Man logic vs woman "logic"

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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2011
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Need to talk about this but have no one to in real life besides my shrink who is old and doesn't quite get how things are these days between sexes.

So I'm in this group, mostly composed by women (6 to 4). We always argue... it can get a bit too dramatic at times. We share points of view, and we the man always have to be the understanding ones cuz girls just aren't.

Now that I've read books about it, and experienced it myself so many times, I'm convinced of this... The ways the female brain "reasons" are different than ours... And I put quotes cuz a reason based on emotions can't be reason...

I'm just ******* tired. It's always the same. I've been too nice. Way too polite. The thing is the other dudes are too ******* beta to do anything about it, more than me. At least I stand up to them but they are more so it's unfair.

I'm trying form something with this dude on my group who is a reasonable human being. If I can form a group with him and other men I feel that'd be awsome for both my career and my steem.

I'm done with this. Next time they try to pull a stunt like this again I'll just thell them the truth: they're both unsatisfied hysterical women. The 2 that bother the most are a virgin and the other has a weird bf who fucks her once in a while. They clearly need to be sexually fullfilled yet they refuse to get it. Which is a shame since they're cool girls but that's the way it is, its their own choice. I'm not some dumpster for them to express thier sexual frustration, sadly it came down to this today.

Since my father was gone all I had was my mother and she had the great idea of giving advice... So wrong... Trust me all the men in this forum when I say women don't know what they want and their advice sucks ass.

So that's my rant ... I wouldn't have done it but I really need to let it out at least with this. I know it might be a bit agressive, hope no one gets offended, is not my intention. Girls, appreciate the honsety... most men will think this and wont tell you :p
There are large segments of the population who are blind to what is really going on.

Once your eyes are opened, you can either play the game or blow your head off.

But, like the red pill, there is no turning back.
I'm just going to put it out there as well. I feel you're being misogynistic in your thinking.

I especially take issue with your thread title. Women are capable of logic just as much as men are. Our capacity for logic isn't flawed or broken.
What the fresia is this honeysuckle?

Felix said:
I know it might be a bit agressive, hope no one gets offended, is not my intention. Girls, appreciate the honsety... most men will think this and wont tell you :p

Your post just smacks of sexism. A little too much Nietzsche, perhaps? I hope you don't get offended, not my intention, appreciate the honesty, etc.

SophiaGrace said:
oh christ.

I'm just going to put it out there. I feel you're being misogynistic in your thinking.

Just because a man is fed up with women doesn't mean he hates them.

There is a lot of manufactured angst between the sexes in Western cultures, more than ever.

'Manufactured' being the key word.

I'm not arguing that misogynists don't exist.

Rather I am suggesting that they are busy actively undermining women's freedoms, rights, safety, health, and happiness at this present moment.

They are 'not' on a forum venting a lot of the frustrations that modern men feel with modern women on an unprecedented scale.

Or vice versa.
First of all in a story you need to elaborate with what happened. (beginning/middle/end)
Second you are surrounded by immature children. ( I don't mean children in the literal sense I mean they are to immature mentally to have a conversation that is a disagreement and ever admit they are wrong, or explain why they are correct.)
Third don't debate children if you want a reasonable conversation.
Fourth you don't come out so rational, or logical yourself in this little post. (see number 1)
Fifth Logic is actually a philosophical course which can be used to making logical statements. I suggest you take it! Logic is awesome.
mens reasonning is very practical, lets fix it, lets find a solution.
Woman reasonning,let me get it off my chest, let me think it thrue and then ill do something about it if needed.

Perfect ballance, since both ways are good or bad depending in the situation

I have to say that what you did right now is qualified as a woman action... you just had to let it off your chest. lol just teasing
whispers said:
mens reasonning is very practical, lets fix it, lets find a solution.
Woman reasonning,let me get it off my chest, let me think it thrue and then ill do something about it if needed.

Perfect ballance, since both ways are good or bad depending in the situation

I have to say that what you did right now is qualified as a woman action... you just had to let it off your chest. lol just teasing

okay i'll go along with this.

Men's reasoning. Let's punch and kick at it.
SophiaGrace said:
whispers said:
mens reasonning is very practical, lets fix it, lets find a solution.
Woman reasonning,let me get it off my chest, let me think it thrue and then ill do something about it if needed.

Perfect ballance, since both ways are good or bad depending in the situation

I have to say that what you did right now is qualified as a woman action... you just had to let it off your chest. lol just teasing

okay i'll go along with this.

Men's reasoning. Let's punch and kick at it.

Two can play at that game :p:

'Tis a joke (wary)
whispers said:
mens reasonning is very practical, lets fix it, lets find a solution.
Woman reasonning,let me get it off my chest, let me think it thrue and then ill do something about it if needed.

Perfect ballance, since both ways are good or bad depending in the situation

I have to say that what you did right now is qualified as a woman action... you just had to let it off your chest. lol just teasing

SophiaGrace said:
I'm just going to put it out there as well. I feel you're being misogynistic in your thinking.

I especially take issue with your thread title. Women are capable of logic just as much as men are. Our capacity for logic isn't flawed or broken.

If you ask the me of a year ago, I'd agree with you.

I used to be a bit feminist, but my experiences in life proved me wrong.

I still feel is totally unapropiate for a man to touch a woman. Some men aren't and some woman don't care that man do that, or at least they don't complain when they tell the story... So what I mean is, in some ways I'm still most feminist than some girls. Is not that I don't respect woman, I just have the feeling our brains are different...

flaneur said:
What the fresia is this honeysuckle?

Felix said:
I know it might be a bit agressive, hope no one gets offended, is not my intention. Girls, appreciate the honsety... most men will think this and wont tell you :p

Your post just smacks of sexism. A little too much Nietzsche, perhaps? I hope you don't get offended, not my intention, appreciate the honesty, etc.

SophiaGrace said:
oh christ.

I'm just going to put it out there. I feel you're being misogynistic in your thinking.


Replying to this would mean to get us inbvolved in a pointless argument... lets skip that.

MadMonkè said:
whispers said:
mens reasonning is very practical, lets fix it, lets find a solution.
Woman reasonning,let me get it off my chest, let me think it thrue and then ill do something about it if needed.

Perfect ballance, since both ways are good or bad depending in the situation

I have to say that what you did right now is qualified as a woman action... you just had to let it off your chest. lol just teasing


Yes I thought I could go trough life treating both sexes equally and that would grant me appreciation and respect from women but it didn't.

Maybe is like you say, maybe is not wrong, maybe it's supposed to be like that. I'm still figuring some stuff.
SophiaGrace said:
I'm just going to put it out there as well. I feel you're being misogynistic in your thinking.

I especially take issue with your thread title. Women are capable of logic just as much as men are. Our capacity for logic isn't flawed or broken.

I agree with Sophia. The simple fact that you put women's logic in quotes like that just tells me how you think. And therefore, I'm not even going to bother reading anything you post in this thread. That's a sorry attitude you have.
IMO it goes both ways.
I have known some men come out with the most ridiculous reason possible, as I have known women to do the same.
On the contrary, I have known both men and women to come out with reasoning that blows my mind.
We are human
I'm going to weigh in with just my personal experiences when it comes to debating or even discussing controversial or interesting ideas with others.

When it comes to women, there is a tendency for them to get really emotional during any kind of debate or discussion about anything controversial. They will get agitated, sad, depressed, sometimes even extremely angry or feel personally attacked when these kinds of discussions come up. Sometimes they are even extremely hard headed and wont even listen to any arguments, or they don't even care that they are being unreasonable. There is one person in this thread who fits some of these descriptions and there are quite a few others that I've met in my life.

When it comes to guys, it is pretty much calm, and easy talking. There are lots of interesting arguments and ideas that get tossed around. Discussion about pros and cons and just discussion until there is either a stalemate, or a general consensus is made.

With some girls, I could be having what I feel is a good discussion or debate and suddenly WHAM they are sad, crying or mad or don't want to talk about that topic anymore. That just doesn't really happen with guys.

I've also noticed there is something to do with age that comes into play as well. Generally, it is very hard to have any kind of discussion or debate with older folks. I'm not saying every old person, but there are quite a few old folks that believe they are right in everything and if anyone disagrees then that person is wrong.

I'm not trying to generalize men and women or anything here, but in my personal life this is how it usually is.
Felix said:
Need to talk about this but have no one to in real life besides my shrink who is old and doesn't quite get how things are these days between sexes.

So I'm in this group, mostly composed by women (6 to 4). We always argue... it can get a bit too dramatic at times. We share points of view, and we the man always have to be the understanding ones cuz girls just aren't.

Now that I've read books about it, and experienced it myself so many times, I'm convinced of this... The ways the female brain "reasons" are different than ours... And I put quotes cuz a reason based on emotions can't be reason...

I'm just ******* tired. It's always the same. I've been too nice. Way too polite. The thing is the other dudes are too ******* beta to do anything about it, more than me. At least I stand up to them but they are more so it's unfair.

I'm trying form something with this dude on my group who is a reasonable human being. If I can form a group with him and other men I feel that'd be awsome for both my career and my steem.

I'm done with this. Next time they try to pull a stunt like this again I'll just thell them the truth: they're both unsatisfied hysterical women. The 2 that bother the most are a virgin and the other has a weird bf who fucks her once in a while. They clearly need to be sexually fullfilled yet they refuse to get it. Which is a shame since they're cool girls but that's the way it is, its their own choice. I'm not some dumpster for them to express thier sexual frustration, sadly it came down to this today.

Since my father was gone all I had was my mother and she had the great idea of giving advice... So wrong... Trust me all the men in this forum when I say women don't know what they want and their advice sucks ass.

So that's my rant ... I wouldn't have done it but I really need to let it out at least with this. I know it might be a bit agressive, hope no one gets offended, is not my intention. Girls, appreciate the honsety... most men will think this and wont tell you :p

What you are calling "logic" is actually communication strategies. Women have exactly the same sort of capability for logic as men, although we tend to sort things via an emotional framework and express them as such.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the logical reasoning process of fully half the world's population, and there is nothing wrong with men's emotional capacities. Think of it like this, it is as though men and women speak slightly different languages.

Also, either by nature or by socialization, when confronted with a problem, men's focus tends to be more linear, as in "See a problem, work directly toward a solution;" women's focus, again, either through nature or socialization, tends to be around relationships between the disparate groups. To this end, emotions come in. Women may want to consider people's feelings about the problem, because this can give insight into the problem and the best solution, or because it is our perceived "job" to nurture. Don't think that women's reasoning ability to find the best solution to a problem is faulty; it is simply a different tactic.

One is not better than the other; they are just different ways of approaching things.

And yes, much of what you wrote over-generalized and seemed meant to cause offense.

I agree. The original post was definitely meant to inflame. I would suggest it is more out of frustration (at this point) than genuine hatred. The more the women, as an audience, collectively recoil from such thoughts, the more they play into (or confirm) his fears that women are all wicked. Once those fears become beliefs, that's a problem.

It is not so much misogyny as it is the road to misogyny.
kamya said:
When it comes to women, there is a tendency for them to get really emotional during any kind of debate or discussion about anything controversial. They will get agitated, sad, depressed, sometimes even extremely angry or feel personally attacked when these kinds of discussions come up. Sometimes they are even extremely hard headed and wont even listen to any arguments, or they don't even care that they are being unreasonable.

Dude, you just described several men I know.

Frito Bandito said:
I agree. The original post was definitely meant to inflame. I would suggest it is more out of frustration (at this point) than genuine hatred. The more the women, as an audience, collectively recoil from such thoughts, the more they play into (or confirm) his fears that women are all wicked. Once those fears become beliefs, that's a problem.

It is not so much misogyny as it is the road to misogyny.

Offensive comments, whether from frustration or hatred, still offend. I do agree that it is good to know the cause behind it, but that only helps me ascertain whether or not I will extend the benefit of the doubt to someone.

When something offends me, I'm going to say something about it. :D
I think regards sexism on this board you need to distinguish between a deep rooted dislike of men/women that you can see in some posters and the other which is just letting off steam. There have been times where I have had an argument with a gf and I do think bloody women they don't know what they want or they are never happy. You can generalise, its natural both sexes do it, I often hear as a throwaway comment "never mind love, you know all men are bastards" but I think when people calm down they get a bit of perspective again.

I'm not one for generalisations but I do believe that there is a gender gap and broadly speaking men are from mars and women are from venus. Half the fun is trying to bridge that gap though it needen't be a negative, and there are so many more aspects of a person's character to unravel beyond the basic starting point of their gender. That said I don't feel the need to pretend it doesn't exist to seem more balanced in my viewpoint. From an evolutionary point of veiw, I think the difference exists to aid attraction, but over time our mindsets have started to become more similar and I think that is the case as gender roles have become more mixed now and men are expected to show more feminie traits and vice versa, a sensitive man and an ambitious independent woman who knows her own mind and what she wants in life are now commonly seen as desirable traits.

But still "Vive la difference" I say :)
The Good Citizen said:
I'm not one for generalisations but I do believe that there is a gender gap and broadly speaking men are from mars and women are from venus. Half the fun is trying to bridge that gap though it needen't be a negative, and there are so many more aspects of a person's character to unravel beyond the basic starting point of their gender. That said I don't feel the need to pretend it doesn't exist to seem more balanced in my viewpoint. From an evolutionary point of veiw, I think the difference exists to aid attraction, but over time our mindsets have started to become more similar and I think that is the case as gender roles have become more mixed now and men are expected to show more feminie traits and vice versa, a sensitive man and an ambitious independent woman who knows her own mind and what she wants in life are now commonly seen as desirable traits.

But still "Vive la difference" I say :)

You know i really don't think there's a gap at all. :(

The gap is only in misunderstanding each other, a deficit in willingness to learn about and respect each other. Not that we are different than one another, and that those differences make us "less than" this or that group of people.

SophiaGrace said:
The Good Citizen said:
I'm not one for generalisations but I do believe that there is a gender gap and broadly speaking men are from mars and women are from venus. Half the fun is trying to bridge that gap though it needen't be a negative, and there are so many more aspects of a person's character to unravel beyond the basic starting point of their gender. That said I don't feel the need to pretend it doesn't exist to seem more balanced in my viewpoint. From an evolutionary point of veiw, I think the difference exists to aid attraction, but over time our mindsets have started to become more similar and I think that is the case as gender roles have become more mixed now and men are expected to show more feminie traits and vice versa, a sensitive man and an ambitious independent woman who knows her own mind and what she wants in life are now commonly seen as desirable traits.

But still "Vive la difference" I say :)

You know i really don't think there's a gap at all. :(

The gap is only in misunderstanding each other, a deficit in empathy and willingness to learn about each other and respect each other. Not that we are different than one another, and that those differences make us "less than" this or that group of people.

I think thats probably the most improtant thing, but then we do have different hormones flowing through our bodies and thats inescapable. Men are more prone to violent crime, women are more prone to, well they must be more prone to something (matthew mcconaughey films?) . No two people are the same anyway so as you say its about being able to relate and empathise regardless of gender in order to build a successful relationship. Actually, I doubt same gender couple's would say it was any easier, so you're probably right! ;)
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