Is public ranting just an avenue to seek validation?

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follow the white rabbit
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2023
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I think it is. Otherwise we’d just rant into thin air. I’m guilty of it myself. I’ve been so frustrated with a situation that I needed to vent my thoughts (which obviously were the only sensible way of thinking) so the numbskulls of the world could align their ridiculous lives with my acceptable order.

Validate me 😝
I don't subscribe to what I perceive to be a popular psychological notion of, 'validation.'

To me, understanding, 'being understood,' is a core necessity for everyone. I don't care or understand what the fresia, 'validation.' Is. People need to be, 'seen,' and, 'heard,' and, 'felt.' Some one might see you, but not see you at all. Some one might hear you, without having heard a word. Some one might feel you, without having felt any of what you are feeling.

I don't see any problem with going on about something, in depth. It can be very often be off-putting, the way, some one might monopolize conversation by talking too much and constantly interrupting others. Or, it can be interesting to an interested party. It just boils down to presentation and context.

But the word, 'rant,' is mostly, probably a, 'put-down,' or, 'self-deprecation,' in light of the perceived or real disapproval of one's peers.

As far as being, 'right,' about something... For whatever reason, I think we all tend to try to out-do each other, for some reason. *shrugs*.


I'm sure we are saying the same thing, to large degree; but, I am absolutely fed up with all this illegitimate psycho-babble.
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Well “rant” indicates to me, a necessity to get something off your chest. And “validation” means, to me at least, the necessity for people to acknowledge what has been said.
Psycho-babble has it's place, just like chemical nomenclature has it's place in chemistry. But one shouldn't go around replacing the word, 'salt,' with, 'sodium chloride,' in normal conversation. Salt is common parlance, sodium chloride is lab talk.

I go on about this stuff all that time; but, I really do think it's very, very important, and damaging, that people are putting so much faith into something that, not only is largely, not going to help them; but, is actively making things worse. The words we speak, are a reflection of the constant inner dialogue we use to communicate with ourselves. And to be constantly thinking in the psychological vernacular, is akin to bringing the surgery scalpel home, so you can use it to spread butter, and cut bread. It's over-kill.

An over-bearing mother becomes a, 'narcissist.'
A boyfriend who you demand too much of becomes, 'toxic,' for not, 'validating,' you every second of every minute.
Liking things clean and tidy becomes, 'my OCD,' when it's not anything of the sort.
Experiencing normal highs and lows, and even extreme highs and lows, that could be quite normal and non-clinical becomes, 'my bi-polar,' or, 'I'm manic,' or, 'I'm hypomanic,' or, 'I'm depressed.'
Being persistently dissatisfied, in despair, or disappointed, is now, quite normal, to be considered, 'depressed.' Yet we often don't stop to think about how, 'depressed,' is a medical term that describes the, 'slowing,' of a system: such as one's breathing or vasculature.
Dealing with a rude cashier or barista becomes, 'traumatic,' and leaves one, 'trauma triggered.' And to speak like that is just an insult to anyone who has ever been in an extremely fearfully tense situation.
Having a reality bending, spiritual catharsis, simply becomes, 'a psychosis.'

This language creeps into everything. And I think it confuses and befuddles, more often than it doesn't. It harms more than it helps. It literally cheapens human experience. And it confuses people, because they begin to conflate symptoms with causes; and this conflation occurs in a setting, that largely is aimed only at addressing symptoms as if they were causes. So you end up with, by way of analogy, situations where people being to complain or feel a bit disturbed about feeling wet, when they take a shower.
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To other people or to thin air, makes no difference most of the time. I do have a habit of ranting, in hopes someone will tell me I am right. In reality, I often just need to see where I am wrong or where I am not understanding.
Well “rant” indicates to me, a necessity to get something off your chest. And “validation” means, to me at least, the necessity for people to acknowledge what has been said.
I understood. But, I've digressed...

We are human, flesh and blood. By our motivations we move, speak, write, see, think, hear, taste, touch, feel, etc.. To me, it's completely implied beyond the scope of that word to begin with.

We have hobbies, passions, connect with nature, value time with friends, and family, have opinions, and experiences, etc..
Or we lack purpose, feel lost, feel misunderstood, feel invisible, etc..

Dig it. F*ck validation, I say. To me, that's implied. The human experience, even of a single moment, couldn't possibly be approached, much less, encompassed with such a word.

Speaking generally, if you've got something to say, say it. And if it isn't doing it for ya, or it's working against ya, don't say it, or say it differently. Silence often speaks louder.

Understanding, though, I think, is perhaps getting somewhere...

Even if I'm going nowhere... *heh*
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Psycho-babble has it's place, just like chemical nomenclature has it's place in chemistry. But one shouldn't go around replacing the word, 'salt,' with, 'sodium chloride,' in normal conversation. Salt is common parlance, sodium chloride is lab talk.

I go on about this stuff all that time; but, I really do think it's very, very important, and damaging, that people are putting so much faith into something that, not only is not going to help them; but, is actively making things worse. The words we speak of, are a reflection of the constant inner dialogue we use to communicate with ourselves. And to be constantly thinking in the psychological vernacular, is akin to bringing the surgery scalpel home, so you can use it spread butter, and cut bread. It's over-kill.

An over-bearing mother becomes a, 'narcissist.'
A boyfriend who you demand too much of becomes, 'toxic,' for not, 'validating,' you every second of every minute.
Liking things clean and tidy becomes, 'my OCD,' when it's not anything of the sort.
Experiencing normal highs and lows, and even extreme highs and lows, that could be quite normal and non-clinical becomes, 'my polar,' or, 'I'm manic,' or, 'I'm hypomanic,' or, 'I'm depressed.'
Being persistently dissatisfied, in despair, or disappointed, is now, quite normal, to be considered, 'depressed.' Yet we often don't stop to think about how, 'depressed,' is a medical term that describes the, 'slowing,' of a system: such as one's breathing or vasculature.
Dealing with a rude cashier or barista becomes, 'traumatic,' and leaves one, 'trauma triggered.' And to speak like that is just an insult to anyone who has ever been in an extremely fearfully tense situation.

This language creeps into everything. And I think it confuses and befuddles, more often than it doesn't. It harms more than it helps. It literally cheapens human experience. And it confuses people, because they begin to conflate symptoms with causes; and this conflation occurs in a setting, that largely is aimed only at addressing symptoms as if they were causes. So you end up with, by way of analogy, with situations where people being to complain about feeling wet, when they take a shower.
Very in depth. My thread was a bit tongue in cheek actually and I didn’t expect such a reply.

To other people or to thin air, makes no difference most of the time. I do have a habit of ranting, in hopes someone will tell me I am right. In reality, I often just need to see where I am wrong or where I am not understanding.
Interesting. Ranting over something you think you might be completely wrong about.
Very in depth. My thread was a bit tongue in cheek actually and I didn’t expect such a reply.

Interesting. Ranting over something you think you might be completely wrong about.
Had to get that off my chest, I guess, heh (probably better places to do it though.)
And also distracting/time killing...

Public ranting is normal.
The thing is, we're sitting on a 4.5 billion year old rock that's spinning at about 1000 MPH while simultaneously wobbling on its axis as it orbits a g-type star. We have absolutely no idea how we got here, or where we are going, and we just have to be okay with all of that.
So the least of my concerns is public ranting. 😂
Do you ever remember waking up in the car on a car ride as a kid and asking your parents if you're there yet, and one of your parents says we're lost? It's a bit like that. lol.
Public ranting is normal.
The thing is, we're sitting on a 4.5 billion year old rock that's spinning at about 1000 MPH while simultaneously wobbling on its axis as it orbits a g-type star. We have absolutely no idea how we got here, or where we are going, and we just have to be okay with all of that.
So the least of my concerns is public ranting. 😂
Do you ever remember waking up in the car on a car ride as a kid and asking your parents if you're there yet, and one of your parents says we're lost? It's a bit like that. lol.
Normal just means things begin to occur often enough and so are accepted. I’m not concerned about ranting, just a thought that came to mind while reading through threads here. I never dared ask my father is we were there yet lol.
I actually do rant into thin air on occasion. If I'm ranting at someone about something, no real response is required, or validation. It's just me opening the exaust ports.If I am seeking validation of sone kind, I'll usually ask for it.
elaborate please on the last bit
Lol venting. If say, a work colleague is being a jack, I don't need advice unless I ask for it. I'm just voicing personal frustration. I probably know already or will figure out by myself how to deal with it. But voicing frustration out loud is just in an of itself therapeutic. Just someone listening is often enough.
Lol venting. If say, a work colleague is being a jack, I don't need advice unless I ask for it. I'm just voicing personal frustration. I probably know already or will figure out by myself how to deal with it. But voicing frustration out loud is just in an of itself therapeutic. Just someone listening is often enough.
Oh right yeah ok. Maybe I used the term rant too broadly. There’s rants and then there’s rants 😂
I think I mean more of a rant about something rather than ranting at someone. Y’know like “I hate it when” or “Why don’t they just”, rather than directly ranting at someone. I don’t think I’m getting any clearer lol.
Sometimes ranting is a cry for help or just out of frustration or maybe you just need a sounding board. If you do that to thin air, you won't get any of that....
true, but isn't that like being validated? Maybe I'm using the wrong term. Acknowledged?
Yeah, acknowledged would be a better term for what I'm talking about. Validation involves agreement and not everyone wants or needs that agreement, but they generally do want to be seen or heard.

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