Do you have any codes or guidelines that you live by?

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
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Something like a set of morals that you live by day in and day out. Nothing you do compulsively.

I am making this thread to come back and read once in a while and make sure that I follow my rules well and never forget them.

- If I say I am going to be there a certain time. I will be there and probably come 10-15 minutes earlier than what was planned.

- When I say "I promise", you bet it will be done.

- Respect other persons views and their property
DayvanCowboy said:
- If I say I am going to be there a certain time. I will be there and probably come 10-15 minutes earlier than what was planned.

That is me as well. There is not many ppl like you and me. Honestly I think I live in spain sometimes. Its all 11 esh you know. Am like the most punchol person I know.

DayvanCowboy said:
- When I say "I promise", you bet it will be done.

- Respect other persons views and their property

I like to think I do this things has well. Am pretty sure I do make a good job of doing this.

I Guss my codes or guidelines would be to respect all living things and as I said in your welcome back thread to just try and leave things better then I found them.
I'm a great believer in "it's nice to be nice" and the saying of "two wrongs don't make a right" are things that mean a lot to me, not always easy, but I try.
1.You dont hit kids and women.

2.Always be generous and kind.

3.Love is my religion.

4.Live and enjoy life while you can.

5. Cheating on your GF/wife is messed up.

6. When I say I love you I mean it.

7. Dont talk down to others.

Basiclly anything people KNOW is wrong....
Yes I have a few things I live by.

Don't be a hypocrit, be loyal, and have the appropriate respect for people.
I consider myself rather deeply philosophical person and ethics is one of the main themes I like to think about alot. If I would have to make one moral code for myself I guess it would be something like this:

"Let your love flow in every motion, in every thought and in every word. By doing that you renew small part of humanity.”
don't do anything stupid

don't hurt anyone,

unless they really deserve it,
in which case don't get caught

punisher said:
I try my best to live by the words of Jesus.... I did say try.

Try is all you can do my friend. You can only try your best at the end of the day. Now, am not religious at all. But if there is a God am sure he well know that you tried.


one small bit at a time, lol.

never give up, help everyone you can (and yes,, indeed yourself!!!), learn as much as you can, be as kind as you can, to everyone and everything! :D

well - it's rather messy, lol, but that's the spirit, lol :D

lol, i'm such a hippy :D
I read this in my favourite book series. The language is made up by the author..

"Valar morghulis" (All men must die)
but first..
"Valar dohaeris" (All men must live)

That really appealed to me. I strive to live my life as much as I can, with the resources I have, and everyday I push myself a little harder to achieve something new; a new friend, a new knowledge, a new perspective.

Be free of prejudices.
Keep your promises.
Think positive.
Smile as much as you can.
"Don't worry, be happy..."
Never hit a lady is a guideline i will live by,

though it is not the same as: there is no reason to hit a woman.
A woman has the full right to defend herself against a physically stronger man if she is being abused. It should be the same when it is the woman who is physically stronger than the man and abuses him, in this situation the woman is certainly not a lady.
Therefore for me it will be: There is no reason to hit the physically weaker partner in a relationship

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