If you were to be remembered for one thing, what would you like it to be?

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2008
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Where the faeries live, Silly.
I don't know if any of you have heard about writing your eulogies as a way of setting goals. I am willing to bet a few of you have.
I actually did this once and it is a good way of looking at your life and prioritizing what is important to you. Well, I'm not going to ask for your eulogy...lol But there is one question I will ask...

If you were to be remembered for one thing, what would you like it to be?

I would like to be remembered as someone who made a difference in the lives of others.
You know what would be great? If instead of obituaries/ eulogies someone just got up and read out loud a list of all the stupid crap I'd done in my life... I'm not talking about the depressing stuff... Just the funny, random, or "what the hell? what was he thinking" sort of stuff... Here's what I can think of so far

-Accepted religion into my life when I thought I was going to die on a 3rd rate carnival ride.

-Got attacked by Charleton Heston

-Drank a gallon of chocolate milk in one sitting, then got violently ill all over my friend's car

-Got up infront of thousands of people and did a Cartman impersonation

-Perfected the alcoholic gummy worm recipe, then got violently ill all over my friend's appartment.

-Got ordained as a Rabbi by the church of spiritual humanism

-Became a "real" pirate... then got violently ill all over my friend's tent.

-Spent 2 years as a professional clown

-Invented the "Boatswain's Whistle" mixed drink, made dozens of other people violently ill. (ask me for the recipe if you really want to know, lol)

-Ate 3 servings of hallucinagenic "death cake" during a christmas party, shouted at everyone else in the room, then went back for a 4th serving.

-Flunked out of art school after the debut of my series "why I hate vending machines, works in oil and turpentine."

-Enjoyed a long carreer working with children... Lol =0)
I can see that in comparison my life has not been filled with the excitement that yours has Fodder lol.

What would I like to be remembered for...well ironically enough yesterday I met a parent of one of the kids I first taught...the kid is now 23...has just had her second open heart surgery and is beginning on the road to recovery...she happened to mention the day after her surgery some of the things she remembered from when she was younger...and her mom told me she mentioned me.

So there is your answer...what would I like to be remembered for...well I guess I would just like to be remembered.
davechaos said:
I can see that in comparison my life has not been filled with the excitement that yours has Fodder lol.

What would I like to be remembered for...well ironically enough yesterday I met a parent of one of the kids I first taught...the kid is now 23...has just had her second open heart surgery and is beginning on the road to recovery...she happened to mention the day after her surgery some of the things she remembered from when she was younger...and her mom told me she mentioned me.

So there is your answer...what would I like to be remembered for...well I guess I would just like to be remembered.

That reminded me of a teacher that used to teach me at school. well he was my english teacher. When I went very poorly at 11 he come in hospital to see me and gave me some maltesers and some home work. I never did the home work lol but weird how I always remember that. This was my favorite teacher and always had been. I do regret giving him so much cheek later on at school. I guss it was the adolescents that kicked in there. Well I always wonted to say thank you to this teacher for all the help he gave me fro my schooling. On the last day of school I actually looked for him but could not fined him. He well never know how much I respected him. and all the time I just gave him cheek. Why? I have no idea. Cos am stupid. But if I ever see this guy again I would love to buy him a pint or something. You never forget a good teacher. I bet Dave that you have made an imprison on a lot off kids just that you well probably never know as kids are not honest in that way.

I don't know what I would like to be remembered for.

Prob like Dave, just to be remembered in a good way I guss. Someone that would put them self out for others. Someone that makes other ppl happy :) That would be a good way to be remembered.
I work in a nursing home and most residents there are at the end of their lives and I really try to make a difference. Many are depressed, lonely and frightened and just listening to their fears help them feel human.
Sometimes it's hard as to a lot of staff it's just a job and they couldn't care less about the people they are meant to be caring for.This actually makes me more determined to be good at what I do.
I put my all into work and then come home and hibernate.
On my tombstone:

"Hard work and sacrifices is the only way to reach the perfect society."
As someone who made a difference.

Also, as someone who made everyone sing Poison's "Talk Dirty to Me" at his funeral.
"Hey you remember that crazy Unaccept guy who wiped everyone on the planet's memory?"


"Oh...I don't either."
Only one you say??

I'd like to be remembered for making people laugh and smile. :)
Steel said:
As someone who made a difference.

Also, as someone who made everyone sing Poison's "Talk Dirty to Me" at his funeral.

Nah, I'm gonna sing that "other" Poison song you like, lmao!!!!! :p You know the one. :D
I'd like to be remembered for that really nice guy that made everyone's life better that was obsessed with cats.

Edit: Life... Not like :p
I doubt I will be remembered by anybody but if I was, I would like to be remembered as a good person.
I would like to be remembered as that guy who modified Darwin's theory and rewrote the entire history of how organisms have changed over time

ah to be a dreamer:)
As the woman who finally conquered the world.. except if I do that, everybody will be dead. So... nobody would remember me. That's great!

A more obtainable goal- I'd like to be remembered as an awesome mom.
Id like to think people will forget all the times I was sad and just remember me as a real happy and hyperactive character... surely someone will remember me like that...
Discovering the gene that rules over the lipids that cover the neural tube before birth. Modifying said gene so that it also covers parts of spinal cord and certain other nerrvous links.

We'll be much smarter.

Discovering a true superconductor.

Just living a happy life would be fine too i guess.


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