Life After Death Opinions

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What do people make of mediums ? I went to a spirtulist church the other week and wasnt impressed. The outside guest medium could not make it so the one based at the church did it ....and only picked on people she knew.

I have been looking on youtube and it shows some up to be frauds.
I think i am a good sense of character and this bloke seems a decent honest man.

Even if some are telling the truth , there are some frauds.......and when you think about it how do we let people get away with this? Its lower than the low , to LIE to a greiving person and take money off people . I think they should be held up as sick and evil.
Well, Mr.shankly, I am pretty neutral on the subject of psychics/ mediums myself. I can't say it doesn't exist but the vast majority are frauds. I heard once that a real psychic wouldn't charge someone money for these types of services, namely in the $700 per reading range that people like Sylvia Browne do. When I was young, and a bit impressionable, I read many of Ms. Browne's books rented from the library. I was so enamored with her vivid descriptions of the other side and all of the compelling stories she told. Years later, I came across Browne again and decided to look back on her predictions to see what the deal was. Well, needless to say there were innumerable red flags. One, she agreed on Larry King Live to take a psychic challenge for a million-or-so dollars.... she never did. Two, she told police that they would find a missing person alive; they found that person dead. Three, she does, in fact, charge for missing person cases and she has rarely been correct. Four, she told a 9/11 victim's widow that her husband "died in deep water" before she found out he died in the fire at 9/11. And the last example from me, but there's more- I listened to an old Coast to Coast program from 04 or 06, in which every single prediction she made was false, including one in which she insisted Yellowstone would "blow within 3-4 months". So, as you can see, people like this who sell book after book, hold seminars, create their own church, and charge $750 for a 15 minute reading should be taken with a grain of salt. Sadly, it seems anyone who can sound sure of themselves enough while making predictions can enamor thousands of people regardless of their ability or lack thereof. Just my insight
If I were to talk about dead people or ghosts, or try to solve missing persons cases based on "spiritual" powers, then guess what? I WOULD BE RIGHT AT LEAST ONCE, if not more. A broken watch is right twice a day.

Mediums and psychics work the same way, IMHO. They talk so much about ghosts and the dead that they eventually hit on something that IS actually correct or actually happened... like if a medium "contacts" your dead relative for you. They've done it so many times that they know how to dupe you into believing that they're actually doing it when what they are really doing is READING YOU and your reactions to what they are saying.


Scams and cons, the lot of them, says I.
Badjedidude said:
. A broken watch is right twice a day.

Im stealing that too. Its been stole, nothing you can do.

I still stick to my "mass hysteria" theory. If you want something to happen, it will happen. Give something energy and it creates energy.

Oh, and time marches on and all that jazz

and dont do drugs


EveWasFramed said:
What about all the spankfaces? :p lol

I am almost certain this does not mean what I think it means, considering it has a different vowell, and all.
eris said:
I am almost certain this does not mean what I think it means, considering it has a different vowell, and all.

It means exactly what you think it means.

*wink wink*

bjd, amen brother. Sometimes I think we're sharing brain waves.

You're right, the frauds have got to be good readers - of people- and quick at that. Ever watch em in do a large group reading? They start with something vague that someone in the room is BOUND to relate to.... then someone stands up and is like "omg it's my father". Then, the "medium" continues and QUICKLY notices every reaction of that audience member. They have to be good readers of body language. So they will start and say, "I see an older male, name beginning with the letter C..." If the medium sees the audience member look intently interested or say yes, they continue and go something to the effect "I see a Charles (audience member looks puzzled) or a Christopher (audience member looks interested), yes Christopher" Audience member says something like "that's my dad" Now the medium has more info to play on and starts to guess something related to a person being a father... etc, etc. You get the point. So I believe with many, if not all of these "mediums", quick reflexes and probability play a large role in their perceived successes.
downbythebay said:
bjd, amen brother. Sometimes I think we're sharing brain waves.

You're right, the frauds have got to be good readers - of people- and quick at that. Ever watch em in do a large group reading? They start with something vague that someone in the room is BOUND to relate to.... then someone stands up and is like "omg it's my father". Then, the "medium" continues and QUICKLY notices every reaction of that audience member. They have to be good readers of body language. So they will start and say, "I see an older male, name beginning with the letter C..." If the medium sees the audience member look intently interested or say yes, they continue and go something to the effect "I see a Charles (audience member looks puzzled) or a Christopher (audience member looks interested), yes Christopher" Audience member says something like "that's my dad" Now the medium has more info to play on and starts to guess something related to a person being a father... etc, etc. You get the point. So I believe with many, if not all of these "mediums", quick reflexes and probability play a large role in their perceived successes.

How can people get away with this though? They must be sick . I think a far bigger fuss should be made by the media if anyone is proved to be a fake. To play upon people who are grieving, make money and in a way make fun of them is a terrible crime in my eyes
In a sea of interesting responses here is mine...I enjoy the idea of a "ONENESS" as I call it, that exists OUTSIDE of time/space itself. On some level we are ALL this ONENESS... and when you die you become ONE with the ONENESS FULLY AGAIN. Then in that plane of existence that is not limited by the confines of memory you CHOOSE who you are to be next. I mean isn't it possible that if this is the case one could find a way to live EVERY life that ever was and ever will be infinitely? Oh the joy of the freedom of the trappings of memory! A singular existence, from a single point of view, in a duel contradiction from that which is not existence, to seek an end to an expression of an awareness that never ceases to be the infinite you's and me's! Personaly I would LOVE an afterlife... to suddenly WAKE UP in a working body... in some awesome fantasy world, with some great cuase perhaps... or a vastness to explore! of the joy of imagination!

1) Life after death- is there such a thing? If so, what do you believe the Afterlife to be like? Some questions to brainstorm: what does it look like, if anything at all, who or what is there, what can you do, will you have a physical body, what will be your limitations, will the laws of science still apply?

(((-Well for one, when YOU die... YOU are dead. This is a FACT. So if there is a LIFE... after YOUR death... how will you even remember who YOU used to be? After all YOU are dead so the NEW YOU "assuming there is life after death" would some how have to remember that YOU died. An interesting thing to note is who YOU are when YOU dream? Are you always YOU? I have NEVER had a dream where I saw myself in the mirror, isn't that interesting? Also If you think about existence itself, how it all began, the same question arises. What happened before life? That is question we still don't have an answer too. I think like after death will feel much like life before birth)))

2) How have you formed your opinion?

(((I haven't presented an opinion. I have mearlly stated a fact. However In my OPINION, I believe the problem with this question, is the state of mind one has to be in to care to ask it. When one comes to a realization that YOU are NOT YOU, YOU are ETERNAL, YOU have always been, and you ALWAYS WILL BE. YOU are EVERYONE, EVERYTHING, AND ALL THAT EVER WAS AND WILL BE. There is no me or you. YOU then cease to be in the sense of a YOUING type of person. If you are fortunate enough, or unfortunate enough you can reach a place where the line between YOU and EVERYTHING ELSE... ceases to be, you become ONE with ALL and ALL feels as ONE. There is no "DEATH" it becomes an "IDEA". Then the real purpose seems to be to LIVE, to PASS ON KNOWLEDGE, and to see YOUR life as just 1 expression of an infinite number of expressions of OUR true self?)))

3) Have you or anybody YOU KNOW ever been to the Other Side? Have you or they had an out-of-body experience or been pronounced clinically brain dead?

4) And, lastly, somewhat related, has any of you SEEN a full-bodied apparition?(((NO)))

Ultimately tho, When YOU are dead, YOU are dead, and we can only hope that that's it, or that isn't it... depending on what you are leaving behind, huh? I don't think anyone wants to die tho...I don't as hard as living is, at least i'm alive....
Some sceintists have said thats its impossible for energy to die havnt they. Plus i am not my body or my brain....what am i ?
Have you seen all this stuff from Mark everrets ( eels ) dad about parallel universe,s ? He was ignored at the time , but people are looking more seriously at it now

4 part doc

I think i will put some eels on :)
1) Life after death- is there such a thing?

I don't believe so, but I guess you never know, I do think it's possible we do leave behind something after death.

3) Have you or anybody YOU KNOW ever been to the Other Side? Have you or they had an out-of-body experience or been pronounced clinically brain dead?

I don't know anyone who's had oobe, I believe any kind of oobe and ghost sightings during sleep is just a form of hypnagogic hallucination, I've had them a lot during sleep ever since I was a kid (all of them during sleep paralysis), they occur so much that I've made it clear for myself that they're not real no matter how real they might seem:

4) And, lastly, somewhat related, has any of you SEEN a full-bodied apparition?
No, I have not seen a ghost before when I'm fully awake and conscious, but I do know people that have seen them or claimed to.
Lawrens said:
1) Life after death- is there such a thing?

I don't believe so, but I guess you never know, I do think it's possible we do leave behind something after death.

Hey Lawrens, thanks for the interesting thoughts. How did you come to your belief?
Hey Lawrens, thanks for the interesting thoughts. How did you come to your belief?

It is just that I have not experienced nor witness any hints of that there is life after death, there were no signs for me. :)
Have you experienced any hints that there is not any life after death, though?
downbythebay said:
Have you experienced any hints that there is not any life after death, though?

Nope, I don't deny it existing, I just don't believe it, I'm neutral on this matter, because we could only find out when we die.

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