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knapsacks and asked the guide when we would be leaving.

He said that he had some important business to attend to before we left and told us to.........
Sip water gradually and hydrate our body tissues....the body is the best place to store water.

And keep a sharp eye out for the Brazilian expedition that's searching for the desert whales too! Their leader, Manuel Mercado, is well known for his inclination to.......
...pursue windmills that he believes are dragons.

Fortunately for us, Manuel was easily distracted, so we would have a tremendous head start on his expedition*. The ironic thing is...

*Phone auto-corrected this to exhibition. Thanks, Apple!
that Manuel was the only one who actually knew the area and had a map.

So to try and negotiate a deal for directions we...........
Called Constant Stranger and Jently as we knew that they would have a creative way to negotiate with Manuel, like proposing .....
........joining forces with the Brazilians and offering Manuel some of our cunningly secreted whiskey.

He jumped at the offer and we teamed up with the others who........
....reluctantly consented to cooperate with the opportunistic Manuel Mercado and rendezvous with he and his expedition at the Oasis of Three Pungent Pools. But just before leaving town, the constable's private secretary informed us that the Brazilians' real agenda was actually...... have someone clean the pungent pools so that they were beautiful and aromatically welcoming.

We decided to draw straws and ......
Jently drew the short one.

She started working dragging the rotting weed and algae out when.......

Pathfinder jumped in with a full wet suit ,rubber ducky swim ring around her waist , rubber gloves, goggles and buckets. Little did Jently know that all of the straws were short and team mates stuck together. :D

We looked around and witnessed...
Constant Stranger at the water's edge taking aquatic plant samples for pollution analysis and handing the glass vials to the constable for transfer to the Provincial Agricultural Research Station.

A pity they were heedless of the weather forecast because as they all labored at the oasis, coming over the horizon was.......
..a massive ice storm very traumatic and unusual for the desert.

Constant Stranger tried to protect the glass vials while offering support to those in the sludgy water , " keep swimming ". " you can make it !" " let go of the bucket!!!!!!"suggesting that those in the clean up crew should perhaps ...
.......make their way to the shore swiftly.

But Pathfinder had her earplugs firmly in place and couldn't hear Constant Stranger, so she carried on collecting and Constant Stranger dived in......... the water, risking exposure to the unknown pollutants as he alerted Pathfinder to the impending peril of the ice storm.

The three bedraggled and dripping comrades knew they needed decontamination and shelter from the ice storm. "Follow me!" cried the constable, "My town has......"
a full laundromat and coin operated shower facility. We expected slightly more gratitude and compassion, especially with the impending storm. Then we noticed that we were glowing with green algae.

As we climbed out, the constable apologized and said that we could also not ride in his cruiser due to our odouriferous and slimy situation, however we could be transported by......
....the local junkyard dealer who had been sitting watching our struggles, chatting to his friend and obviously enjoying our escapade.

We were very cold and starting to feel ill from the toxins so agreed to ride on the back of his trailer to town, but on the way we all started having trouble breathing...........
.....Have no fear! said the junkyard man, my wife's aunt is the local Strega, wise in the ways of the Old Religion, she knows the antidote to the waters of the pungent oasis, but you must pay her to heal you and she will only accept........
pesos as a form of currency.

When we asked if she would take a dollar instead, and she had the most confused expression on her face. Luckily, we found a money exchange, but they were closed until...
....after the weekend and while we pondered what to do Jently stopped breathing.

The junkyard man leapt into action and started mouth to mouth resuscitation at which point...........

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