Life After Death Opinions

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First off, I do not intend or wish this thread to evolve into a religious debate. In fact, please make no debate. I just would like to get everyone's opinion - because you have to have one on this issue.

This should be fun, or at least interesting!

1) Life after death- is there such a thing? If so, what do you believe the Afterlife to be like? Some questions to brainstorm: what does it look like, if anything at all, who or what is there, what can you do, will you have a physical body, what will be your limitations, will the laws of science still apply?

2) How have you formed your opinion?

3) Have you or anybody YOU KNOW ever been to the Other Side? Have you or they had an out-of-body experience or been pronounced clinically brain dead?

4) And, lastly, somewhat related, has any of you SEEN a full-bodied apparition?

Gather 'round the campfire, yall :)
1 - When you die it's the end of your existence and that's all there is to it. Death is the end and people need to start facing up to it.

2 - It's all in the mind.

3 - Nope

4 - Nope

However, i am also baptised and confirmed. Let's just say it's insurance should the bearded man exist.
1. I believe(and hope) we are either reincarnated or nothing happens, your just dead.

2. I read articles and seen videos etc. and I got interested in the thought of those two possible outcomes.

3. No.

4. No but I would like to.
Awesome replies, guys.

All in the Mind- HOW did you come to your opinion?

StonedHitman- Yeah, I would love to come across a full-bodied apparition as well. Or anything paranormal and visible for that matter. It seems in the day-to-day no one has actually seen an apparition, from what I've gathered. It seems these stories are usually second-hand. Interesting

I may as well reply to my own post:

1) I do not know

2) Logic and honesty, even though I would like to say definitely "yes" for my own sanity

3) No

4) No
1. I don't believe in an afterlife. I think we are purely physical creatures, and once the body dies, we no longer exist. I wish there were one, but don't believe there is one.

2. Over the years, I've just began to feel like there is no real logical reason for me to believe in an afterlife. I just don't think humans beings are that special. We're like every other animal, once we die, that's it. There's no proof of afterlife, so I can't believe in it.

3. no

4. no
Sean said:
I don't really care what happens. As long as I get some peace and quiet.

i'm with sean on this one.

well said my brother from a canadian mother. :D
Interesting opinions- good way to approach it Sean

& Jay- I wonder if logic has any influence at all after death- after all the brain will be dead. Perhaps the proof we seek for the afterlife is already here, but it is something that we cannot understand with our earthly minds?

I'm still waiting for someone to come on here with an apparition sighting. Even so, there is no real way to tell if they are human spirits of people who have died, or just entirely different beings in another realm. I guess the only way to be semi-certain is if the apparition seen is that of someone the person knew in life. Then again, it could be a demonic entity taking that form in trickery. Maybe it's all bullshit.... gah... too much thinking
i've got a lot of first hand supernatural stories, but i don't share them with groups of people because i don't like being mocked and called a liar.

People shouldn't mock in this thread, I hope they wouldn't. I'm hoping this thread lets people share their opinion / stories and have an intellectual conversation that brings us closer to discovering some answers. If you have something that you think would really be a mind-changer about these things, by all means PM me, I'd be interested and definitely would not judge.
Just_Some_Dude said:
i've got a lot of first hand supernatural stories, but i don't share them with groups of people because i don't like being mocked and called a liar.


Well, you opened the door, so it's time to share! :)

I don't believe in an afterlife, however, I do believe that there are things, supernatural things, as it were, that are beyond current human comprehension. I don't believe ghosts and apparitions are proof of an afterlife. In fact, most of the ghost stories I've heard seem to involve ghosts that are stuck in their earthly life, not going on to life after death.

Although, sometimes I'm torn. I do hope that I will see my late relatives again after I die. And what about children who die? It's disturbing to think that a child's life could just extinguish and that's it.

I think we should live the best lives we can while we're here to make our world a better place, not because of a promise of an eternal blessed life or because of threat of eternal damnation.

An interesting topic, though.

Actually, now i remember once when i saw a white horse galloping in some field years ago.

It was around 10/11 and pitch black but here was this horse, clear as day, jumping about in the field. The whiteness of it was too pure.

That's the only thing that's stumped me in 21 1/2 years of existence.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord!
SofiasMami said:
I think we should live the best lives we can while we're here to make our world a better place, not because of a promise of an eternal blessed life or because of threat of eternal damnation.

What a great thought, Teresa! I often wonder how humans would react if there was no such concept as a judgmental God and / or no afterlife...

(I should say "act", not "react")
!. I hope there is something after death. So many things in life follow a cyclic pattern, why shouldn't we? I don't care if I ever see the human forms my parents and brother wore but I would dearly love to experience the essences that guided them through their all too short incarnations here.
2. I was raised outside of religion but taught to respect ALL of them. My mom always said that folks find their goodness or destiny on many paths and one is as valid as the next. She always said if there is a devine presence in the Universe she planned on carrying it's wisdom in her heart, ethics, conscience and standards...Instead of storing bits of this devine being in a building or another person...

She refused to be charged a fee for acceptance. She always said the devine would never need a chosen essence to follow a rule or many of them, because the devine would enable and allow the person to find and utilize the qualities needed through the person's own mind. She was the least judgemental and most kind person I have ever known, my dad was her very close second. They formed many of my thoughts on this subject. It just always made such gentle and yet independent sense to me.

3. My mom was clinically dead for 3 minutes after she had me. She said she recalls being very warm and floating. No brillant lights or friendly faces though. My dad said she'd "warmly" floated through life so she was bound to be "drifty" in death. It was a huge family joke...

4. I had a friend who bought a very old house and she and her hubs all claimed to see a woman in the kitchen, dozens of times. I've never seen anything but would LOVE to. I'd sit em right down and talk them into their grave.... :D
i won't share my stories here because too many people already have their minds made up about something they can never know.

i am an agnostic. which means i admit i don't know and i don't presume to choose belief or NON-belief (which is still belief).

i will let people keep hold their opinions as fact, and preserve my experiences for whom they were

:) sorry to seem grouchy
God, Nina, you communicated that all so eloquently. Such great insight.

This is the first OBE that someone's communicated to me. First one for the thread, too. Very interesting about the warmth she experienced. I have heard accounts through Coast to Coast AM from everything like you describe, to a coldness, but very rarely does someone come through it with a negative experience.

Interesting story about the apparition, too, although still a second-hand account, dang : )
I don't personally believe in life after death. Wish I did in many ways.
You don't seem grouchy JSD- I agree almost 100%, it's a rational stance in my opinion

All in the Mind- Perhaps you saw a unicorn...Where was this sighting- in the US?

How did you reach your opinion CAS?

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