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Active member
Aug 29, 2008
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Ok, here we go. I never thought I would actually join something like this, let alone post. My short life story: I'm 26, never had a girlfriend...hell, never even been on a date. I'm incredibly bitter and resentful, which has led me to despise women. Always been the "nice" guy, but that led to being stepped on and slighted by others. I have few friends, rarely go out socially, and my hobbies are for the most part solitary. I have absolute zero confidence and suffer from social anxiety. fresia, I don't even know what to do with the rest of my life. Sorry about the pessimistic rant, but I needed to get that honeysuckle off my chest. I'm just so angry and frustrated all the time and i'm tired of it.
Welcome bureau

We all understand in many different ways and that is why we are all here.

Feel free to post and pm me with anything that you would like to get off your chest...I love to listen and if I can help that is what I am here for.
Hi bureau,

I'm new as well and I know a lot about where you're coming from. I've only had a single girlfriend who I went out with for two years, but we broke up when she cheated on me because I wanted to wait until we were married to have sex and she didn't. I'm not trying to give you advice, but I will tell you how something work for me. I find it's best not to worry about things like finding a girlfriend. I just simply go through doing things I need to do like attending class and going to work and if I happen to meet someone great and if not I'll continue to live. I also find that it's impossible to have a healthy relationship with even a friend if you're not happy with yourself. I wish you luck though as it can be extremely difficult to gain the confidence needed to be happy with one's self.

Trying looking up some breathing and meditation techniques to help with your anger and resentment. They helped me a lot during my break-up phase.
iamben said:
I find it's best not to worry about things like finding a girlfriend. I just simply go through doing things I need to do like attending class and going to work and if I happen to meet someone great and if not I'll continue to live.

I so agree! It is so much easier to flow WITH life and not worry about it. This is great advice:)
Naleena said:
iamben said:
I find it's best not to worry about things like finding a girlfriend. I just simply go through doing things I need to do like attending class and going to work and if I happen to meet someone great and if not I'll continue to live.

I so agree! It is so much easier to flow WITH life and not worry about it. This is great advice:)

I concur.

By the way, Welcome bureau. I hope you find this place useful.
hey man, my life seems to be heading in that direction too. hopefully you can turn yours around.
Nice introduction. Welcome to the forum. As long as you are open like this and post here, you should be able to have some people here give you some insight to help you deal with your situation.

Take care.:)
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. It helps to find like-minded people and a place to let off steam.

loketron said:
thats why you come to a place like this bureau, to get that ish off your chest.
and nice name, i want to start a band called bureau, tha'd be sick!

I always thought that would make a good band name as well. Do you need a bass player? :D
Can i ask a qustion though ?
How do you know girls are mean if you never went on a date or had a girlfriend ?
What kind of music do you play ?
Lonesome Crow said:
Can i ask a qustion though ?
How do you know girls are mean if you never went on a date or had a girlfriend ?
What kind of music do you play ?

Rocket, bureau wrote, " Always been the "nice" guy, but that led to being stepped on and slighted by others."
Now, this is total assumption on my part, but it appears that perhaps he feels the way he does about women, because he might feel that being "nice" has gotten him only rejection by women. Other than that, he doesn't really say what causes his bitterness towards women. And feel free to clarify, bureau. :p
I won't bother to explain to you that all women are NOT alike, bureau, because I'm sure you've heard that pleny of times.
However, what I will do, is welcome you to the forum! You can certainly feel free to vent here all you like. :)
And guitar players are HOT, by the way. :D

Again, welcome!

I'm sure i'm like many people here in saying that being "nice" hasn't paid off in life. I always thought that if I was an all-around nice guy people would like and respect me. I'm guilty of trying to be too nice and it has done nothing but backfire in my face. The ******* jerkoffs are the ones who have the high paying jobs, hot girlfriends, etc. Sure, I can say that at least i've been true to myself, but that doesn't change the fact that i've been cheated out of a fulfilling social life.

I've been ignored by girls my entire life. In a society where having a girlfriend/wife is a measurement of worth, i'm apparently worthless. The few girls i've had contact with all had one thing in common. They all gushed over how "nice" I was. I hate that word. When a girl drops the n word on you it's a polite way of saying that you're ok, but not quite good enough. Instead they would rather fresia your friends. I could never imagine having a strong friendship with a girl. How the hell can you trust them. Every word that comes out of their mouths is suspect to me. Let's not forget about all the superficial and pretentious women I see walking on the street that look right thru me and wouldn't piss in my mouth if my throat was on fire. All this because i'm a "nice" guy. It's not worth the trouble.
Lonesome Crow said:
Can i ask a qustion though ?
How do you know girls are mean if you never went on a date or had a girlfriend ?
What kind of music do you play ?

I like everything man, from drone to dub. I got a list of some of my current favorite stuff on my profile page. I take it from your avatar that you play guitar. What do you like?
bureau said:
I'm sure i'm like many people here in saying that being "nice" hasn't paid off in life. I always thought that if I was an all-around nice guy people would like and respect me. I'm guilty of trying to be too nice and it has done nothing but backfire in my face. The ******* jerkoffs are the ones who have the high paying jobs, hot girlfriends, etc. Sure, I can say that at least i've been true to myself, but that doesn't change the fact that i've been cheated out of a fulfilling social life.

I've been ignored by girls my entire life. In a society where having a girlfriend/wife is a measurement of worth, i'm apparently worthless. The few girls i've had contact with all had one thing in common. They all gushed over how "nice" I was. I hate that word. When a girl drops the n word on you it's a polite way of saying that you're ok, but not quite good enough. Instead they would rather fresia your friends. I could never imagine having a strong friendship with a girl. How the hell can you trust them. Every word that comes out of their mouths is suspect to me. Let's not forget about all the superficial and pretentious women I see walking on the street that look right thru me and wouldn't piss in my mouth if my throat was on fire. All this because i'm a "nice" guy. It's not worth the trouble.

Again, I will remind you that all "girls" aren't all the same. When I say a guy is "nice", it's because I think he's NICE! NOT cuz I'd rather f*ck his friends. Ever stop to think that the reason some of them won't have anything to do with you, is because they sense the bitterness rolling of of you in waves?? And since when does having a good job and a pretty gf make a person an "******* jerkoff?"
Not everyone who enjoys those things is an *******. Please stop lumping ALL women together or you're likely NEVER to find one.
EveWasFramed said:
bureau said:
I'm sure i'm like many people here in saying that being "nice" hasn't paid off in life. I always thought that if I was an all-around nice guy people would like and respect me. I'm guilty of trying to be too nice and it has done nothing but backfire in my face. The ******* jerkoffs are the ones who have the high paying jobs, hot girlfriends, etc. Sure, I can say that at least i've been true to myself, but that doesn't change the fact that i've been cheated out of a fulfilling social life.

I've been ignored by girls my entire life. In a society where having a girlfriend/wife is a measurement of worth, i'm apparently worthless. The few girls i've had contact with all had one thing in common. They all gushed over how "nice" I was. I hate that word. When a girl drops the n word on you it's a polite way of saying that you're ok, but not quite good enough. Instead they would rather fresia your friends. I could never imagine having a strong friendship with a girl. How the hell can you trust them. Every word that comes out of their mouths is suspect to me. Let's not forget about all the superficial and pretentious women I see walking on the street that look right thru me and wouldn't piss in my mouth if my throat was on fire. All this because i'm a "nice" guy. It's not worth the trouble.

Again, I will remind you that all "girls" aren't all the same. When I say a guy is "nice", it's because I think he's NICE! NOT cuz I'd rather f*ck his friends. Ever stop to think that the reason some of them won't have anything to do with you, is because they sense the bitterness rolling of of you in waves?? And since when does having a good job and a pretty gf make a person an "******* jerkoff?"
Not everyone who enjoys those things is an *******. Please stop lumping ALL women together or you're likely NEVER to find one.

I didn't mean having a pretty gf and good job=*******. I meant that it appears that guys that are truly pricks (cheat on gf/wife, treat people below them like trash, etc.) somehow manage to get the girls.

You are right. I'm a bitter, miserable *******. It's quite possible that there is something about my general disposition that repels girls. Combine that with my unfortunate looks (I couldn't attract maggots if I was covered in honeysuckle) and it all begins to make sense. Thanks for pointing that out.