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Sep 10, 2011
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i must be very desprate when i searched at google "website for lonely people". tsk.. my wife is packing right now and i an't do anything to stop her... i'm listening to a song "if you leave me now". im hopeless... i want to get drunk, but i can't afford to buy a drink.. i feel so sad and lonely.. i want to die... i don't deserve this life!!! why is this happening to me... i never get what i want... im better of dead... :( oh god please kill me...
Yes, life IS unfair.

Sorry if someone told you differently.

You just have to find a way to deal with it. A way that makes it more or less bearable. :)
Grow a pair of balls between your legs and tell her "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out *****! Good Riddance!!!" Then bang her friend, sister, mom, grandma, etc...
Yup, life is totally unfair, and that sucks. You can't change the world and the people in it, however, but you can change how you respond to it.
Equinox said:
Yup, life is totally unfair, and that sucks. You can't change the world and the people in it, however, but you can change how you respond to it.

**** straight, you can.
It's not a matter of fairness, it's just about that which happens and what capacity you have to respond to it. Any situation can befall anyone equally. Anyone can find themselves unable to deal with it. In the same way, anyone can find the courage to deal with it, as well. The way you're feeling isn't a wrong way to feel, but the question now is what will help you find the strength to cope?
Yes, life is fair to some and unfair to others! I wish that I knew why some have it easy and some will have a hard life? I've been questioning this for the past couple of years and I still don't have an answer. So, the only thing that I can do is just live my life to the fullest and figure out from each day how to make my life happy. Life is a journey full of roller coasters(ups and downs) along with peaks and valleys. How you respond to your journey like everyone has said in these replies is up to you.

You will be fine. You just have to take it one step and day at a time. Channel your energies into something positive. Exercise, read positive books, volunteer at your local homeless shelter, go to a Children's Hospital and visit with the sick kids. Do something and serve someone else, instead of dwelling on your problems.

My reply may not be the best one, but I truly hope that you fell better! Tomorrow is a new day!
No, life is not fair. The good guy doesn't always win the battle or get the girl. More often than not, the 'bad guy' wins. This seems to make people think that being an ******* gets you places. It's not that being mean gets you places, it's that being assertive gets you places. So, basically work on yourself. Try fixing your life, one day at a time. Start doing things that make you happy. Try volunteering or join clubs or classes to be able to be around people more often so you're not lonely. As for money...there's only two options, make more or spend less.

After you've worked on yourself, maybe try getting back with wife. Try re-kindling the relationship with weekly dates or something. There are a lot of couples that do this after a break up or a divorce if they're wanting to try to get back together. If it doesn't work out, you'll be in a better stage to look for a relationship (if you want to) than you are now.

Besides, you can't die :p What if tomorrow is a better day and you're not here to live it?
well first turn off the depressing "wife is leaving you and you cant anything about it" music and blast this

find some income, and buy some booze, and like Mazda said, bang her sister/friend, or someone she hates XD
Sorry to hear what you're going through, but why is your wife leaving you?
Sterling said:
No, life is not fair. The good guy doesn't always win the battle or get the girl. More often than not, the 'bad guy' wins. This seems to make people think that being an ******* gets you places. It's not that being mean gets you places, it's that being assertive gets you places.

You're definitely right with assertiveness, but I'm not so sure about the fairness of life. Sometimes shitty things happen to good people, because really our lives are fleeting impositions of order on a chaotic world.

However, I'd say that being a good person is not only it's own reward, but also carries far more tangible rewards than being shallow or "bad".

I'm not sure that bad guys "win" even some of the time. They have hollow victories every now and then ("lol i liek had secks with sum1 last nite lol") but I'd say 99% of the time it bites them big time later on. Whether that's because they die in a car crash, drug overdose, end up locked up, choke on their own vomit or simply because they alienate people and die lonely in the end...

Pretty much all the "bad boys" I know may have got the girl, but they generally got the shallow, dumb girl, then stupidly made her pregnant at 16 and had to cancel the rest of their normal life. Or they got hooked on drugs. Or got involved in crime or mixed up in something that ruined their reputation.

So "karma" exists to some degree. If you're a nice person, I think you stack the odds of happiness in your favour. If you're "bad", you cash that in for thrills and spills but slide towards going off the rails or losing your inhibitions.
or maybe he was hoping for sympathy... I'm still trying to figure out why he got the reception he did.
I'm not sure he's coming back.

Honestly though I'm not sure I'd be online if someone was going to leave me, maybe people do weird things under stress but still. Though if his answer to every problem is to get drunk we might have worked out why his wife was leaving him...

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