I had a good run!

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I'm gonna make a short version of this post since my browser crashed while i was previewing the longest post i've ever written! lol, sigh, typical, isn't it?

I've come to see that what i've been providing You folks with this far, plain technically, and what i still could provide You with has reached it's limit. I mainly actually demanded Bjarne to make me admin here because i wanted to build something up for all of the people who were complaining about how boring this place was, and this software only does so much. I've stacked the stones as high as they go now, and i'm certain that i could do much more, which i'm sure it's been quite obvious that i've been wanting, and that's why i'm going to go back with working at a project that i and Cleo started long ago. I would never have left You guys unless i had some place else to go which needed me more!

Even though i was one of the few people who ever registered here neither because i was lonely nor sad, i honestly think that this place has meant more to me than to any other member that this community has ever had. Here i've met people so great that i'm confident i'll never meet any greater, by far. I've had the privilege to talk to the most mature, caring and simply unreal teenagers in the world, and the wildest, silliest and simply coolest adults in the entire discotheque! ;) Even though i haven't earned a cent from helping people here for over two years, long before i became and actual member of the staff (apart from the recent donations of course which i'm willing to pay back to those wonderful people since i won't be working at this very website any longer), i feel like the richest man in the world! I've been totally drenched in a currency far more valuable than money time after time from simply being logged in to the very same website as You people, let alone while talking to You!

Here is where i found the place where my crazy old mind finally could do what it always had wanted me to do. And now i've done so much that the people i've been working for even has told me i've done too much! Haha ;) And You know what, folks? For the first time in my entire life i feel like i've actually accomplished something. My absent-minded brains (and not to mention depressed) has had troubles with getting things done before since i just couldn't find a reason to keep on working. You guys gave me that reason, and i honestly think that i've had the best job in the world right here.

I sincerely hope that the next technical dude that comes around here can give You everything that You want and need and that You guys and ladies will have a great time here in the future.

Thanks for all the wonderful memories. I will keep this place and alot of You people with me for the rest of my days. =)


Bluey, You've got to take care of inactivated accounts now so don't forget to check that list out at least every other day or there literary won't be many new members! ;) You can delete all threads about events and such that i've made since i won't be able to do them any longer, like the MOM award, if you don't want to keep them going Yourself of course.

To all of You of whom i've had a regular messaging contact with; i'll send You one last PM with info on how we can keep yapping on. ;) Don't worry! We'll invite You to the new place when i and Cleo have dusted it off and renovated it a bit. =)

To all of You who signed the agreement for the new chat-room (all 44 of You in two days! lol); since i won't be here for much longer and i need the domain names for this other project i'm going to have to take it down. I'll dispose of Your agreements right away too of course.

I'm afraid i'll have to take the Playground with me since i need the domain and space for the other project as well.

If You guys have some last requests on something technical You can post them in this thread and i'll get to them between the PMs i'm about to send.

Thanks again everyone. I hope You all find that special someone one day. I'll miss many of You very, very deeply.

Well am not sure what to make of all that.

Robin, I don't wont you to go. I think you know what your doing here with the technical stuff and that you still are needed here.

You need to step back from this for a bit, that's all. Take a break. Your a difficult person to give advice to you know. And don't tell me you don't need it cos everyone in the world dose at some point. You yourself have had a honeysuckle load of personal stuff happening. That has to take its toll on you.

I think ppl are just feeling a little bit like there trying to be controlled. Am sure this was not your intention.

If you have really made up your mind to go then I well wish you luck in your new journey and hope to hear all about it from time to time. I really do mean that. If you are going to try and set a new site up there is no reason why we can not help one another.

I don't really think in your heart that you wont to leave this place and never come back now do you?

Like any family we well fight and disagree. But I do not look at you as someone that would give up like this. Work with us. Learn to understand what where saying. I don't for one minute think that anyone has meant anything personally against you. Even Hijacc dose not wont to see you go. We look at you as a friend. And like any true friend we should be honest with one another. Friends don't walk away from one another man. They stick at it.

Like a lot of members that come to me to ask for there account to be deleted, I say to you, be for you de-admin your self or get me or someone else to do it. Take a day to take some time out then come back.
bluey is right
you are a great friend to this site..
everyone is different and in dealing with each other we will therefore argue from time to time..it's a part of life

just because we argue doesnt mean this site doesnt love you..
i hope you know that
Scott said:
Bye bye and thank you for your hard work. Good luck to the future.

It was a pleasure Scott. I wish the same to You.

Hijacc said:

Robin I dont want you to leave :(

Don't take it so hard Hijacc. I'm not leaving because of You and this is not the end of the world! I'm just getting transferred, so to say, to work somewhere else. =)

Bluey said:
Robin, I don't wont you to go. I think you know what your doing here with the technical stuff and that you still are needed here.

Thanks Jono. The technical stuff isn't really important in a community, it's the people, and You've got some of the best in the world right here! I can set up that official chat-room if You'd like, no problem, but there's not much more i could give to You guys, You know?

Bluey said:
You need to step back from this for a bit, that's all. Take a break. Your a difficult person to give advice to you know. And don't tell me you don't need it cos everyone in the world dose at some point. You yourself have had a honeysuckle load of personal stuff happening. That has to take its toll on you.

Nah man, i want to work hard more than ever. It's my entire life-force, so i can't just take a break from it. I don't work that way Jono. Hahaha, yeah i think You're right about the advice. Luckily i don't really need any right now. None of You are the problem Jono. I just can't switch down to a lower gear. I can't stand not doing something for people every day, and i hate the days when i've felt so bad that i haven't been able to even come here and do what i want. I want to switch up to an even higher gear. That's how i deal with all the crap that has been happening to me in real life lately. I'm too crazy to stand still and listen. ;) I just "do", and if what i do isn't appreciated i'm not going to stop doing it, i'm just going to do it somewhere else. I only work one way, and that's forward.

Bluey said:
I think ppl are just feeling a little bit like there trying to be controlled. Am sure this was not your intention.

Well i did want to control them, in a way; i wanted them not to hurt each other. Since this isn't my community i can't run it any way i want. This is Your community (all the people here i mean) and if it's total freedom You want, even for the not-so-nice people, i'm not a good candidate for Your administrator.

Bluey said:
If you have really made up your mind to go then I well wish you luck in your new journey and hope to hear all about it from time to time. I really do mean that. If you are going to try and set a new site up there is no reason why we can not help one another.

Just like the purpose of this site has been for people to get some help spreading their wings to be able to fly away and enjoy their life and forget about everything that just hurts to remind Yourself of, at least in my point of view, so am i going to do Jono. I had two great years here, and i don't see the point of looking back rather than creating two more great years. Of course i'll want to talk to You amongst many other people as often as possible. But i've got to concentrate on the project at hand, and this no longer is it.

Bluey said:
I don't really think in your heart that you wont to leave this place and never come back now do you?

All of the people that i care for here will receive a PM with info of how to contact me. I'm not leaving them.

Bluey said:
Like any family we well fight and disagree. But I do not look at you as someone that would give up like this. Work with us. Learn to understand what where saying. I don't for one minute think that anyone has meant anything personally against you. Even Hijacc dose not wont to see you go. We look at you as a friend. And like any true friend we should be honest with one another. Friends don't walk away from one another man. They stick at it.

Hehe, this still isn't about the people buddy. I'm done with the website itself. I'm just another technical admin Jono. And we work from project to project. =)

Bluey said:
Like a lot of members that come to me to ask for there account to be deleted, I say to you, be for you de-admin your self or get me or someone else to do it. Take a day to take some time out then come back.

As soon as i've sent away these PMs i'm just another part of history here, so i suggest hurrying up if You've got some last requests instead! ;)
My request is that well after that I have no idea. Really do not have a clue. I take it you have seen Cleo's post in the other thread.

Its not just yourself your taking but her as well.

If you would put the one chat room back I would be grateful to you for that.

Also if you could make jales an admin of that chat that would be good as well.

I can see from cleo's post and PM that you both have made up your minds so I well not wast my time in talking to both into staying.

And from your reply its obverse that you no longer think your self suited to be an admin of this place ether.

Go on to do great things with your liefs and make sure you come back and tell us all about it man.

Just that, Be who you are. Never be sorry for that......
But Robin we still need you here no matter what you do or what you say I still respect you we may disagree sometimes but that doesnt mean you should leave That thread wasnt meant for that they had no right I am severely sorry.

I wish you would stay.
Yeah I have request, A very simple one but would mean a lot to me, and many others:


That is the only request I can think of, Could you please do what you can to look into this?

and let me know if you have any problems with it, I will do what I can to help.

Kylie said:
Yeah I have request, A very simple one but would mean a lot to me, and many others:


That is the only request I can think of, Could you please do what you can to look into this?

and let me know if you have any problems with it, I will do what I can to help.


I will hunt you down and kidnap you if you dont saty <.< I am samurai!
Hi Robin,

How about taking a vacation for a while, then coming back fresh. I've been talking to others in chat and they definately do not want you to go.
Your a great guy and I enjoy the way you talk so freely to everyone.
Please consider only leaving for a while, otherwise you will be missed.
Hey. Does anybody remember where we left that tank we used in our escape from reality, we could block the door and not let him out.:p
I stood up to 1am yesterday writing the longest reply of my life on Hijacc threads "it gone too far Robin", only to accidentally to press the backspace key. It would have help so much with the recent event of yesterday and early today standard pacific time.

I don't know you will come back here and read this reply, but I will say it regardless.

You know I learn a lot about these even that transpire, I learn that you weren't just a drone who didn't want to have fun, and I learn that despite your hard reply to Qui and other members here, you show a different side while you pm me.

You show a caring side, and I wish you wrote in the same tone to me as you would to the rest of this community. People will view you differently, just as you change my perspective of the real you. I'm sure we all have our own online altar ego, some more than ever, and I don't think you can be a mean person from your picture, but there is more in your life that you need to deal with Robin. Hijacc has been depress lately as you told me when the mods here demoted him, and I have been depress more so than ever and I said something I didn't mean. Maybe you can learn like me and not leave us. Everyone make mistake Robin, it only human nature, and people who stride for perfectness will never truly be happy.

My only request I have for you is to STAY, and if Bluey can't convince you to stay, I would just like to say break a leg with your future project and I know you will be successful at what you will accomplish. God I wish I hand an ounce of your enthusiasm instead of sitting all day play wow or other similar games. Losing you is just losing another great member on this community, and I really hate how often we are getting farewell threads.

Robin just know that someday I might find some happiness in this dark world, and when I do, I won't leave this place. Your right in many people leaving this place as member come and go but I would like to think of myself differently. This place has help me so much, and make me realize that there are still good people left in this world, so except me to stay here for at least a few more years.

And Robin if your feeling bore, tire, depress, sad, lonely, etc...come join me on wow!

Yeah, this is so unfortunate. I only had a heart to heart with you one time here but it was amogst my first with the people from this site. I don't get why you want to go exactly, but it's so unfortunate that you seem set on going. As for this new project of yours, do let us know what it is. But, if it's because you don't feel apreciated here you shouldn't really doubt that. Recall 'project robin'. I don't think I've ever seen such a touching outpouring of apreciation like that anywhere before. You're certainly loved here. Stay at least and keep a journal in that diary subforum where you can keep us all informed of your new adventures and how you're doing? I think that's fair.

I wish you all the best, regardless of whether you leave or not.
Robin, I am in your debt because if there wasn't a chat here, I certainly wouldn't have com back here and met the people i did, and theres no way I can repay you for that, just Thank you.
<object width="425" height="349"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="349"></embed></object>

Well, it's the end of Dr. Strangelove so excuse the bombs going off, but I think the song is appropriate here.

EDIT: How do I get the youtube tags to work? Or do they not?? See? Who do I ask about that now since there's no more robin? I think this quandry should prove to you robin that you need to stay!

EDIT (AGAIN): Thank you robin!! Wow, you're really done it looks like! ****, this is depressing!
I've been waiting for Bluey to reply to my PM about how he can give You the chat-room You want but he still haven't got to it apparently. Anyway, i can't create the chat-room since it would consider me it's owner then, so someone here has to, preferably a staff member i guess, which only leaves Bluey left. You can find the post where i explain how to set the chat-rooms up here.

Bluey, You can alter the public message at the top of the index page by going into the Admin CP, clicking on "Change" under the "Board Settings"-section at the top of the menu to the left, and then click on "Welcome Message Settings" which is item #9 on the list that appears. Then You scroll down to the first big text-field and look for the text "POST IT HERE BLUEY". Replace that text with the link from the post that i explain the chat-room in above and everyone will see it in the public message.

Oh, and Archist, just copy the code that You can get to the right on any YouTube page and paste it in here directly. Don't need the YouTube button here anymore.

Last one for me, folks. Bye! I'm gonna end it all with:

Make love, not war​
Thank you Robin. Good luck.

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