Hezekiah's Thread Of Insanity (Update)

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I hope things will get better for you so you can come back soon!
I don't get threats often, but when I do. I tend to dwell on it. Uusally it fades within a few hours, if not, I work it out myself. I try to talk to them and understand their situation, to better understand why the threat was made. Sometimes, if I'm feeling successful, I try to explain my sistuation and why they shouldn't threat.
I went clubbing for the first time ever recently (didn't enjoy it XD) and the first thing to happen to me that evening was some idiot guy deliberately walking into me, spilling a tiny bit of his drink, then staring me in the eyes like he wanted to fight.

Absolutely ridiculous. He was about my height, but much skinnier, so I don't know why he was pretending to be "hard" anyway.

Since I'm not a confrontational person I apologised, but he continued staring. Then I thought "Well, I may as well be looking at the guy so I can see him if he tries to do anything." So I stared back.

After that he gave a "false laugh" and decided to walk off - a complete loser in every sense.

So I guess my initial response is one of threat avoidance, because frankly I can't be bothered with 90% of confrontations, they're so pointless. But if someone's going to push me, I'll respond if I have to.

That's my attitude to most "threats" to my general happiness I think :)
I troll when I'm bored and to get an audience, but it never lasts long.

@Whispers. That kinda happened to me on a few other forums. The part of being left out.
Good luck, LK :)
Sometimes it's good to take a step back to recollect yourself when you feel it's getting a bit too much. Again, all the best. Hope to hear from you again in the forum soon!
LoneKiller said:

Very few things piss me off more than people who are phony in their behavior and how they treat me. A strong example would be my aunt and uncle. They're the type who wear Loonies in their penny loafers if you know what I'm saying.

This kind of behavior is an insult to my intelligence. I'd rather they speak their minds and be honest. If they don't know or care about what I say, tell me. I'd have more respect for them. I understand that they are family, but fresia that. That doesn't give them carte blanche to be insincere pricks.

LoneKiller, what you say resounds 100% with me, what I found out recently is that people who behave like that (some of my relatives too) in first instance they insult *their own* intelligence, and that usually means that they lie to themselves even before lying to other people. And all that lying indicates such a huge discomfort with what they are that they are better left alone, because they will never ever admit being dishonest, because that would mean also admitting the mountain of BS they told themselves all their lives. At some point I realized that the anger was making *me* feel bad, and that they would only feel self-righteous until the end of time, so I gave up wanting honesty from them, and now we all feel better (and don't talk too much anyway).
Hi All.:)

I want to thank you all for your kind words. I hadn't planned on returning for another week, but I've spent the last six days with my instructor for 2 hours each day. I have also prayed my ass off and devoted more time to bible study. I feel great. I am now much more centered and mentally refreshed then I've ever been in a long time.

Again, Thank you everyone.

God Bless.
Hi Everyone. I hope this thread finds you all well. We all have worries. Post them.:)

1. My father is 76yo. Not a **** day goes by do I not think about when he is going to die and what life without him will be like.

2. Scientifically engineered viruses that are designed to kill massive amounts of people.

3. I'm not afraid of death. I am however, worried about how it will go down.

4. My brother has gained a massive amount of weight within the last six months or so. He quit smoking weed a while back. Maybe that's it.

Thanks for viewing.:)
1. Losing the few people I care about.
2. Losing my animals - even with as much as they irritate the piss out of me.
3. Fire.
4. The possibility of getting sick.
- Dying a horrible or young death.
- My lack of inspiration as of late.
- People's opinion of me.
- Disturbances within the solar system.
- B&E
LoneKiller said:
Hi Everyone. I hope this thread finds you all well. We all have worries. Post them.:)

1. My father is 76yo. Not a **** day goes by do I not think about when he is going to die and what life without him will be like.

I worry about this with my mom all the time too, she'll be 70 next year and is in exception health. She doesn't even feel her age. But I still worry about it, she raised my brother and I with like zero help from anyone. It's silly to think about it, my grandmother was in her early 90's when she passed away. My mom will probably live longer. But that's the one thing that worries me the most.

I worry about dying myself and worry about work all the time. Right now I'm also worried because I let my part timer barrow my car to go get himself lunch...
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