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Hey, who ate all the crisps that's so...cripitty

the photo was black n white because
..........she chose monochrome

and then changed her mind when they got to the whales..........
......because the eloquent colors cast by the setting sun on the moist skin of the whales as the rising tide began to lift them off the sand required nothing less than full color to immortalize the event.

But as we drank our beer and munched our crisps there on the beach, we looked off to the horizon and........
.....and there were more whales heading towards the shore.

We started to panic and run around to try and stop them but we'd had too much beer and.............
......realized that we were in the middle of the desert. No wonder the beer tasted so good.

The helicopter had left so we decided to......... stop wondering why no one had discovered this species of desert whales previously.

We jumped on some camels and...
......somebody got out their GPS to work out which way we should be heading.

We were quite close to a town so........... we went to it, not really needing the GPS because we could see the town.

But as we rode our camels past the city limits, a local constable waved us to a halt and told us we needed to....... our passports which we didn't have with us.

The constable shook his head and told us we couldn't............
......enter his town without proper documents.

However, he said, the local charity can always use 'donations' and since the director was his son-in-law......
..........he would persuade him to accept the camels in lieu of showing our passports.

Now what were we going to do without............
..camels to keep this story line going :p

We hired the Directors family to organize a fund raising dinner so that we could raise money for ....
An expedition to locate the breeding grounds of the whale species that evolved back to living on the land.

Outstanding! cried the constable, a fund raising dinner....and here in the desert one of the delicacies we love to eat is.......
...muktuk and camel's milk!!!! HOWEVER out of respect for our personal animal loving efforts ( and the entire fiasco with the bag contents and helicopter navigation )and our beloved vegetarian Jently we were served .....
.....chickpea, zucchini and eggplant curry served over couscous and a prickly pear cactus salad with citrus, mint vinaigrette dressing.

However the constable insisted, my son-in-law's brother is an expert desert guide, you must employ him on your fact it was he who only two years ago was the one who......
......led the expedition to the South Pole with Prince Harry and The Walking Wounded.

Unfortunately as a result the constable's, son-in-law's brother had developed an enormous ...........
....infatuation with the British royal obsessive need to keep calling HRH and asking if his frostbite was healing.

But at home in his own desert more reasonable conduct can be expected, and with his profound knowledge of desert oases, he can be relied on to.......
...know how to milk a camel ( thank goodness as none of us wanted to try) :p

With our guides reassurances , we ventured out to ...
....cross the desert in search of the new species!

Happily, as we departed through the town's bazaar, one of the local merchants stepped into the street offering us at great discount several.....

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