i just want a friend...a close friend that cares

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this is my first post ill warn you first of all that i cant spell very well...that will become aparnet im sure if not already...lol...i just wish i had a friend...maybe something more if somethings there...i just...im so tired of feeling alone and just so pithetic...im a male..19 years old (im sure ill get crap for that later...) and i live in texas...im stright and im in the middle of serching for a new religion...i love talking to openminded ppl...im not usly b/f matreareal...more like cling to arm as best friend for life kinda guy...i donno why but thats always what happens...i honltly would love to meet just about anyone...i just...dont want to be alone anymore...and im tired of what this life has lead too...i just hope someone out there would like a friend ^_^ i appreate your read and hope i didnt waist your time...

Hey Mystical.  I know how it feels to be lonely.  I am 23 year old female and in college.  Even though I am engaged to a wonderful guy, I don't have any close girl friends.  I know your a guy so you may not understand, but as a girl there is this huge void not having a "soul sister" around. It sounds like your looking for a friend, but also a girlfriend perhaps, and I am sorry I cannot help you out with that.  However, I would be happy to talk with you about whatever.  How is your religious search going?  What kinds of faiths are you looking into? ~Heather
By the way. I am near the Dallas area. What part of Texas are you from?
Hi Mystical. I have ZERO close friends and I would love one, too! I am married and my husband is awesome, but it's not the same. Having a close friend is different than a partner.
hi, to all of you; now that i'm reading this thread, i at least know i'm not the only one in this situation; anyway Mystical i understand you compleatly; i have nobody to talkt with because everybody betraided me and i've been so hurt it's hard for me to trust people now, but then again how could i trust anybody if, nobody likes me; everyday i go to school and everybody just shws me they don't like me; they don't want to come closer to me unless it's because they want to copy at exams (i'm pretty smart) i'm tired of being used and I'M SERIOUSLY TIERD OF NOBODY LISTENING TO ME! and i'm not exagerating, you know i just start talking and somebody else just starts talking louder and about something else, and everybody just listens to him or her...everybody just avoids me...okay i could tell you all of my problems like this, but it wouldn't do any good and i wouldn't have enough space anyway! I JUST WANTED TO TELL YOU I UNDERSTAND YOU BECAUSE READING WHAT YOU WRITTEN I FELT LIKE YOU WERE IN MY SITUATION TOO, I GUESS WE DON'T NEED TO LOSE HOPE! write me...
Hello and im sorry it took me so long to write back...i didnt get a responce so i sayed i would give it a little while...i would love to make new friends...im not scard to talk about anything or keep good secrets eather way anyone to talk to would most deffently help..i am quite a few womens best friend...more than i would like some times...but im good at helping with the stupid guy stuff lol :p i am looking into some really intoresting religions right now as it stands im really getting into a religion called Gnostic. Its really Really intoresting and making me have to scrach my head twice lol if you want you are more than welcome to add me to yahoo or check out my myspace (yahoo) the_wolf_of_the_light or (myspace) www.myspace.com/shadow_of_illusions

Your friend ^_^

Ps Allways looking and more than willing to talk just message me ^_^ hehehe
lonelygirl said:
Hi Mystical. I have ZERO close friends and I would love one, too! I am married and my husband is awesome, but it's not the same. Having a close friend is different than a partner.

?? sorry I don't get this statement, when I was with my ex g/f of 7 years she was my best friend,partner,lover all in one. How can your husband not also be your best friend? If i had a relationship like my ex I wouldn't be lonely at all. She satisified me in everyway, sexualy,need for friendship,someone to tell all my secrets to, a shoulder to cry on etc...

Im hot :D
Well kazman32 you're not alone. I don't get this either. I see women say this all the time. I really wonder what exactly they want from their guys.

kazman32 said:
lonelygirl said:
Hi Mystical. I have ZERO close friends and I would love one, too! I am married and my husband is awesome, but it's not the same. Having a close friend is different than a partner.

?? sorry I don't get this statement, when I was with my ex g/f of 7 years she was my best friend,partner,lover all in one. How can your husband not also be your best friend? If i had a relationship like my ex I wouldn't be lonely at all. She satisified me in everyway, sexualy,need for friendship,someone to tell all my secrets to, a shoulder to cry on etc...
I don't think that a husband or wife can meet 100 percent of our needs. I think that my husband is my life partner, and my friends provide other emotional comforts.
Why are we lonely? is b/c we don't fit it, because we miss someone, or because we wish we had that special some1....or is it because we do fit it but we just can't handle the hypocracy and fakeness of this world.....i mean, sometimes i find myself searching for a purpose to life... i mean its gr8 and everything but ok we go to school, we have jobs, get married, have kids, we get old then children leave their parents, then eventually we die...then what..thats it right????

well be4 i continue to make you want to die already, i know the answer to my loneliness... i just don't look 4 it... the answer to all my problems has ALWAYS been God... and whether you believe in him or not... it doesn't matter because he exist.... and if you don't want to believe in him thats ok, cuz all iknow is that HE is the only1 that can help us... the ppl in this world suck...they really do... but 1 person Jesus was able to make that sacrifice to die 4 our sins so that 1 day we could do his will... all i know is that personally i am miserable and unhappy because i have separated myself quite a little spiritually, and that will happen, but you have to fight to remain having a close relationship w/ God....and if you don't agree w/ me please don't bother saying negative things about my opinion, b/c i KNOW that what i believe in is true and no man can change my mind.... GOD is the aNSWEr...everything that i have seen has to me to believe in God for all that I have not....thank you for reading this...find a church and do what your heart tells you to do after you attend 1 service... it changed my life and I know he can help you...i mean, just writing this has helped me realize that just talking about him... has made the loneliness go away...God Bless You
If it is religion and friendships you are seeking I know that the Mormon church embraces its members and they all become close friends.  Many have experienced a warm fuzzy feeling when visiting the Mormon church.  I am thinking about looking in to it.
Lol i love the enthuseasum (*and yes i relize i cant spell*) but that is an old pic...but again flattering whomever posted my pic XD
lonelygirl said:
I don't think that a husband or wife can meet 100 percent of our needs. I think that my husband is my life partner, and my friends provide other emotional comforts.

Your a sweetheart, but I guess we have a difference of opinion, my ex took care of all my emotinal comforts, if it had been just me and her stuck on an isolated island, I would have been in hevean, she complited me in every way, I had friends but they werent neccasary, your saying if it was just you and your husband stuck in the same situation on a deserted island until you died with noone else around you wouldn't be happy beacuse you need other friends to help meet your needs. If you truly love someone with all your heart then I don't think you need anything/anyone else, at least in my experience, sure it was fun to hang with the guys, but if one day I didn't any friends anymore it wouldnt have phased me, my ex took care of all my needs emotionaly,sexualy, shoulder to cry on etc...guess I'm lucky again I am easy to please...I'm not trying to say anything bad, I guess I truly DON"T understand, and I'm trying to...again your a sweetheart and you help people so much, I guess it just a diference in personality's.
Hey Kaz, There is this corny book called "Men are just Desserts." What that means is that men are not necessarily a woman's everything. They should be a big part of our lives, but we women should not rely on men for all of our emotional needs. To me, that is codependency and it's not healthy. As in the case where you loved your girl so much, and when you guys broke up, it was so incredibly devastating to you! What I mean is just that if we rely more on friends and family as well as our partners, then we can be stronger...that's my view. I would LOVE to have a partner who completes me in every way, but I personally don't think it's realistic.
lonelygirl said:
Hey Kaz, There is this corny book called "Men are just Desserts." What that means is that men are not necessarily a woman's everything. They should be a big part of our lives, but we women should not rely on men for all of our emotional needs. To me, that is codependency and it's not healthy. As in the case where you loved your girl so much, and when you guys broke up, it was so incredibly devastating to you! What I mean is just that if we rely more on friends and family as well as our partners, then we can be stronger...that's my view. I would LOVE to have a partner who completes me in every way, but I personally don't think it's realistic.

Hmm maybe it's different for a woman, you need lady friends etc...that makes sense, the thing with my ex and me was we both had traits of the opposite sex, guess that could be another reason too...thanks for explaning hun! Yes I was devasted when we split alot of that was that I realized how stupid I had been and all the mistakes I had made, taking her for granted, that is why I was so upset, if it "just didn't work out" I wouldn't have been as upset, but knowing I messed up such a good thing, I was really angry at myself.
I understand how you feel. I want a close friend who can understand me. I want someone to be there for me whenever I'm sad or lonely, or I have something that is troubling me. I want someone who I can talk to about anything. I want someone who I can trust completely. I have some friends, but they are not very close. It seems like they hate me at times, but I think its only that me acting depressed around them annoys them. I usually try to act all happy and hyper around my friends, but I know I'd never be able to tell them how I truly feel. They wouldn't care.
Not all women are the same. Some of us suscribe to the feminist theory of moving past men or somehow being superior to men and then some of us really still do expect to fulfill an entire union where our male is more than enough for us. This takes a lot of humility though and it's not something that's easy for a woman to accomplish because of the high level of brainwashing against males that we're currently being exposed to in the culture all around us.

Definitely if I was alone with my man on a desert island and we were deserted there for the rest of our lives there's no question in my mind that he would be enough for me. I think my concentration would be more on making sure I was enough for him.

The concept though of looking for a man who somehow completes me is bogus though. I'm already complete. If a relationship is to work each person should be asking themselves what _they_ can bring or give to their partner. Not how they can be completed by them or what they can get from them.

kazman32 said:
lonelygirl said:
Hey Kaz, There is this corny book called "Men are just Desserts." What that means is that men are not necessarily a woman's everything. They should be a big part of our lives, but we women should not rely on men for all of our emotional needs. To me, that is codependency and it's not healthy. As in the case where you loved your girl so much, and when you guys broke up, it was so incredibly devastating to you! What I mean is just that if we rely more on friends and family as well as our partners, then we can be stronger...that's my view. I would LOVE to have a partner who completes me in every way, but I personally don't think it's realistic.

Hmm maybe it's different for a woman, you need lady friends etc...that makes sense, the thing with my ex and me was we both had traits of the opposite sex, guess that could be another reason too...thanks for explaning hun! Yes I was devasted when we split alot of that was that I realized how stupid I had been and all the mistakes I had made, taking her for granted, that is why I was so upset, if it "just didn't work out" I wouldn't have been as upset, but knowing I messed up such a good thing, I was really angry at myself.
Hi Almond,

I'm afraid you sound suspiciously like a male. :)

However, you do have a good point. I considered myself a feminist until very recently. I think I decided that as a way of opposing what my mother was---a weak woman who stayed with a husband who beat her and treated her like crap for 30 years.

I became the opposite--a woman who is mean to men, at times, a real ball-buster. I was so angry about how abusive my father was, I became quite like him. I've made so many men cry. I feel sorry and bad for what I've done.

Now that I am a parent, I have to temper the anger I have toward men. I don't hate all men. I love my husband. I do dominate him, though. It's not really my 'fault.' His mother is a very bossy woman who wears the pants in her family. His father is very passive and quiet. So, therefore, he probably learned this is healthy and normal.

However, I know that men do not like to be emasculated. I need to work on treating my husband with love and respect so that he knows he is the man in the home. I am the woman. Yet, we share responsibilities.

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