Increasing Your Vibration in 13 Ways

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Sep 15, 2011
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The Law of Attraction works both ways; depending upon the energy you are giving out. The Law of Attraction is the process of attracting things from the unphysical world and making it appear in your physical world. Such as the many resources, tools, people, and situations that can assist you in achieving your life goals. However, many of the times we attract what we don’t want without even noticing it.

If you want to attract good things into your life you must become aware of the frequency at which you are vibrating, and noticing this can be done by observing your emotions, your environment and your association.

Ultimately, increasing your energy system will put you into a position to attract more of what you deem desirable. Here are 13 ways to do so:

1.) Change Your Consistent Thoughts- Your consistent thoughts are what led you to your present moment, changing them when their negative can drastically improve your quality of life.

2.) When experiencing a bad thought or emotions, hold a good thought for at least 15 seconds exactly when you notice the negativity stirring, then use the affirmation “ I choose to feel good now” to flip switch from a bad vibration to a good one.

3.) Avoid artificial substances; alcohol, etc. Artificial substances will bring you a low vibrational energy and will equally attract people, situations, and things that will vibrate at this low energy.

4.) Avoid low energy music. Harsh, pounding music especially with negative lyrics lowers your vibrational energy and disables you from connecting with your higher level of consciousness.

5.) Become aware of the energy levels of where you live, work or hang out.

6.) Reduce or eliminate your exposure to TV. TV has become the bane of modern society. Programs from the news to the majority of TV shows will expose your mind to a constant stream of negativity, this will in turn impact your energy levels.

7.) Stop reading the newspaper; like television, it’s meant to bring you more bad news.

8.) Don’t read books or watch films with negative or violent messages

9.) Become conscious of the energy levels of your family and friends, choose to be in close proximity of people who share the likes you have; high energy people

10.) Avoid any religion that makes you feel bad about yourself

11.) Extend acts of kindness without an expectation of thanks

12.) Be grateful for what you already have. Gratitude is proven to increase your energy system and allows you to attract more of what you’re already grateful for.

13.) Hold thoughts of forgiveness in your mind. Thoughts of hatred and revenge will always weaken your energy field. A simple thought of forgiveness will cause you to be strong and increase your energy system dramatically.
I had different expectations when I say "Vibration" in the heading.

I don't watch the news just because it's usually negative.

What do you do when you live somewhere that all you see is negative everyday, and can't avoid it without going far out of your way?
Positive begets positive.

Sometimes I walk around remembering having a major orgaism in my woman
and her telling me she loves me very very much. Plus the many many happy
moments we shared and experinced together. It works for me.
Very, very good thoughts. Very, very good postive feelings.
My Sweetheart called me again today. She tells me she loves me very much.
I love her beatiful vioce. Shes an an amazing incrediable woman.
We both encourage each other. Creating more positive engery and love.
Loving one another.

Other times I allow myself to feel all my hopes and dreams had came true already.
That I had recieved everything and anything I wanted out of life and its been granted
to me already. Very very good feelings and thoughts.

I dont drink alcohol or use drugs.

I dont watch TV.
I dont read the newspaper or watch the news...More negatives than positve
in newspaers.
Plus TV is bombarred with triggers my feelings of LACK
not having enough, not being good enough.
Truning people into consummer or vacumm

I listen to heavy metal..but most of the lyrics to the songs i listen have postive encouraging
messages. I also listen to Joe Satriani. Stange bautiful music. Very soothing.

I've also made recordings of positive messages about myself. In my own words. In my own
vioce. I play it all the time on my MP3 player.
Getting proactive...programing myself with positive messages.
Overtime..these positive thoughts and feelings of myself will into my long term memory.
In other wrods my beleifs system. At the moment I've notice great improvements.
Postive thoughts and feelings are poping into my mind more often than not.
It's almost second nature to me now.
In other words I will on autopilot or in grace of being positve.

I'm quick to cast aside negative thoughts and feelings like pieces of shits.
I dont annylize or disect my poo poo. Just flush it away. Out of sight out of mind.
"Cast it into the drought"....its a verse from the bible.
Drought meaning: waste land, dumpsite or honeysuckle.
Or get your mind out of the gutter...Gutter meaning negative thoughts.
It has nothing to do with sexual acts or love making.
There's positive messages in the bible for positive mental health or living.

I also listen to Brain Sync. Music theropy or sound waves to stimulate or
help synchonize the two hemoshpere of my brain better.

fresia that guilt and shame. Brimestone and hell fire Bullshit.
I used to walk around with a sence of impending doom becuase of all the that
negative style of teachings or sermons.

Unconditional love. No strings, no expextations. No judgements.
I love Kimmie very much.
She nevered had to earn my love or do anything for me.
I love her and will always love her.

I love Renae very much. The past is the past. Whats done is done. Let by gones be by gones.
Weather Ive forgiven her is neither here or there. I've let go of the hurted and pains.
She had also forgiven me. She too is letting go of her pains and sufferings.

I also made gradtitude list. I recorded that too.
Positive attitude and feelings.
Gradtitude is a state of HAVING.

Of of this creates positive vibes, feelings, thoughts.
I walk in the light.
I am the light
I am the candle of my own two feet.
Over time my entire make up will change.
All my Cells. My Central Nerves System. My body will be in a postive state and healthy.

I dont compete or compair myself to other people.
These two things will eat away at my self esteem and are negative behaviors.

I focus on what i need to do and being positive.
I focus on my family and my love ones.

My light shines through. Its a beagon for my daughter.
The meaning of our names are the same...SUNSHINE
Then again you can do the sedona methdoe.
Or Be in the presence moment in the NOW and not in your head....

Trying to manage all of your thoughts and feelings...that in itself becomes work.. thats why a lot of people give up on doing positive thinking.

You can simply.. Let go of whatever feelings or emotions that pops into you mind....DONT FIGURE IT OUT...

negative memories or projection
of the future which is uncertain..which generate FEARS...

Being in the NOW is a state of PEACE.
In a state of peace we will automatically make better decisions and feel good.

You dont even have to meditate or be a spirutal guruuu. Just simply choose to be presence..NOW. And not in your head.

Becuase for a lot of us and many of us
had already wised up to this...

We are our own worst enemy.
We simply create bullshit in our own heads more than the world dose. LoL

Becuase our mind creates problems so it can resolve those problems...Then it creates more freaken problems...

So our mind in itself is the problem.LOL
You cant solve the problem of the mind
with the mind. Which is the cuase of the problem in the first place.LOL
9 ways is enough for me.
i too expected this thread to be different based on the title. also, i agree that the news is depressing.
If I'm "vibrating", does this give me the ability to remotely resonate people until their internal organs explode?

'Cause that'd actually be awesome :D
TheSolitaryMan said:
If I'm "vibrating", does this give me the ability to remotely resonate people until their internal organs explode?

'Cause that'd actually be awesome :D

No but it does give you the ability to look constipated while you try. Have it it.

IgnoredOne said:
Law of Attraction is pop occultism. Still, interesting.

While I do agree, there is the study of the electric fields given off by organisms and how they interact with one another. Will it attract a woman, money or some pancakes to me if I think good thoughts? No. But it is interesting.

What this article does is help you do is change your outlook and the way you present yourself. People will then receive you differently and treat you differently. Nice people tend to attract nice people. So why it may not work on some pseudo-scientific level it does have an effect I'm sure.

All I can say is I don't see a change happening in my vibrations anytime soon. :p
FunkyBuddha said:
TheSolitaryMan said:
If I'm "vibrating", does this give me the ability to remotely resonate people until their internal organs explode?

'Cause that'd actually be awesome :D

No but it does give you the ability to look constipated while you try. Have it it.

*Pulls original Max Payne face*

LAW of attraction is neutral...
It's like fucken gravity. It's neutral.

Weather you draw/attrract negative or positive to you it's always at work.

Gravity dont give a fresia if you use to gravity to hurt yourself or propell yourself.

If you're a negative'll attract negative honeysuckle into your life
with faith and grace.
As you would if you are a positve person.

If you're negative at moment...Then i dont know what to tell you...other then you like it and create it over and over again.

Universal law is alway at work. It's neatrul to all things.

The galexis are shape like a disc.
Solar sytem are shape like a disc.
Atoms are shape like a disc as of a solar system.

The river of life is alway flowing...
wheather you go against it or with it...Life dosnt distinguish it.

You can go to the river of life with a teaspoon, a cup. a bucket, a wheel barral or a giantic scoop sholvel. Life gives exactly what you ask for.

Your subconcious mind works in the sameway...its universal law.

You subconsious mind dont give a fresia what you feed it....negative or positve..Itll simply spit out what you feed it or programmed it to do.

It still comes down to making a simple chioce....we chose to creat positive and negative every moment of our lives. .

Positive adds...
Negative takes away..
Its not fucken rocket science.
IgnoredOne said:
Law of Attraction is pop occultism. Still, interesting.

This kind of thinking leads to wearing designer shoes and jumping off of a building because someone tells you to.

The news is there to inform you of what is going on in "reality". Some news is worthless, some is very important. Too many people not caring about reality will lead to the collapse of society and food not arriving in the store. Which will then lead to... well I think I have said enough. By the time it happens it will be too late. Too many people believing it can't happen will cause it to happen. All because it is nicer not to be upset about anything.

This is why I wish I could find a good source in regards to underground cities that are being prepaired for what many very smart people are predicting. And from what I hear they aren't being built to hold millions.
Skorian said:
IgnoredOne said:
Law of Attraction is pop occultism. Still, interesting.

This kind of thinking leads to wearing designer shoes and jumping off of a building because someone tells you to.

The news is there to inform you of what is going on in "reality". Some news is worthless, some is very important. Too many people not caring about reality will lead to the collapse of society and food not arriving in the store. Which will then lead to... well I think I have said enough. By the time it happens it will be too late. Too many people believing it can't happen will cause it to happen. All because it is nicer not to be upset about anything.

This is why I wish I could find a good source in regards to underground cities that are being prepaired for what many very smart people are predicting. And from what I hear they aren't being built to hold millions.

Are you dudes smoking Crack?
Everyone have their own perceptions of what reality is...
This is reality.

Obviously any fucken morons can figure out theres
not a god **** 200lb aligator swimming in the sewer system
where I live...becuase most people are AWEAR the ****
sewer pipes are only 12" lines.

And Yeah man....there's freaken mondern underminding system with tunnels system
miles and miles deep into the earth bigger than the size of a city.
People work in there all day and all night...basically live in
The god **** problem is ...if the fucken giantic fans gose out ...they'll all fucken die.
Its hot as fresia underground and rheres all kinds of matha fucken gases that'll kill humans that's underground

Which has little to do with notnhing about having a good ATTITUTE
and Maintaning a positive mental state and emotional well being.
Skorian said:
This kind of thinking leads to wearing designer shoes and jumping off of a building because someone tells you to.

You're going to have to elaborate on this.

Psychological studies, sociological surveys or any sort of marketing statistic should suffice.

Because I don't believe in the law of attraction and obviously neither does IgnoredOne. Yet, neither of us have jumped off a building (I know I've been told to) and we're probably not the most likely candidates to stay fashion trendy.
Pfft, I love the idea how people think that I can consciously decide what my mood or personality is. If I decide to make a happy face in a situation that clearly makes me feel uncomfortable then I'm a fake, aren't I? If I can decide to be happy, why the hell would I ever want to feel angry or sad?

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