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May 14, 2012
Reaction score
Alabama, USA
Hi, all! I'm a 32-year-old American guy who's recently realized the situation he's gotten himself into.

I don't want to bludgeon everybody with my life story, so I'll try to keep this short. I had a difficult childhood, followed by predictably difficult teenage years that left me feeling very angry. I unwisely spent years dwelling on, even reveling in, that anger and using some unhealthy expressions. I used to argue with people online to the point of obsession until I finally realized it was taking up all my spare time. I can see where I've pushed others away, while the only relationship I consistently cultivated for years was with a "friend" who was even more anti-social than me. Now that we're no longer speaking, I find myself in this neat little prison in which I work full-time and spend my nights and free days alone and often bored.

I read, I collect comic books, and I love horror movies and of course the odd TV show or two. I've rediscovered creative writing as a healthy way to express my anger and have mostly let go of the past. Now I've decided to get out of this prison, but I'm having some trouble figuring that out. I'm not sure I ever really learned how to make friends as an adult because almost all of the people I talk to are co-workers. I'm already looking online for a boyfriend after being single for a long, long time, so I thought I'd try to find some people to talk to here.

Aside from talking via forums, I'm looking for people to swap IMs with, and if that goes well, it would be great to have some phone chats (which wouldn't be a problem for me since my phone service charges me the same no matter where I call).

I hope y'all are doing well and that I can get to know some of you.
Hello and welcome thenissilent

That you found a positive outlet for anger, that is great. I wish you the best to improve other parts of your life, come to no longer feel in a prison.
Hello. :)

I read comic books too, some people just don't realize how adult they are nowadays. What do you read? I read Batman, Detective Comics, Batman & Robin, The Dark Knight, Batgirl, Red Hood, Justice League, Batwoman, Nightwing, Catwoman, Teen Titans, Justice League International, Batwing, G.I.Joe, Cobra, Snake-Eyes, G.I.Joe ARAH, Transformers More Than Meets The Eye & Robots in Disguise, Invincible Iron Man, Ultimate Spider-Man, Scarlet Spider-Man, Grifter, Deathstroke, Earth 2, Worlds Finest, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Birds of Prey, Red Lanterns, Suicide Squad, Aquaman, Firestorm, Batman Beyond Unlimited, and the soon to be relaunched Batman Incorporated.
Sci-Fi said:
Hello. :)

I read comic books too, some people just don't realize how adult they are nowadays. What do you read?

Thanks to everyone for all the welcomes and sorry it's taken me so long to get back. I'm house/dogsitting right now, and things have been hectic.

Anyway, Sci-Fi, I noticed your sig and should've figured you for a fellow comic geek from the Batman Returns quote. I grew up on Super Friends, Christopher Reeve, Michael Keaton, and Kevin Conroy, so I've always been a DC boy. I've been digging the reboot, although not everything they've done. I read Action, Superman, Superboy, Animal Man, Swamp Thing, Dial H, Earth 2, Worlds' Finest, Batman, Detective (for now -- Tony Daniel has never impressed me, and he's really starting to lose me), Catwoman, Nightwing, Dark Knight (really excited about Hurwitz taking over), Batgirl, Batwoman, Batman and Robin, BOP, all the GL books (although I'm starting to have doubts about RL), Justice League, JLI, JLD, Captain Atom, Flash, I Vampire, Hawkman, Aquaman, WW, Deathstroke, Blue Beetle, Shade, Frankenstein (one of my faves in the reboot), Suicide Squad, Demon Knights, Stormwatch, and Teen Titans. I'll also be picking up Batman, Inc. when I get back home (not much time or room to sit around and read comics here).

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