doing stuff alone

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h i

Well-known member
Sep 23, 2009
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i want a topic, or at least some encouragement in stuff like activities that people have done alone.

i was feeling bored and decided to go for a run. It sucked. I think one of my lungs collapsed, or... imploded. i started imagining that tunnel part that connects the bags, to my throat, all red, and stretching, and then ripping. my lungs full of blood, and then going like a balloon when you let air out, while i choke and gag, unable to breathe. i think out of 20 minutes, i ran for like 2 minutes. but i ran down two streets. so like a 1/4 a mile. i dont even smoke though, or do any drugs, and i spend like 5 to 8 hours on my feet at work, and i can ride my bike like 10 miles in one setting... i dont get why i couldnt run more. i think its cause the air was still a little cold. like, its 58.1* with clear skies and nice sunshine (florida) but it is still a little cold. I hope thats what it is, or that i can easily solve this problem. Im going to keep trying once a week.

It was hard to start though. cause i was looking for my shoes, cause i usually wear boots, but i couldnt find my shoes and was like, i bet theyre in the truck and its not here right now. but then i remembered i had some other shoes in the attic, so i went up there exploring and got them. i changed shirts like 10 times too, i settled for the blue shirt. woot :) then i took my phone and wallet. i walked a little from the place i live for people wouldnt be like 'I KNOW HIM!!!' even though i doubt anyone would even care, or it would even matter. then i went to start running and like the wallet and phone were all like, swing swing swing, in my pocket and i was all like, :\ so i just held them in my hand. i mainly walked. i was happy to just be outside, and like, doing it. but i felt kind of lame.

anybody got any?
Oh I know that feeling,I've been out running before in boots,in formal coats,in jeans ,in basically everything that wasn't made for running :p And you know you look silly when people look at you and think WTH why is that person running with these on but actually when I first started doing it I didn't have any sport clothes to wear and was too lazy to shop for any so I thought either not care what people think and do it for my own good or remain inside my house.I did it.Who cares? And yes I was surprised that I could run no better than a snail.But everytime I it got a little bit better.

Now I bought some sportlich gear though xD
Haha that's awesome, hi!! :D Everyone's always surprised about how little they can run when they first start out or if they haven't run in a while...but you'll be doing fine in no time. ^_^

LOL and you learned the first rule of running...leave honeysuckle at home! :p The only thing you need is a single key to your place, hanging on a string around your neck while you run. Maybe a bottle of water in your hand if you need it. Maybe an mp3 player on your arm or in your pocket. Everything else stays at home. Lol what, were you planning on texting while running? ;)

Don't feel awkward at all. It's soooooooo good to be outside and actually moving vigorously...and seriously, who is gonna make fun of someone out for exercise? I don't think very many people are shallow enough to mock someone who wants to be more healthy. :D


I do pretty much all my activities alone. I don't run.. tho maybe I should start... :) but whatever i do.. go to the movies, shopping, out to eat, museums, etc... I go alone. I'm used to it now....
Badjedidude said:
Haha that's awesome, hi!! :D Everyone's always surprised about how little they can run when they first start out or if they haven't run in a while...but you'll be doing fine in no time. ^_^

LOL and you learned the first rule of running...leave honeysuckle at home! :p The only thing you need is a single key to your place, hanging on a string around your neck while you run. Maybe a bottle of water in your hand if you need it. Maybe an mp3 player on your arm or in your pocket. Everything else stays at home. Lol what, were you planning on texting while running? ;)

Don't feel awkward at all. It's soooooooo good to be outside and actually moving vigorously...and seriously, who is gonna make fun of someone out for exercise? I don't think very many people are shallow enough to mock someone who wants to be more healthy. :D



right on!

but don't forget in some places, maybe a gun or dop repellent! :D
I went and visited a Franciscan Monastary by myself. It was really cool. I got to see Saints bones and stuff and go down in crypts. :)
1. Running blows. Sports bras are a torture device. Even with 2 ACE bandages and a sports bra there's nothing I can do to make running comfortable other than surgery.

2. Things I do alone:

Go to figure drawing group; visit a Tibetan Buddhist monastery for a meditation group; go to the movies, museums, the zoo; take a walk in a local nature preserve; take a long drive in the country; cook; paint; read; write; do yoga.

Most things I do, I do alone. About half the time I enjoy the solitude; the rest of the time it depresses me.
Danielle said:
I do pretty much all my activities alone. I don't run.. tho maybe I should start... :) but whatever i do.. go to the movies, shopping, out to eat, museums, etc... I go alone. I'm used to it now....

I used to to the MFA alone all the time. I'm so cultured! :D
running is good i haven't done a lot of running out side of late

biking too, I've gone to movies a lone, just to get out of the house bookstores and library's are great

videogames and napping
I used to have a real big phobia about doing stuff alone. It took me a while to get over it coz I think it was all just in my head. I used to think that if I were to sit alone to have a meal, people would start looking at me and wondering what's wrong with me that I'm sitting alone instead of with a friend.

But with each individual, I think we have this limit. I like to call it the 'wtf' limit. That's the point you reach when you're so fed up with things, you just wanna throw your hands up, go 'wtf!' and just do what you feel like doing, to hell with what the world thinks :p

These days, I do go watch movies on my own on and off. Sometimes I go for lunch alone, but I've so conquered the fear that worrying what people would think if they see me alone. :)
roundasapenguin said:
I used to have a real big phobia about doing stuff alone. It took me a while to get over it coz I think it was all just in my head. I used to think that if I were to sit alone to have a meal, people would start looking at me and wondering what's wrong with me that I'm sitting alone instead of with a friend.

But with each individual, I think we have this limit. I like to call it the 'wtf' limit. That's the point you reach when you're so fed up with things, you just wanna throw your hands up, go 'wtf!' and just do what you feel like doing, to hell with what the world thinks :p

These days, I do go watch movies on my own on and off. Sometimes I go for lunch alone, but I've so conquered the fear that worrying what people would think if they see me alone. :)

yes, awesome, i love the WTF LIMIT! you rule for reaching it! ;)
yeah, and you don't really know what people are thinking anyway. maybe they look at people out and about alone and think, 'wish i could do that. seems i always have to have someone with me when i do stuff.. why can't i have the courage to go alone?'

anyone that actually looks down on you for going solo is retarded.
i did a 5:00AM to 10:00AM shift this morning. when i got home, i was like, its a new week. ill go ahead and get a run in. I didnt do that bad this time. I ran on every street but one.
AWESOME, hi!!! :D

Haha it does get easier each time you run...which only means that eventually you have to push that much harder to exert yourself....but it's a good thing, ya know? By the time you have to push to run harder in order to break a sweat, you feel so damned healthy and good about yourself that you look forward to it.

^_^ Ossums! Keep it up!

p2p said:
pat an animal.

ZOMG YES. Do it.

i can almost run all of it now.

i run about 4 times a week.

about 3 blocks away and back.
I don't do much alone.....I find it kind of embarrassing lol. Plus it kinda makes me sad. Case in point, one night I decided to go walk around the casino for a bit, and it just reminded me I was alone seeing everyone else there with others, either walking hand in hand, with their families, or just groups of friends hanging out.

It's also kinda strange if you happen to run into someone you know. Just kind of akward having them see you just walking along and having to explain you just wen there cause you got tired of sitting at home lol

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