Being clumsy sucks!

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I know you would not and I was joking around. :)

I just tore up the house & garage looking for a pic to post concerning my alternative mullet haircut from the 80s, but I could not find it.

Found out someone has been taking out the good pictures from photo albums and they are now gone for good.

Do you think someone would take the pics from the worst day of my life - the day I got married - no - probably because they were in garage buried under piles of stuff.

MissGuided said:
Bones said:
Are you really trying to call me an idiot, MC Hammer, or the dude below? :p

Absolutely not - I would never do such a thing. But....please tell me that you were rockin' a sexified mullett, too? :D
Locke said:
Bones said:
I know you would not and I was joking around. :)

As was I, my friend. I probably should have added '*sarcasm*' after the 'absolutely' comment.

Bones said:
Found out someone has been taking out the good pictures from photo albums and they are now gone for good.

Aww, maybe you will luck up and find some copies somewhere when you are not actively looking. Either way, I am sure you were totally bitchin'!
MissGuided said:
Locke said:
Hey, parachute pants are slammin', yo! I'm gonna make it my life's work to bring 'em back.

Don't you dare resurrect those! Leave them alone, for the love of all that is good and holy! Some genius already brought back leg warmers and that stupid Dexy Midnight Runner overalls fad...I can't take any more.

Aww....fine. Break dancing isn't going to be nearly as much fun without them though.;)

LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
I ate at a hospital a few days ago. I had a fountain drink. When I went to pay, I over-tipped the whole thing so that I ended up with half the food on the floor, and the drink spilled all over.

I wasn't happy, and neither was the guy working there.

But I suppose I'm lucky, because I'm not as clumsy as I used to be. I used to be terrible at spilling things.

I'm sorry man, at least it was only hospital food!

Bones said:
LOL - No, it was probably because I was playing pinball, misplaced it, and to drunk to find it which equals someone stole my crutches - I was there at the bar from early evening in which it was not to cold at the time but turned nasty before closing time - i did a lot of stupid stuff in my college years and never let your kid(s) see your college pictures - my daughter gives me grief over it because i always had a beer in my hand.

I was only joking . I did a lot of dumb stuff in college too. I feel bad about it, since college was mostly paid for with scholarship money. I should have concentrated on learning. But I also miss being able to get away with most of that dumb stuff. Being an adult sucks sometimes.....
MissGuided said:
...Either way, I am sure you were totally bitchin'!

Sure was! ;)

By the way, how do you know so much about the 80s?

My friend and I in Junior High went to the mall with my parents and we bought a white hat with blue lettering on it that said: bitchin!

My parents were not too pleased - lol.

Locke said:
I was only joking . I did a lot of dumb stuff in college too. I feel bad about it, since college was mostly paid for with scholarship money. I should have concentrated on learning. But I also miss being able to get away with most of that dumb stuff. Being an adult sucks sometimes.....

Yeah, I partied way to hard too and did not fully turn around until graduate school finally achieving my first 4.0 in college.

My favorite part of college; and still to this day, is signing country roads after every football game - win or lose - its a great experience.

(umm, I glad it is your thread because we FUBARED it - LOL.)

Bones said:
By the way, how do you know so much about the 80s?

Oh, don't think I didn't commit some of my own fashion faux pas. There is too much photographic evidence of how badass I looked in my lace gloves, bustiers and miniskirts! :S
I wore oversized glasses until I was 15. I looked like Steve Urkel. No wonder so many people made fun of me.

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