male or female

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  • male

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • female

    Votes: 7 50.0%

  • Total voters
I'd have to think so.
Stalker guys are more common than stalker girls.

That being said, I'm open to breaking taboos, so any girls want to stalk me, you have my blessing ;-)
I don't know if I can say that guys are more prone to loneliness. I have seen groups of guys that were very different from each other. I have seen groups of girls where all the girls were very similar. It seems like guys get along better and can form social circles with little in common. But that may be my perspective.
Can't men just go to bars and talk to each other about sport though? *shudder*

Do women bond talking about weight loss and children/grandchildren? *shudder*

Libraries would be good to meet people if we spoke in libraries but of course, we don't speak in libraries. Hmm.
TheRealCallie said:
Not sure why men would be more prone to loneliness than women.  That doesn't make any sense to me.

Because you aren't a man. It would make sense if you were. Duhh  :p
kamya said:
TheRealCallie said:
Not sure why men would be more prone to loneliness than women.  That doesn't make any sense to me.

Because you aren't a man. It would make sense if you were. Duhh  :p

I'm a female. Super out going, absolutely no good reason I'm alone. It just happened
Fewer friends, less support overall, fewer romantic options + the requirement to be a resilient risk taker.
I'm don't think I have an answer for this. I asked my SO and he said he thinks women often feel more lonely, not because of the amount of friends, but because issues girls and women face are looked down upon when spoken about, such as periods, pregnancy terminations, miscarriages, sexual and physical abuse, the hard-hitting difficulties of parenting (like being a mother to someone who is extremely autistic as an example) etc... Most of those are especially hushed subjects that people don't like listening to or talking about, and feeling misunderstood is a form of loneliness. This resonates with me as I often feel misunderstood and believe it is the reason for my loneliness, however I don't really have an opinion about which gender is more lonely. I don't see it as important, only as fuel for further resentment which only makes more people more lonely.
Do you honestly believe one gender has the market cornered on loneliness? Sounds more like bitterness and thinking you know everything than actual truth, to be honest. lol
^ Females choose in the top that have the right gene/temperament to maintain the species. Us having twice as many female ancestors as males is an example of how most males get pushed down the hierarchy pyramid, so the gender demographic doesn't matter much in this case.

Just anecdotal evidence to explain better than using too many words, still not a fallacy though.
Guys can be a bit messed up about this.

Now, I see that Australia is one of the few countries where it's balanced (I seem to recall there are more women by a tiny fraction of a per cent). But when I was 16, my family moved from Sydney to a rough Western mining town. They were also building a power station there, and it had a cement manufacturing works. So it was full of men, both local and visiting tradesmen and miners. Not many jobs for women, and a lot had fled to the city. But I got my first girlfriend there. The men didn't like it. I nearly had my head kicked in for taking one of "their" women. I said to one of the less violently-inclined ones, "huh?" I'm eloquent like that. I informed him that the biggest city in Australia was only two and a half hours' drive away, and it's full of women. "By your logic, being from Sydney, they are MY women.. If you're having no luck here in this small town with a vastly higher number of men, then leave. I won't get upset if you find a nice lady in the city."

Men are indeed weird.

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