Have you ever...

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I can't remember to be honest. I remember playing throw the bottle :S

Have you ever been scuba diving?
Haha, no i'm quite attached to all my limbs

Have you ever found yourself singing along to music in a supermarket?
Often. Though in my case it was more often the drugstore I used to manage. Radio PJC played the same songs over and over and over and over and....

Ever wished you could time-travel?
Yes when I uber stressed

Have you ever played somebody off against another in order to receive financial gain?
Nope. Though I've been in fights and done someone's pockets after, dunno if that counts.

Ever played skip rope in your mid 20's or older? ;-)
I have, when I was a kid. Got lost for several hours before they found me, luckily my dad had trained us in survival and I had been in the scouts. Just followed a point of water downstream until I found civilisation. Thought it could have been lots worse, had I found malintentioned people.

Ever got lost in a particularly large building? ;-)
When I was a courier 'tween office jobs delivering to a building full of cubby hole businesses with one or two workers beavering away.

Have you ever turned up to work 'thought sod this for a game of soldiers' left and never come back?
Yes I did once. My supervisor spoke to me in a derisive manner and I told her what she could do with her job and left.
Next day her supervisor called me and asked if she could come visit me at home, apologised for my supervisor's manner and begged (yes begged lol) me to return, so I did 'cos I liked the job, but won't be spoken to in a certain way.

Have you ever been on holiday (vacation for our American cousins) and wished you were at home instead?
Yes! More than once, as well.

Have you ever found yourself pining for something in the hope that something may come of it, only to find that that something or someone goes in a completely opposite direction?
Way too often these days. If what I'm doing is right, hopefully this will change by tomorrow.

Have you ever pretended you're insane in front of a crowd in a busy store? Super Fun :)
Thankfully not, but I have danced in a store, twice I think, albeit thankfully both stores were quiet on both occasions...

Speaking of which, have you ever danced to the song on the radio is a music or pop culture store?
Seosa said:
Thankfully not, but I have danced in a store, twice I think, albeit thankfully both stores were quiet on both occasions...

Speaking of which, have you ever danced to the song on the radio is a music or pop culture store?

LOL. Even danced on a table once ;-)
When I was younger, you know one guy I always admired and tried to emulate? "Howling Mad" Murdock lol.
Once my ex told me in a busy supermarket during an argument that if I wasn't happy, I should roll around on the floor. And I did....for 5 minutes. She was so embarassed she NEVER said that ever again. And we laugh about it to this day ;-)

Ever wish you were 20 again? :D

Not really, though if I had the chance I'd make a move on this woman who was 6 years my senior on my Uni course. She had her own issues, but I fell hard for her...

Have you ever been told by someone that they use you for "personal time"?
Nope. However, upon hearing that, it would take about 20 seconds for me to leave said person and walk out the door lol. Man, the nerve....

Ever played that game on a lake with flat rocks where you try to make them skip on it, I don't know what it's called...
Skimming stones...five bounces my record ;)

Have you ever jumped up and down on a car roof when your angry?

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