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My parents used to juice (no more veggies !) We need to buy some. i drank it for the growth of my hair, but i really have to chug it down. i cant stand the taste. if im going to do that i will have to make a huge sacrifice again XD
A little fruit helps alot. It doesn't have to taste horrible. Just have to put the right things together. And teach yourself to like it.
Rayri said:
ive tried to eat only a certain amount of food per day, but its hard.
i cant resist food. it is the only thing that gives me EXTREME comfort. j-
i try not to drink soda alot, and sugary drinks.
Like i said..resisting is hard...

It's not about eating little, It's about eating good.
You'll lose weight if you eat constantly by small portions.
the other bad thing it is to eat until you cant eat anymore. that's wrong, just need to eat until you dont feel hungry. but we dont need to confuse hungry with gluttony.
hungry is when you need to eat. gluttony is when you want because there's still some room left.
besides... the stomach needs around 20 minutes after you'd done eating to tell your brain that he's done.

so... a good way to start is: reduce your quantity in every meal and wait between 30 to 40 min after. If you're still hungry, eat a bit more.

sodas are crap, even diets one. drink juices. preferably home made. or just plain water
eat a lot of fruits. apples are perfect to loose weight. pineapples too.
bananas, oranges... between meals, when you feel hungry make that your first option.
vegetables are your friends too. and they taste good. the problem is... few people knows how to cook them. they just boil them and that's all.
avoid fats all you can. go easy with bread and similars. oatmeal is good and taste yummi with enough sugar. (with cinnamon and raisins.... yum)

so... it's not about to avoid, that doesnt work. it's about be educated.
mcdonalds, burguer king, white castle, etc.... avoid them. if you love it... no more than once in a week. same with pizzas.

if with all this you add some excercises perfect. you need to accelerate your metabolism. at your age, that's pretty easy.
how? doing all this.

I always was a thin guy.
I gained 25 kilos dealing with depression by eating and plying CS hahhaah. I get rid of them with all this in less than a year.
so, if you start today... you'll be looking good for the end of the world :D
If you don't... one year from now, will be the same old history.

Yes i know
Eat 7 small portions..
Drink water first if you feel hungry..
Steam vegetables...
Theyre all things i have seen and heard over and over and over again.
Thing is i need to change other things. Such as my mood. >.<
im VERY lazy and i get moody often. When i am, i just like to eat and look at the worst.

How about i put my picture up and you guys be the judges ? >_>
Rayri said:
Yes i know
Eat 7 small portions..
Drink water first if you feel hungry..
Steam vegetables...
Theyre all things i have seen and heard over and over and over again.
Thing is i need to change other things. Such as my mood. >.<
im VERY lazy and i get moody often. When i am, i just like to eat and look at the worst.

so deal with your frustration in a different way.
eating gives you pleasure. for others is smoking. or masturbating. or partying. etc, search for another source of pleasure.

be all the lazy you want. but eat better if you want to feel more confident with yourself.
steamed vegetables sucks. I cook with a lot of oil to be honest. that doesnt mean tha you'll gain some weight.
chinese and hindi cuisine knows how to cook vegetables.
and when you feel hungry eat. dont drink water.

i said that because im so lazy i wont have the energy to do most of this stuff.
Most of the time, when you feel hungry, is for thirst. So youre supposed to drink some water first and if you still feel hungry, then youre supposed to eat.
I've tried juicing too. It actually works. I'm not healthy at all and I've been trying to take care of that. Juicing helped. The idea with the fruit is actually pretty good. I used to just add an apple if I needed to. The only problem is it is really expensive. I had to stop because I couldn't support it. I think that is why I have been obsessed with gardening/aquaponics and learning tons about it so I can just produce my own stuff to juice with. For now I just have to try to make more money if I want to juice.

I've read that a lot of tiredness and lethargy is just from the early signs of dehydration. Especially when we first wake up or after oversleeping. So, just drink water and you won't feel as tired.

[edit- Oh and if you do try to juice more, don't juice too many fruits. They have a ton of calories compared to juiced vegetables and can actually be counterproductive.]
Oh thank you for taht sleeping tip. i hate wasting my day taking naps. Meh mum always added an apple in her veggie juice. Still couldnt stand teh taste.
Sometimes your taste is a clue to things your body needs. So try experimenting instead of letting her do it.
i only did it once cause i wasnt a fan of it. i put together celery, green bell peppers, i think cucumber, and lemon. :p
Made it cold and chugged it right down. We never have vegetables anymore.
i think it would be better to use vegetables. We have fruit right now, maybe ill do it later.

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