If you are still a virgin at the age of 25...(Lag)

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Hi Snickers,

Your post is sad, but doesn't sound pathetic.

I'd say that there is nothing wrong to be a virgin at 25 and to stay like this for longer. I was pretty late too, and now I can see that nothing wrong would have happened if I postponed it even longer. Anyway, I don't regret my being late. Of course, It may get little harder to find someone with age, but me being 34, I know many great sensitive people who are still without permanent partners.

I guess that making yourself do something you're not sure about can hurt you more than to accept that it may not be the right time yet, even this right time may never come.

You should be aware that as a woman you will be able to find someone later, almost at any time, if it really bothers you. I'm sorry, but I don't really find this male readiness as a nice attribute. Of course, I don't want to say that every man is the same. Most of them will respect you as an individual with complex feelings.

If you do feel that you need some physical closeness right now, in terms of having a chance to be hugged or kissed, I'd rather think about finding a woman (or lesbian) friend. There is a greater chance that your needs would be understood, and you could avoid doing something which may affect your feelings and future relationships. And it could give you time and company to look for a partner, if you wish.

Just treat yourself with respect, because you deserve it.

I'd like to add something. This man has a wife and kids. I don't really care about him, if he's ready to risk his family and hurt his wife in this way. However, do you really want to bear the feeling of guilt, if his marriage breaks up. Apart from that, would you be able to trust your future partner, knowing already how easily someone else took his chance to meet another woman, and that this woman was able to go for it? One of my past girlfriends was so damaged by someone else who cheated on her before, that I wasn't able to reassure her that I might be different.
Well, I decide not to look for that person I guess.

I *think* I found another alternative...

Thanks guys for the replies
Yeah to persue that guy would be wrong. Women can find a guy easily if they really want to anyway. If you went out into town and just started chatting up any single guys that were attractive to you, you can almost guarantee atleast one guy will get back to you. Infact if you really were desperate just for sex and you were brutally honest with the guy I bet you could get laid that very day. lol
Snickers said:
Haha but i'm not brave I'd guess lol.

Hehe yeah most people would never dream of doing that. Though I do think it would work for a female. :p

Im still a virgin at 24 and would like to experience sex but I would never go out into town and chat women up in hope of getting sex... Not my style at all. My style is sit back and never get a girlfriend because im too shy and ugly.
First, you are 25. Being a virgin is not a big deal despite what society might say.

And no that would not be the ideal way to lose your virginity. You probably just need to get out a little more thats all.
Don't worry about losing it. Definitely don't lose it in the way that you mentioned in the OP.

What's the rush? You're bound to find a decent guy eventually that you like. As the poster above said, just try to up your social life a bit if you want to find someone.

Concentrate on having a good relationship, not losing your virginity. It's not hard to lose your virginity - in fact, it's probably quite easy if you're determined. However, losing it with some scummy bloke because he'll climb on anything that breathes is not the way to have a good first experience.

I'm also a virgin (though I'm male), I think if I went to a club I could quite happily change that, but I have no desire to do that because it would be meaningless. I want to find someone who wants me for who I am, not the fact that I have organs downstairs that differ to theirs and their hormones are doing the talking.

Also, societal expectations are a big load of bullshit. One of the things that really ticks me off in modern society is all this pressure to have sex. It annoys me pretty much every day.

Just ignore it - people that conform to all that "you have to have sex by x age" crap are generally shallow, insecure posers and losers. I know people that had their first time in their mid-teens with cheap prostitutes because they were so frightened of what people "thought" of them. They universally regret it - either that or they now have unplanned kids.

I have a friend who is female and constantly boasts about all the sex she's getting. It irritates the hell out of me.

However, the sad thing is, she's often emotionally all over the place. She relies on the sex to feel like anyone wants her and she's extremely insecure at times. Sex has not made her feel more adult or liberated - quite the opposite, she seems to bounce from one relationship to another, getting hurt along the way.
TheSolitaryMan said:
Concentrate on having a good relationship, not losing your virginity.

Well said. Most people are not looking for good relationships. They're looking for some other entity e.g sex appeal, sex, money, benefits, etc. And that's why it doesn't last.

TheSolitaryMan said:
She relies on the sex to feel like anyone wants her and she's extremely insecure at times.

Yeah sometimes girls give in to sex just to keep their bf because they're so lonely they don't know what else to do.

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