Do You Think That Pitbulls Deserve Their Rep As Ultra Violent Dogs?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
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Island Of Patmos
Hello People. I trust everyone is doing ok.

Personally, I think that they don't deserve their rep. I blame the owners. I don't think that they are predisposed to be so aggressive. I'm no expert on dogs, which is why I thought that I'd post this to see what you all think. Maybe some of you own Pitbulls and care to comment.
I think it's a bad rap, due to human usage of the dogs, not the dogs themselves.
Could you see a dog-fighter walking down the street with a labrador retriever trying to look tough? no? :p

Well, that's why Pitbulls are used instead I think.
No idea but I think there are restrictions on keeping dogs of that nature here. I guess some breeds are more aggressive than others depending on what they were actually bred / used for.
annik said:
No idea but I think there are restrictions on keeping dogs of that nature here. I guess some breeds are more aggressive than others depending on what they were actually bred / used for.

No, they ban them because they're used in dog fighting, not because of their nature. It's to keep crime levels down..

This is what you should really be afraid of :

SophiaGrace said:
annik said:
No idea but I think there are restrictions on keeping dogs of that nature here. I guess some breeds are more aggressive than others depending on what they were actually bred / used for.

No, they ban them because they're used in dog fighting, not because of their nature. It's to keep crime levels down..

Well they aren't banned but you need a special licence / there are restrictions to keep them and by "of that nature" I mean more aggressive breeds of dogs.
The restrictions on breed in the US depend on local law, not federal.

It's legal to have pitbulls where I live.

They are NOT naturally violent, but they ARE naturally athletic and active.
SophiaGrace said:
Could you see a dog-fighter walking down the street with a labrador retriever trying to look tough? no? :p

Well, that's why Pitbulls are used instead I think.
lol Where I live, that holds true. At the parks uptown there are lots of guys walking around with Pits, like they are all that and a bag of chips.

If they were human, it would be considered discrimination.

Depends on your stance of animals....
I'm not sure why, but I heard one time that they tend to attack smaller dogs for no apparent reason. I don't know if it's just conjecture or not though.
A dog well act how its owner makes it act.
So no, no dog deceives that rep.

LoneKiller said:
I'm not sure why, but I heard one time that they tend to attack smaller dogs for no apparent reason. I don't know if it's just conjecture or not though.

My mum dose a lot with dogs. Agility, flyable allsorts.
They are what you make them.
If there not used to being around other dogs then that is one reason they well feel scared and get there back up.

To many ppl in the world having pets and not willing to put the time in that's needed to properly look after them.

One important thing with having a dog is that you make sure it mixers with other dogs regally to insure its used to it.

As I say they are what you make them. Depends how much work its owner is welling to put into there relationship.

Obviously some owners have homes that are not good environments and that passers onto the dog.
I don't think Pitbulls are as bad as they are making them out to be. Yeah, they can be violent, just the same as any other animal can.
i think because of the "rep" pitbulls have they attract a certain type of people.
mostely getting them for the wrong reasons, raising them to be agressive or just have no idea how to handle a dog.
witch adds to the already bad rep they have.
not the dogs fault, a dog is just a dog.
except for chiwawa`s they are indeed evil :p

a lot of the smaller dogs are just plain misbehaving basterds cause no one raised them.
but they cant do much harm so no one cares.
if a pitbull or just any big dog acts like that, you got a problem.
Bad people make bad dogs, plain and simple. I don't put much stock to the rumours that pitbulls are prone to violence on their own. It's usually folks raising them up to be like that.
Bread said:
Bad people make bad dogs, plain and simple. I don't put much stock to the rumours that pitbulls are prone to violence on their own. It's usually folks raising them up to be like that.

Except for chihuahuas, who are simply evil.

LoneKiller said:
I'm not sure why, but I heard one time that they tend to attack smaller dogs for no apparent reason. I don't know if it's just conjecture or not though.

I had an Alaskan Husky. She was bred to be a sled dog, but was too slow, The guy that I got her from, well, I'm pretty sure they beat her, but I'm also pretty sure they used cats and small animals to "train" them. She would go after ANY animal smaller than her, but never once snapped at a human, she was awesome with people (except men, she was scared of men and would run from them).
Anyway, my point is that all dogs have a tendency to do that, it depends on how they were raised and whatnot.
LoneKiller said:
I'm not sure why, but I heard one time that they tend to attack smaller dogs for no apparent reason. I don't know if it's just conjecture or not though.

Yes, that's baseless conjecture.

I have three dogs, one of them a pitbull. The BOSS of my pack is a tiny Jack Russel Terrier... and she makes it her job to ensure that the pitbull behaves well. Seriously. She will literally follow my pitbull around, and if the pitbull jumps on the furniture or something, my Jack Russel will nip at her and force her off the couch.

My dad always sums it up this way:

Badjedidude said:
LoneKiller said:
I'm not sure why, but I heard one time that they tend to attack smaller dogs for no apparent reason. I don't know if it's just conjecture or not though.

Yes, that's baseless conjecture.

I have three dogs, one of them a pitbull. The BOSS of my pack is a tiny Jack Russel Terrier... and she makes it her job to ensure that the pitbull behaves well. Seriously. She will literally follow my pitbull around, and if the pitbull jumps on the furniture or something, my Jack Russel will nip at her and force her off the couch.

My dad always sums it up this way:

A David and Goliath pair of dogs. lol


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