Finally reached that time of senior year...

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Aug 30, 2009
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It's three weeks until my school's senior prom and I'm kinda psyched for it. The only problem is... I don't have a date.

I was actually in a relationship before the middle of the school year and was planning on bringing my ex to prom with me. However, due to our break up, he never wants to talk to me again (oh well...). I decided to bring my best guy friend but that didn't work out (she kinda threatened to not go to prom if he didn't go with her).

I'm not really (or wasn't really) upset that I'm going to prom alone, until me and my best friend made up the table list and I'm the only person at the table who will be single (literally; everyone at the table has a date and are taken). Now, it's the week that tickets are on sale and I'm contemplating on looking for a last minute date, even though we wouldn't be able to ride together there (I'm riding in an 8 person car with 10 people).

The majority of me definitely wants to go to prom but a tiny part wants to just stay home because I'll be seriously uncomfortable at my table and in the ride there.

*Sigh* I really want this school year to be over with...
I understand the position you're in. It's really awkward going without a date, and the last thing you want to do is be sitting at the table as the 11th wheel or whatever. It almost happened to me my senior year. What I did (before luck happened) was reconcile myself with it. I was determined to have a good time, since I was going with my best friends (regardless of the fact that they both had dates) and I was determined to enjoy the last event of my high school years. Well, I ended up asking a good friend of mine (a younger girl) to come with me in our group of friends. She didn't have a date either and wasn't planning on going, but we took pictures together and had someone to talk to when the slow dances were happening. It ended up working out pretty well. So, even if you don't find a date, find someone else that is going alone that you can chat with on the off chance your other friends are excluding you.
Best of luck the rest of your senior year, and I hope prom goes well for you. Remember to enjoy it, because you won't see most of these people much after high school ends.
By the way, I just finished my first year of college, so all this drama is fresh in my memory. I know exactly how you feel. Keep your chin up, and make a point to smile. If you pretend like you're enjoying yourself, it may actually happen :)
I never went to any school dances or anything, and I know I wouldn't have gone to prom either.

I wouldn't go if I were you. Sounds awkward and uncomfortable. I did go to one school dance where my date I thought I had, never showed up. In an informal environment I was uncomfortable...I can't imagine what it would be like at a more formal event being a wallflower.

4 years down the road, it doesn't really matter anyways. Not really.
Eh, I didn't go, had no date and the only prospect had long slipped away. I was still an emotional wreck anyway. Heh, at least she didn't go with whoever her boyfriend had been. Still don't know if it had ended by then, definitely don't care.

I'm a metalhead too and was just not in the mood to go to prom alone, with no real friends or date and listen to music I can't stand, just not a hip hop dance club music kind of person.

So I missed out on a key high school moment, who gives a honeysuckle. Every single person I met there is out of my life anyway, everyone just seems to immediately drift apart after graduation. At the moment it might feel like a big deal, and it kind of did to me, I mean I definitely wasn't happy that night I stayed home. But looking back, I'm glad I didn't go, cause it would have been extremely uncomfortable. And ultimately I never even think about it now and I just finished my first year of college. Oh did I mention I can't dance? I never went to any dances or anything either.
Unless you count headbanging and/or moshing, that is.:p
Prom isn't THAT important. I think Brian's right. Years down the road, you won't even remember it.

It doesn't mean much to me now, and I went to it. Really, I don't even remember like 98% of the people in my graduating class. :p I don't want to upset you, but that's just how it is.

You don't HAVE to be best buddies with your schoolmates. You don't HAVE to make the fondest, most memorable memories on prom night. Honestly, the only thing I really remember from my senior prom is having sex with my girlfriend right before we went. :p And prom wasn't required for that! We could've just stayed home and done that. XD

So prom won't be the biggest thing in your life, even though it seems like it now. Just do your best to enjoy the day with your friends. That's all you can really do on any other day, right? :) I'm sure it will work out for you.
*hugs narcoleptic insomniac*

I didn't go to my senior prom no one asked me, and I didn't have any friends to go with either :(

but hell I lived

there was a small dorm prom in may I went to at college it was pretty fun i went with friends and they had good music and of course good free food

well depending on how much admission is, you should go with a bunch of plastic bags take all the free food you can have a free food videogame marathon

*hugs again*

*hugs evanescencefan*

I know that it won't matter down the road after high school but I'm normally not the type who would turn down an invite to party. I'm trying to train myself to get used to the eventual awkwardness and uncomfortable-ness at the table that I'll have to endure but I know it'll be kinda worth it.

Besides, I'll be on the dance floor for the majority of the night.
prom isn't worth going to and shortly after you graduate, everything that happened in high school wont matter anymore.

You'd be surprised at how truly pointless that portion of your life is.

My advice, just find some of the after parties and show up to those instead.

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