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Nov 6, 2011
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The automatic system we have in place dose not work.

Can a mod un-bane me plz.

I well also PM bjarne about this when I get my account back as I know its not the mods fault this keeps happening.

PS in case you don't see my signicher its Bluey
Ya, man. The forum is messed up. It is like this to try to stop spammers.....

Why do you make me think of Popeye?
Ye I know. But even though am sure the automatic system that's in place helps stop spam its just not acceptable that it banes normal members for trying to post normal things.

Honestly I just spent over 10 minute typing something out for it not to be posted and to be banned a second time and with no warning at all.
That really sucks. That is one of those things that really can tick me off. I usually use copy alot. Just in case. Select all and copy.

If I lose something I type generally unless short, I just walk away and that is the end of that.
I know how to copy things man lol

I just did not think I had to in this case but well. just one of those things.
But still doesn't change the fact that we have a system in place ATM that banes normal members for doing normal stuff.
Seems like it bans you for errors in how things are formatted and putting in too many links.
You're not suppose to post after your ban had just been lifted, but PM and shoutbox are fine. I think the mods and Bjarne are doing what they can to filter spam and still provide the forum protection. I'd rather be banned once in awhile than deal with those spam threads. It's a free site and all threads are open for everyone, so I am thankful of it, even if it has glitches once in awhile. If a new spam filter would be the greater choice than akismet, I think the owner would have installed it by now.
I have no idea why it banes ppl.

The first time I got baned a few days ago I was trying to quote a post with 2 links in and I was also posting a link myself.

This time I wasn't even quoting anyone and there where no links or anything like that.

I was just simply positing onto a thread.

floffyschneeman said:
You're not suppose to post after your ban had just been lifted, but PM and shoutbox are fine. I think the mods and Bjarne are doing what they can to filter spam and still provide the forum protection. I'd rather be banned once in awhile than deal with those spam threads. It's a free site and all threads are open for everyone, so I am thankful of it, even if it has glitches once in awhile. If a new spam filter would be the greater choice than akismet, I think the owner would have installed it by now.

You cant have a system where normal members gets baned.
I am pretty sure the owner of this sight would agree with me.

Am sure he would agree that he tried something and it did not work.
Nothing wrong with trying something new. I would rather him try this stuff but at the same time if it don't work then he needs to try something else or revers it to how it was be for. I am pretty certain he would agree with me here.
It doesn't ban for links. I don't post links and have been banned 11 times so far.
Callie said:
It doesn't ban for links. I don't post links and have been banned 11 times so far.

11 times :eek: that's just not acceptable.
floffyschneeman said:
You're not suppose to post after your ban had just been lifted, but PM and shoutbox are fine. I think the mods and Bjarne are doing what they can to filter spam and still provide the forum protection. I'd rather be banned once in awhile than deal with those spam threads. It's a free site and all threads are open for everyone, so I am thankful of it, even if it has glitches once in awhile. If a new spam filter would be the greater choice than akismet, I think the owner would have installed it by now.

Bluey is one of the oldest members of this site....

Who are the first 10 members, do you know Bluey?
Pluto said:
floffyschneeman said:
You're not suppose to post after your ban had just been lifted, but PM and shoutbox are fine. I think the mods and Bjarne are doing what they can to filter spam and still provide the forum protection. I'd rather be banned once in awhile than deal with those spam threads. It's a free site and all threads are open for everyone, so I am thankful of it, even if it has glitches once in awhile. If a new spam filter would be the greater choice than akismet, I think the owner would have installed it by now.

You cant have a system where normal members gets baned.
I am pretty sure the owner of this sight would agree with me.

Am sure he would agree that he tried something and it did not work.
Nothing wrong with trying something new. I would rather him try this stuff but at the same time if it don't work then he needs to try something else or revers it to how it was be for. I am pretty certain he would agree with me here.

I know, I agree with you too. But I am just confident that the owner is doing the best he can and will do the best he can. As members, we can PM him to suggest something but not complain.

Skorian said:
floffyschneeman said:
You're not suppose to post after your ban had just been lifted, but PM and shoutbox are fine. I think the mods and Bjarne are doing what they can to filter spam and still provide the forum protection. I'd rather be banned once in awhile than deal with those spam threads. It's a free site and all threads are open for everyone, so I am thankful of it, even if it has glitches once in awhile. If a new spam filter would be the greater choice than akismet, I think the owner would have installed it by now.

Bluey is one of the oldest members of this site....

Who are the first 10 members, do you know Bluey?
How is that relevant? Does that mean he/she has a more important status than any new members. I find this very disturbing.
Indeed, while it is a pain in the ass, it does get rid of A LOT of spammers. It got to be quite atrocious there for a while and the filter has stopped most of it. I'd honestly rather have the inconvenience of being occasionally banned than having to wade through all that spam.

I also wonder why the fact that Bluey is one of the oldest members is relevant. He is no more important than anyone else here (except maybe the spammers).
I think what Skorian is trying to say is that I have a better then average knowledge of this sight as I have been here from nearly the start and used to be Admin of this sight for over a year. He did not mention that as he may have thought I did not wont it to be such common knowledge as I resigned from the post a long time ago.

I also know that the owner of this sight as much has he has a very good knowledge of how this things work, Much much better then my self but he dose not have nearly enough time to put into this place as what he should have.
So I am aware that he may not know the problems we are having here.

Every active member here should have equal say in how this place is run but some do have a better knowledge in how things here are run then others.

I have mailed The Bjarne BTW so hope he dose something about it when he gets around to reading the mail.
Bluey said:
I think what Skorian is trying to say is that I have a better then average knowledge of this sight as I have been here from nearly the start and used to be Admin of this sight for over a year. He did not mention that as he may have thought I did not wont it to be such common knowledge as I resigned from the post a long time ago.

I also know that the owner of this sight as much has he has a very good knowledge of how this things work, Much much better then my self but he dose not have nearly enough time to put into this place as what he should have.
So I am aware that he may not know the problems we are having here.

Every active member here should have equal say in how this place is run but some do have a better knowledge in how things here are run then others.

I have mailed The Bjarne BTW so hope he dose something about it when he gets around to reading the mail.
Telling you about this site....

Bluey is much better at mind reading then alot of folks...
Skorian said:
Telling you about this site....

Bluey is much better at mind reading then alot of folks...

Skorian, you don't know every member here, and you can't be too confident with your judgment about each. I think that no one is above anyone, specially in this forum. This is a forum for people who feel like they can't fit in the real world and you implying that some don't have the capabilities or understanding than some members just cos they're new members isn't really helping at all. I found your comment insulting, but I don't know you and you don't know, so *shrugs*

Also, the reason why I commented on this thread is that I thought that the mods should have at least a bit of appreciation that they are trying their best to unban people as soon as possible. Cos everyone is ticked off with this inconvenience, and I think if it's really a big inconvenience in your part, then better PM the mods or owner who can help you directly. Of course a thread to propose a better filter system would also be helpful as we never know, we might have some members here (even ''new'' members) who knows a lot more about security systems. That's what I thought, and sorry for stepping on your lines. (d)
Skorian, you better leave mah floff alone. (d) you have no right to decide who is more important than who.
Now come on guys. No one is saying anyone is moor important then anyone XD

We all got here for the same reasons. Including the mods and the admin.
The only guy that did not come here for the same reason is the owner.
He made this sight cos of a thread on another sight that got started fro ppl being lonely.
He sew a need for a sight like this and made it. Where all grateful for that am sure. And who knows maybe he too is lonely.
Maybe he even posts has a normal member. But hay, We all have this in common so should pull together and have your opinion on a place that means so much to us all. Am sure we would all agree in our dark times this place can help, if only a little sometimes but its helped me take my mind of my own loneliness some times if nothing else.

Also it makes me happy that ppl are passionate enough to have strong opinions about this place.
Shows you love the place :)
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