favorite cartoon as a teen:


I mean Hell, I'm still playing late 90's - early 2000's video games. 🤷‍♂️

If someone ACTUALLY bothers me on the internet, I will just point blank tell them they even failed at trolling in life and just shrug it off.

I don't think trolls realize that their troll-ish aspects are also part of a Manufactured Personality (yes. that's a proper term). Typically once you introduce them to that, it puts them in a "put up or shut up" position, which is exactly why I handle it that way: I'm kind of a no bullshit kind of a guy in that I have absolutely no respect for, well, people who just arbitrarily have absolutely no respect. 🤷‍♂️😅

I can't just live in my feels like that. I really don't understand how anyone can. I get that people have bad days, but there are unfortunately people who are so incredibly glued into what's trending and so hopelessly addicted to dopamine that they actually don't understand that it's a behavioral control problem in their lives resulting from a lack of personal internal management.


I'll just flip the script on a troll over my A.M. coffee the way parental figures casually flip through the newspaper over breakfast.

I don't really let much on the internet actually effect me. Usually I can catch myself in the moment of it and decide I need to go touch grass. (y)

Too true, I usually just call my bestie for a phone call telling each other how great we are 😅 I just hate that people are such cowards in real life, come say it to my face darling… if you’re sooo edgy… no? Eh maybe im too old school lol but i’d never do to them what they do to me.

A lot of angry people spend too much time online, or seek approval from whatever tribe/subculture they're in by judging anyone perceived as outside of that.
I just dont get it 😅 whats there to be sooo angry about, maybe im too privileged to get it?
Just steer clear. I avoid the drama people. That being said, I oftbcome off as a jerk who wants to hurt other people's feelings. Ppl don't enjoy bluntness or hearing views opposite their own anymore.
I hate that bluntness and opposite views are often misconstrued as rudeness. Sometimes I happily post my opinion to find that what I think is simply not allowed lol
As a fellow Brit i love the sarcasm/harsh banter you can have with someone who knows you well and it really shows true friendship 😂 . But even though the internet has some great aspects, it has it's fair share of arseholes who enjoy shitting all over you from behind a screen for no reason. Usually people make comments about people's looks etc to make themselves feel better or they are just a prized twat and they most likely wouldn't do it to anyone's face. In my experience people have said honeysuckle to me, i've said something back and they say i am a bad person etc which is truly ridiculous. Don't say things if you can't handle retaliation. Btw, you are a very attractive woman so i'm not sure why they'd say you'd ruin photos😅
Yesss you get it! Maybe its cultural lol I think knowing that Its all on screen bravado is what makes it so annoying lol and awh cheers 🥺
I hate that bluntness and opposite views are often misconstrued as rudeness. Sometimes I happily post my opinion to find that what I think is simply not allowed lol

I hate that bluntness and opposite views are often misconstrued as rudeness. Sometimes I happily post my opinion to find that what I think is simply not allowed lol
I relish it. Reminds me I'm different.
Be a helluva boring world if we'd be all the same, I reckon. But I never post in an attempt to convince others. Folk will always do what they will, push comes to shove. The goal is to have them entertain different ways of thinking. But some people's opinions do carry more weight than others. Seems everyone these days has a tale to tell, but ain't that many necessarily worth the bother to listen to.
I relish it. Reminds me I'm different.
Be a helluva boring world if we'd be all the same, I reckon. But I never post in an attempt to convince others. Folk will always do what they will, push comes to shove. The goal is to have them entertain different ways of thinking. But some people's opinions do carry more weight than others. Seems everyone these days has a tale to tell, but ain't that many necessarily worth the bother to listen to.
Lol I just cant help it, I think what I think, but I like to hear what others think despite it being different to my perspective. 😇
Well no because doing this solely to hurt people is called: sadism. And that's something psychopaths do and tell you what - I've looked up the symptoms of psychopathy and I lack most of them (narcissism, constant lying, alcoholism lol etc). Yet I like to point out the flaws in the absurdity of left-wing/right-wing politics or more like "American/western" wing division of views which doesn't sound too logical a prima vista...yet given how stupid some of these people are it's not too hard to say anything against Putin, Biden and their supporters and end up correct.
I mean, I am far from a sensitive flower, I love a bit of banter and a laugh,
I am the first person to pull a bit of fun online, but I always make sure it's with people that appreciate it,
(Well aside from Ardour, he has to put up with it because I cant help it with him lol). But in all seriousness,
Have you guys found people have no manners on the internet, or they want to hurt your feelings because well, why not?
Typically, it's usually people who would/could never speak to me IRL. It may sound bad, but I am sure they even consider themselves below me...
So my brother posted a picture of us together and some of the comments were soo mean, started with women saying mean things and then a few guys.

The comments were like, would be a nice pic if Ceno wasn't in it, Idk it kinda hurt my feelings, I am so kind to people yet they always find a way to piss on my grave.

So anyone on here like that? Just get off on saying horrible honeysuckle to people ? Or anyone experienced this before?
I think you kinda have to be thick skinned on the internet, it's all to easy for people to poke fun, insult, or generally hurt people on the net without regard. On top of the anonymity of the internet, even though we're all "connected" there's a huge disconnect, and It's sad to say but because of this a lot of people (Of course; not everyone) don't really care about others they speak to.

Context is also a factor, especially where people have poor grammar or expression in their sentences, it's easy to take something the wrong way.
Mostly you can just block or ignore(like an option on forums) trolls. There are some people who surf internet or social nets to comment like this.
Probably they have a lot of free time and lack of meaningful thoughts. It's unpleasant of course try not to pay attention to them.
Like wit the kids, you know, sometimes kids don't have enough attention. And if to get a negative attention is easy they begin do to provocating things. Maybe those people had a difficult childhood and are used to get attention by any means.
Mostly you can just block or ignore(like an option on forums) trolls. There are some people who surf internet or social nets to comment like this.
Probably they have a lot of free time and lack of meaningful thoughts. It's unpleasant of course try not to pay attention to them.
Like wit the kids, you know, sometimes kids don't have enough attention. And if to get a negative attention is easy they begin do to provocating things. Maybe those people had a difficult childhood and are used to get attention by any means.
Yeah you're so right, wish I didn't have to deal with such mean people... it's suffocating sometimes.
Ok, so if we are talking complete strangers, I think that the internet breeds one of two kinds of people.

Those that sit there hiding behind their keyboards set out to cause as much pain and misery to as many as the can just because they can, maybe they get joy and a feeling of purpose when tearing someone else down, maybe they were bullied themselves and it's there way of getting back at the world, who knows.

There are also those who sit there hiding because that's one of the only ways that they truly feel comfortable interacting with others, with nothing but good intensions or be it to seek help / support or even offer it.

By that I mean that I am sitting here, none of you can see me, none of you are judging me by the way I look, you're just forming an opinion of me and treating me but what I have to say. Maybe it's just a way for me to deal with my own insecurities, but I certainly am not here to upset anyone so if I do, pull me up on it, call me out on it.
Ok, so if we are talking complete strangers, I think that the internet breeds one of two kinds of people.

Those that sit there hiding behind their keyboards set out to cause as much pain and misery to as many as the can just because they can, maybe they get joy and a feeling of purpose when tearing someone else down, maybe they were bullied themselves and it's there way of getting back at the world, who knows.

There are also those who sit there hiding because that's one of the only ways that they truly feel comfortable interacting with others, with nothing but good intensions or be it to seek help / support or even offer it.

By that I mean that I am sitting here, none of you can see me, none of you are judging me by the way I look, you're just forming an opinion of me and treating me but what I have to say. Maybe it's just a way for me to deal with my own insecurities, but I certainly am not here to upset anyone so if I do, pull me up on it, call me out on it.
You know thats an interesting theory, I was bullied a lot, still am in some ways, and all I've ever wanted to do was make people laugh, offer support and well just try to give the kindness I struggled to find... however, online, it can be easy for me to lose myself a little, say something out of turn that I'd never say face to face just because someone annoyed me a little, so I always try to remember that real people sit behind these screens and I chill out before responding.

I personally haven't been upset by you and if anyone has an issue, they could quickly pm you and sort it out peacefully as thats the best and most supportive way to go about things 😇 ✨
You know thats an interesting theory, I was bullied a lot, still am in some ways, and all I've ever wanted to do was make people laugh, offer support and well just try to give the kindness I struggled to find... however, online, it can be easy for me to lose myself a little, say something out of turn that I'd never say face to face just because someone annoyed me a little, so I always try to remember that real people sit behind these screens and I chill out before responding.

I personally haven't been upset by you and if anyone has an issue, they could quickly pm you and sort it out peacefully as thats the best and most supportive way to go about things 😇 ✨
Sorry to hear that you were bullied a lot (and still are), it really does suck doesn't it.

I got a lot of name calling in my younger years, and while none of it was ever physical, names hurt just as much and I would say have a lasting impact, especially with confidence. I kind of got used to it in the end and learnt to ignore it, it was mostly repeated names and I kind of wishes that they would come up with something new and original.

I'm glad that I haven't upset you thus far, (I haven't really been here that long or said that much yet) but as said it's not my intention to upset anyone.
It's the internet, nobody cares about feelings and everyone behaves how they want to. Just have to deal with it and nobody can be bothered to care much about what some people have to say these days. But I also have met great people with whom I still have contact with online.

>do you enjoy upsetting people

I can shitpost, have fun or have civil manners and be nice, or become nasty and hurt other toxic people's feelings when they're being ********. But I'm always nice with people as a first thumb rule.

The word counter of people telling me to go kill yourself and other gorillion insults to me might be over a million at this point. I feel nothing, sometimes I piss them more off for fun.

"if you weren't on this pic it would be better.." - I would think,

honeysuckle yourself crying about it lole, I'm not going anywhere. If the own brother likes and wants it to be like that it doesn't matter what some random tard behind his monitor says otherwise. It'd be better for you to drop my ballsack into your mouth to clog all of that honeysuckle coming out.

And throw it back at them in a more polite way since it seems it's among locals to not make you look like a complete cock aming real life colleagues.
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