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Sep 10, 2011
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Hello everybody!

For quite sometimes, I've felt weird towards society. I mean, I've always felt like this whole society thing was a bit absurd but since two months, the feeling got stronger.

Since the beginning of July, I've decided to stop drinking, even during social gatherings. Parties and stuff are things I have never understood, especially huge ones which sometimes involved clubs or something equal. I always had the impression that people were actually doing as if they were having fun, because, let's be really realist, where is the fun in awkwardly moving your body to some poor remix of a terrible song? Thus, I was drinking heavily during those situations, to make time pass and so.
But then, I understood that nothing obligated me to appreciate that, so I stopped consuming alcohol and decided that if I wasn't having fun, I'd leave earlier and go home to watch funny pictures of cats instead.

But here starts the problem. Since I stopped drinking, I discovered that I wasn't actually having any fun during meeting with friends in bars and such. Also, I've remarked how much alcohol is important in everybody's life. My friends' lives orbit around social activities featuring drinking, they always talk about their nightlife, how much beer they drank, how much shots they took, how hammered they were and they will blame every poor decisions they make on alcohol (like cheating on their partner, insulting people, ...).
Yet, I can't blame their irresponsibility, I was kind of like that months ago and they are college students. I don't condemn drinking either. Who am I to judge of people's activities?

I never really fitted in society in general, but I was lucky enough not having problems making friends. But now, I feel really outside because every young people of my age (19) just like going to parties and drink and showing off about their sexual conquests, and that makes me really awkward because I don't have any interest whatsoever in all that. I don't feel like going out with them anymore because it takes me too much energy to pretend I am alright.

And, yesterday night (it was friday), while going home from some birthday party, I noticed that there were heavily drunk people, especially young ones, everywhere. And it really annoyed me. So either the whole society really likes to piss in public places or I'm actually possessed by the spirit of an 80 y.o grumpy old woman.

Edit: Forgot to precise, I live in Europe, in a magical land where you can start drinking beer at 16 and liquor at 18.
Most people really don't sit down and find out what to spend their time on in life, and therefore they do whatever idle activity kills time the easiest. This is television as a kid, partying and sex later on. They don't drink because they are insane or that life is a mess and no one admits, they just drink because they haven't thought of anything larger to do :p Not implying that you said otherwise.
I'm pretty much the same as the OP. I drink at home and occasionally when I'm out, but I've never been drunk or gone clubbing or anything.

Just like the OP, I frequently feel like I possess the body of a 20 year old but the internal mind of a stuffy 75 year old bloke :p

I'm not interested in all that stuff, even though it causes something of a divide between my peers and myself. Perhaps I'd like to dance at a club sometime just to experience it, but all the alcohol games and binge drinking is not my scene at all. It also, sadly, put me off playing Rugby since there are all the hazing drinking activities that I'm not into.

It's kind of funny though - other guys come up to me and are like *Chav voice* "Maaaate, I was totally hammered off my face last night!", expect me to be all admiring or understanding. Instead I'm like "Oh really? Hmmm." *Silence* :D

Skipping all the hangovers also allows you to feel good from the lack of brain pain, which is kinda nice when everyone else won't stop moaning the next day.

Similarly, I've never been a person fond of one night stands either. I could probably go out and lose my virginity with some lady at a bar or club tomorrow if I wanted, but it seems like such a clinical, soulless affair and a pointless way to spend an evening. And why would I want to have sex with someone I hardly know? ****, I get depressed just thinking about it :rolleyes2:

I think people really do casual sex and binge drinking because they feel insecure. I remember my friends once boasting about all their "experiences". Then they asked me what I'd done, I was like "Nothing, actually. Haven't had my first kiss yet. Really looking forward to that!" and they were all stunned. They even looked a bit guilty. Needless to say their smugness ceased immediately :p

If you feel awkward socially when other people are boasting about their "epic" nightlife, just do what I do - remain polite while simultaneously laughing silently in your brain at what their vomit-stained clothes or whatever must've looked like :D
I don't think someone saying "I was so hammered" wants you jealous, he just wants a hi-five.
Pheenix said:
I don't think someone saying "I was so hammered" wants you jealous, he just wants a hi-five.

Well, I do begrudgingly give up a smile occasionally, but really I just find that whole line of conversation puzzling :p

I mean, imagine I went up to some random person and went "Dude, I just ate food until I puked. Hi-five?!"

I doubt the reaction would be particularly warm :D

Ha thanks for the answers guys

Pheenix> I never took it like that, but it really makes sense now that you say it. It's kind of depressing though. I am sure there are actually people who truly enjoy these things, but in what proportion? I don't know.

TheSolitaryman> Thanks for the advice! It makes me sad nonetheless to have to watch a friend tell those kinds of stories. Seems like we have a lot in common, I'll give you a call next time I yell at those **** kids who keep playing on my lawn. Kids were so different in my old time.

I don't think someone saying "I was so hammered" wants you jealous, he just wants a hi-five.
I think it's somewhere in between. The guy wants a high-five that says "good job mate!" while his sentence means "I am, indeed, a wild partygoer. Would you, please, show me admiration for my hedonistic views upon the meaning of life?".
Yes, it is true that not drinking will probably make you less popular with drinkers (and with most of society) but I would encourage you to follow your True Self, you Higher Self. That will lead on the right path.

Remember, you are not a lone in this even though so much of society drinks. Many do not drink.

I am in my 40's. In college I drank but I didn't really like it. I am sure I did to fit in and "go with the flow". But even then I thought the attitude of getting drunk and "toasted" was dumb.

I stopped for health and then spiritual reasons. Health because it zaps my energy and makes me feel toxic and spiritual because it gets in the way of mental clarity and meditation.

There is so much I like to do that is joyful and non self hurting, why would I want to drink? To me riding my bike, pursuing my hobbies, yoga, exercise, music and dance is waayy more fun and fullfilling.

So stick to your guns. Seek out others who feel the same way to you. I am pretty sure you'll be happier.
its kind of the same for me. i dont get the seemingly increasing obsession people have with drinking at bars/clubs/parties. i dont mind drinking every once in a while but id rather do it at home. and i have enver had a need to "get hammered" because honestly it feels like honeysuckle at some point, especially the next day. i dont get the appeal. as a result it has only furthered my isolation from most people. i was already mostly a loner to being but this just makes it harder to keep the few connections with people i do form. and i hate that somethign as stupid as drinking always ends up being the thing that prevents me from potentially connecting with someone. and its kind of doing that right now for me with a girl i kind of like. it seems like everyone loves to drink and get drunk often and i cant escape that or find that one other person(preferably a girl) that doesnt feel the need to do it often.
I get ya. When I stopped drinking and partying I went through the samething...and Im kiind da going through the samething again becuase I relapsed Even at my age..we went out partying @ clubs, bars and after parties..etc.ect. We actually partied and acted out more than the younger people.

I attend support groups for this very reason. Im still a socail creature. I need a replacement. Groups of people thats kindda on the same wave length as I am.

Im not sure where you live.
Theres NA or AA fellowships.
Aside from meetings theres activities functions...You can meet new friends or people. Hang out with clean and sober and shar about some of the issuse your facing.
Meeting chicks or date them sometimes if you want.
Theres more younger people in NA where I currently live. People mostly in their 20s to 30s.Older crowd in AA...but you just gotta check them out.

Its not going solve all your problems but itll give you an ulternative from being or feeling alone trying to live a clean and sober life

Im not a spiritual guru.
You can wrok the 12 steps..if you want or dont dont have to do anything in the fellowships....
Dont even have to believe in a god or work the steps...

Yes sometimes I feel spiritually dead inside with or without getting drunk..
I feel disconnect to life and everything in it. Some people might understand that..some might not.
When I get like that...I can go into irratic behaviors without taking a drink...Thats why Sometimes I need to talk to people that understand me when I feel that I dont react or talk me out of doing something Ill regret later.
I've never been into things that most others are. I don't care to drink or smoke, and I'm certainly not jealous or envious of anyone that does. To me, having a fun time is not drinking it away. I'd like to remember what I did the next day. It's never been appealing to me when someone says they were so wasted they don't even remember anything. I think it's sad and pathetic.

The things I did get into, like gaming, I was lucky enough to have other people who game too. Everyone's different, but no one is ever alone, even if they think they are.
At the moment Im @ the beach with one of my friends...He started drinking again...He totally be berligerant. Its funnie cuase he cracks a lot of jokes...
Chasing or talking to bascailly every chick walking up and down the boardwalk.LoL
I get like that when Im drunk too.
Im a happy drunk.Sometimes Im like that without being drunk..

But all of that is not what I want.
I came here to be with my daughter
and for Renae and I to reunite again.
For Us to be family. Renae tells me she loves me very much and shes trying too.
TheSolitaryMan said:
I think people really do casual sex and binge drinking because they feel insecure.

I agree. I think that, for some people, a lot of it is about fitting in and doing what everyone else is doing, and that is often strongly rooted in insecurity.

Plus there is the allure of letting go and going wildly hedonistic.

Yeah, and then you grow up... in theory, anyway. :p

Edited for clarity. :p
Some people probably. A lot of people... maybe. But not everyone :p
tangerinedream said:
TheSolitaryMan said:
I think people really do casual sex and binge drinking because they feel insecure.

I agree. I think a lot of it is about fitting in and doing what everyone else is doing, and that is often strongly rooted in insecurity.

Plus there is the allure of letting go and going wildly hedonistic.

Yeah, and then you grow up... in theory, anyway. :p

It's somewhat ironic that I seem to be growing less mature as I age. Back when I was 15 I thought it was ridiculous how everybody else around me was so obsessed with girls.

Now I spend most of my waking moments thinking about kissing them.

You'll probably see me posting on here in 5 years' time, saying "innit" a lot and boasting obnoxiously about non-existent sexual encounters :D

Pheenix, your sig says you don't write well? Rubbish! You type better than a lot of English people I know ;)
Pheenix said:
Some people probably. A lot of people... maybe. But not everyone :p

I didn't say everyone. :p

I went back to make that more clear. lol

TheSolitaryMan said:
tangerinedream said:
TheSolitaryMan said:
I think people really do casual sex and binge drinking because they feel insecure.

I agree. I think a lot of it is about fitting in and doing what everyone else is doing, and that is often strongly rooted in insecurity.

Plus there is the allure of letting go and going wildly hedonistic.

Yeah, and then you grow up... in theory, anyway. :p

It's somewhat ironic that I seem to be growing less mature as I age. Back when I was 15 I thought it was ridiculous how everybody else around me was so obsessed with girls.

Now I spend most of my waking moments thinking about kissing them.

You'll probably see me posting on here in 5 years' time, saying "innit" a lot and boasting obnoxiously about non-existent sexual encounters :D

Pheenix, your sig says you don't write well? Rubbish! You type better than a lot of English people I know ;)

You'll be a what, chav, when you're 60? Awesome! lol
Thanks for the compliment, Solitary Man :)

TangerineDream - Oh I didn't mean to imply that, just make a point for potential readers. Hedonistic tendencies might be popular in society at large, but it tends to get a bad rep on sites such as these, a rep I think is sometimes unfounded.
Pheenix said:
Thanks for the compliment, Solitary Man :)

TangerineDream - Oh I didn't mean to imply that, just make a point for potential readers. Hedonistic tendencies might be popular in society at large, but it tends to get a bad rep on sites such as these, a rep I think is sometimes unfounded.

A little hedonism is awesome. heh Making it a way of lie is a little much though.

Moderation is key, but that's JMO and one poster here has already labeled me a prude. hahahah
Nah...the sex thing is more driven by our body chemicals..honeysuckle even AA is smart enough to shy away from that debebt.
Which leads to a moral issue ..guilt and shame and all that good bullshit.

All of that surpression leads to depression which cuases more people to drink even more..More guilt trips
more drinking to escape the pending doom feelings. Then it just becomes a destructive cycle for the indiviual.

I had more sex clean and sober...
Without all the guilt and shame BS..
I actually started enjoy sex more.
after I got sober.

Sex was a dirty thing before I got sober. I was raised Christain with lots of religious guilt
Even at my age I still have stronger sexual drive than most men.
I dont need any drugs enhancemnt.
Jr still gets up before I do...especially with Renae. She totally truns me
on. body is pass out on the beach.
After hitting up on women all day..
He almost got into a fight...

which is typical honeysuckle I used to do when bar hopping and chasing women.
Get into bar fights..etc..etc .
Why the hell can't you condemn other people? Knowing that you are better gives you the right to judge; there are also functional measures of achievement, such as status, accomplishment and wealth. I know that I am better than a hell of a lot of people and for that matter, I basically do not drink.
IgnoredOne said:
Why the hell can't you condemn other people? Knowing that you are better gives you the right to judge; there are also functional measures of achievement, such as status, accomplishment and wealth. I know that I am better than a hell of a lot of people and for that matter, I basically do not drink.

Maybe I used the wrong word, instead of "can't", I should've used "won't" because I don't like the idea of despising what other people do, as far as it doesn't hurt my personal values.
Now, for the rest, I don't really believe in functional measurement of one's life upon another, but I'm sincerely happy for you if it gives you enough reasons to be proud of yourself.

Reading all of you makes me happy to see that parties and alcohol are not hobbies for everyone :)

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