just realized

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Well-known member
May 5, 2007
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i just realized sometime today that i absolutely have no real friends. its great.
SighX99 said:
i just realized sometime today that i absolutely have no real friends. its great.

What do you consider a "real" friend to be? You sound so alone from your post. I wish things were different for you.
Imaginary ones don't let you down, they also make no demands :).
There are times when, I believe, it is helpful to have no ties. It is also good to be content with yourself. However we are built to have relationships, even "small" ones, so it won't last forever.
I hope this period of your life makes future friendships more stable and enjoyable.
I know how you feel. The other day I really needed to talk to someone so I went through all the numbers in my cell phone...there wasn't a single one I could contact because none of them are real friends. Heck, most of them aren't even casual friends.
ive been trying to quit heroin, that means NOT talking to any of my heroin buddies. which is hard cuz some of them are my really good friends. i have another group of friends who wishes the best for me and they dont do any hard drugs, and they genuinely care for me(i think or i wish so). however, i always feel kinda emotionally distance to those friends, just seems like im not that good of a friend compare to some of their other friends, and they dont really call me either..... and they live kinda far from my city, so its hard to see them. one of them live kinda close to me, but he has better, closer friends than me...

a few days ago, i was in an online lobby in left 4 dead with my cousins and some of his friends, i said "one of my friends coming in to join us in a left 4 dead game", then one of my cousins just replied "o jerry actually u dont have any friends" then left the lobby...it really fuckin hurt me. even tho its just one small fuckin line in an online conversation... cuz its fuckin true.

i dont post on here often cuz often times im in a drugged daze and not like to think that im really lonely and emotionally distanced from almost everyone i come in contact with, including online people.

anyways im just kinda sick and tired of being alone... always trying to play video games, in the end i just stare at a blank screen cuz im sick of playing video games... alll i really want is just some form of fuckin human contact...

FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK. imma rack a line peace (peace is never with me)
SighX99 said:
a few days ago, i was in an online lobby in left 4 dead with my cousins and some of his friends, i said "one of my friends coming in to join us in a left 4 dead game", then one of my cousins just replied "o jerry actually u dont have any friends" then left the lobby...it really fuckin hurt me. even tho its just one small fuckin line in an online conversation... cuz its fuckin true.

I am sorry that happened to you. Yes that can really hurt and was quite rude.
freeder said:
I know how you feel. The other day I really needed to talk to someone so I went through all the numbers in my cell phone...there wasn't a single one I could contact because none of them are real friends. Heck, most of them aren't even casual friends.

Yeah, I know the feeling... I have a hard time knowing who to call besides my parents back home. Not like the guy answering the phone at Papa Johns really wants to hear about my day... my phone is full of useless numbers, none of which belong to a real friend. It sucks!
I know how you feel.It seems there's quite a lot of us here with no real friends. I don't even have any casual friends.It's just me and my bf and when he goes out it's just me and I do hate that.I wish I had friends to just go shopping with or to the cinema with.To laugh with and share things with.But I'm doubtful I'll ever have that.

It sounds like you're going through a tough time right now.Trying to come off heroin must be extremely difficult.When you feel lonley it can't help either.I have avoided the site sometimes when I'm feeling really depressed because it can make me feel worse.Still, if you ever want to chat I'm pretty much always online :)
SighX99 said:
ive been trying to quit heroin, that means NOT talking to any of my heroin buddies. which is hard cuz some of them are my really good friends. i have another group of friends who wishes the best for me and they dont do any hard drugs, and they genuinely care for me(i think or i wish so). however, i always feel kinda emotionally distance to those friends, just seems like im not that good of a friend compare to some of their other friends, and they dont really call me either..... and they live kinda far from my city, so its hard to see them. one of them live kinda close to me, but he has better, closer friends than me...

a few days ago, i was in an online lobby in left 4 dead with my cousins and some of his friends, i said "one of my friends coming in to join us in a left 4 dead game", then one of my cousins just replied "o jerry actually u dont have any friends" then left the lobby...it really fuckin hurt me. even tho its just one small fuckin line in an online conversation... cuz its fuckin true.

i dont post on here often cuz often times im in a drugged daze and not like to think that im really lonely and emotionally distanced from almost everyone i come in contact with, including online people.

anyways im just kinda sick and tired of being alone... always trying to play video games, in the end i just stare at a blank screen cuz im sick of playing video games... alll i really want is just some form of fuckin human contact...

FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK. imma rack a line peace (peace is never with me)

just wanted you to know that sometime(wtf most of the time) I feel the same way.Feel free to hit me up.I know it not the same as actually human contact but maybe it's the best both of us can manage for now.A least you don't have to sling bull and pretend your fine.

There's plenty of recovery on line site you can sign onto.
There's alot of resources avaible to you. You don't have to do this alone.

Trying to stop addictions is an overwhelming struggle and up hill battle.

I still attend my support groups today. 12 steps support groups are not the only way, but
it's what's avaliable to me and it's free. It's world wide.
I need that support system. I can talk to other reocverying addicts...about anything.
These people also allow me to have freinds that's understands me and talked those
same miles that i did..from the verious stages of my addictions.

While heroin wasn't my drug of chioce. I could had easily used it.
I was a pothead in HS. Bascailly drank and partied my ass off like anyone.
I last 6 months of my addiction career..I started using meth.

Meth to me was like the ultimate xlair to me. I was zooming around all the time without feeling depressed.
I partied my ass off almost 24/7s and still go to work and school... the last 6 months of my using.
However..no matter how much i used meth...it never solved any of my living problems, pains and
it drove me further and further from the people in my life that loves me.

I found love and happiness through the fellowships of NA or AA.
it's been over 17 years since i walked through the doors of recovery.
I still go becuase I've made some good freinds in recovery.

As a matter of fact..I'm off to attend my meeting right now.

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