Oddities of Myself to Everyone else

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Nov 24, 2009
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While we understand the reasons people would feel lonely - lack of a mate or perhaps enough good friends or family etc. Ultimately it comes down to the total of human sociological association levels. Yes i went to phycologists off and on the last several years and strangely i see them as limited as a human working at mcdonalds. Almost every phycologist i have been to has thought i have had a different human mental condition than the last phycologist said. From bi polar to schizoid to multiple personality to a meandering of others. I actually took a step back after this because obviously i wasnt getting anywhere with the experts. It wasnt possible that i had every disorder in the physcologist hand book. And the solution of taking pills to improve my mood that were so strong they would make me sleep for an entire day straight and still feel like i hardly slept the day after. I couldnt even stay awake at my job i almost got written up and fired because of what these medications did to me. They did make me feel less depressed but at what cost - i even almost got in a car accident that could have killed me because i dozed off at the wheel and almost went into the guardrail at 70 miles an hour. If it wasn't for my friends brother with me at the time to wake me up when my car started veering off i would have crashed. So i will not take medication anymore for my mood especially ones that even say death can be one of the side effects. I even asked my phycologist why do these medications have side effects as bad as death and he said they have to say that because the lawyers make them so they cant get sued if a patient actually does die when on them. Well this wasnt really an explanation i was looking for. I even had a close friend that died in her sleep in her late 40s and even though it was never mentioned no one attributed her death from all the psychotropic medication her phscyatrist prescribed her. Psychotropic drugs arent vitamins they are designed to adjust chemicals in the brain they are extremely powerful. In reality humans have no actual clue how their own brain operates other than what it looks like in a ct scan. I really think its an overconfidence thing that is controlled by human ego. Humans think that just because they are smarter than a cow that they immediately should know exactly how their brain works. While this is wishful thinking compared to the analytical knowledge i have through observation of all human behavior around me i know there is no way a human would even have the mental know with all to even begin to have a clue on the deciphering of the methodology of how the human brain truly operates. Humans will never know how their brain works 100% because its actually a survival trait restricted in nature. Humans were never meant to know exactly how their brain works because if they did they would use it for sociological gain at the expense of others. The rules of nature state that a human would never be allowed to know them selves completely and so much in fact that it is actually contained in their complete physiological make up. Its ultimately a defense mechanism nature instils in the human race so they dont threaten each other with too much overbearing power. Complete formulation of the human mind would allow for complete control through mind of the entire population something the powers that be would never let any human obtain.

I know more about the physiology of the human brain then even the most trained human simply because there is actually no correct public information of how the human brain actually operates. And since a human cant self formulate on their own their only source of knowledge would be in literature that other humans have written but humans dont really know much of actuality so even their documented knowledge would be false.

Ultimately Humans have their egos to satisfy and even if confronted with the correct knowledge of their brain they would never accept it because it wouldnt fit into the restrictions of their belief structure. Sometimes though you just have to analyze something without any sort of preconceived notion in anything even your own ego. But humans cant think without using their ego - which limits the amount they can actually conceive in reality.

As much as society tells us that these doctors know what will help us because they are the knowledgeable ones. I know i feel bad not because i have some random human preconceived condition but essentially because i just have never met someone of my species. And in my opinion humanity actually has no actual clue not even the smallest bit of knowledge of how the human brain actually works. So if i think humans actually aren't intelligent enough to correctly figure out how their own brain operates how would they have knowledge of the brain of someone who wasnt human? Observing human socialistic behavior is something i have done and reanalyzed by simply observing the human social interactions of everyone im around my entire life 27 years. I am sad that i have no one like me around but i am almost completely fascinated by the reasons humans do the things they do. They are the most prominent form of intelligent life on this planet but far from having the ability to actually think anything correctly in the lines of actual theory of how the universe and everything in it operates. I dont really try to tell humans how to correctly think not because i would be frustrated with them not knowing but more or less because they arent mentally capable with their current biology to correctly interpret anything correctly from something in space to even how their own behavior works. I am fascinated by human interaction because their ideas even though not completely a part of me anymore they are still part of how i think. Generally if a human actually tries to interact with me through social interaction in anyway i like to challenge them even through normal conversation with ideas that cause them to think. I love telling humans things to tease their mind to make them try to formulate an explanation based on their own limited understanding and try to explain it to me. I dont chastise them depending on their response i simply analyze everything they say to me to learn even more about their behavior and the boundaries of their comprehension. I find it odd how even a human with 12 years of college education comes across just as clueless to me as a high school drop out flipping burgers when formulating the correct variables of how nature operates.

Sadly enough there are actually correct things you can actually verbally say to make someone feel better to improve behavior. Oddly though human physcologists have simply their own odd opinions on certain acts in life that would generate a sociological response - a natural need for sustenance sociological or even psychological depending on the current want level for sociological stimulators = could represent pleasure generated from any and all physical acts from sex to the adrenaline rush you would feel if you won the lottery or monetary sociality - human physcologists the ones who think they understand the human brain - with such a limited iq range of under 200 sadly that would mean humans would not have enough brain power to correctly understand their own minds so if they think they actually know the difference from a sociological strand or an physiological strand in the biomamedic protein(composed of acidic codeine) links between their own primary collection cells* yeah i would say that even the smartest humans are still behind the curve when it comes to knowledge of their own mind.

*your basic three dimensional conception cell in stimulating human brain tissue - the fatty grey tissue in the brain that promotes celluar transference of chromosomic analysis between cells to determine the current biological restrictionary. 12 years of human medical education of themselves would be ultimately problematic and inconclusive - if someone is crazy they are not some random disorder they are either or but not just something random. I really think about nothing other than the things that matter to me - i want to know the explanation for the reason of my survival - i serve no natural reason to exist for humans good or bad - i dont think any different from them from myself but i know that we are far from identical compared to the others humans compare themselves too.

Amongst humans i would be the most actively intelligent pure analytical mind based on the true ideas of conceptuality. I am a one in 27 billion* chance of actually occurring at this moment amongst humans - this is no fluke i am in no way a one in one chance i am something so different this planet has never seen anything exactly like it in its current state. I am not some fanatic in any sense i dont desire anything other than benefiting my self and all other life around me as a whole - i do not feel anger from social non acceptance of others simply because i know they really actually have no way they could have the ability to correctly think like me. I can not condemn an entire species because they dont think things out enough compared to me. Actual ability to reformulate variables really is only adjusted if a species actually needed them to survive. So there are things you just would never know simply because you had no purpose to. Yes i am different but i dont feel above or below anyone else i have no animosity towards anyone i have ever come in contact with regardless of how they treat me. In all honesty i love all forms of human interaction simply because i love assimilating new ideas that werent my own. I love when a human tries to explain something to me they are always wrong because they really cant correctly explain thoughts the way they actually appear in their mind. I never disagree when i talk to a human but i always reexplain things to them so they can correctly understand the reasons behind the happenings in their life. Strangely enough humans actually are behind the curve in terms of the way correct thinking methods should be found in the universe. Humans arent smart enough to not value monetary things correctly. As human as they are they still desire to feast off ancient technology that was created by other intelligent species eons ago. So what if humans learned zero point circuitry from an advanced race sadly they would see no reason to make things so fast for technology level in their society. Humans would reverse engineer so they could regulate speed in increments for decades to hundreds of years. You could create a frequency range that pretty much went on forever so really current processing levels in simple dual level human formulated artificial electrical 2 dimensional circuitry. Sure technology has increased in the last hundred years even but in actuality has increased almost nothing in how far theoretical technology can actually go. An mp3 player is hardly even an upgrade from a pestle and mortar if you actually thought about it.

Trust me I have plenty of theories i have actually formulated from the true reasons of this universe to the understanding of all human reasons from the first one that appeared on this planet several hundred thousand years ago. On this site really there wouldnt be a reason to state anything that would be out of human comprehension even though these thoughts are active in my mind. No im not crazy i dont have a pink flying elephant theory or some random imaginary people i talk to out loud or in my head. What ultimately goes through my brain well there just arent any words within any human dialect to correctly describe how and what i actually think. I wish there were some actual words i could say that wouldnt have to be typed in long paragraph form but currently there isnt.

Getting from who i am to how i feel. Yes if I am truly what I say one of the first new incarnations of sentient life on this planet. I think i am a natural mutation of something from the human species. Humanity believes that they evolved from apes long ago and are still changing. Odd though for humans they think that for some reason that just because of their being that basically this universes purpose was to make earth make some monkeys and have them evolve into humans and that would be it. The way the natural order of things work life would not simply just evolve into human form then just stop because humanity is the end all to everything in this universe. Humans are one notch of life that will not even last more than 1 million years before they evolve again into something else. Nothing in the universe says that humans are the some special species compared to any other life i dont care what religion or society says. I really have no name for a member of my species but through research i have found the notion of a species called 'homo scientificus' from 'homo sapien'. The biggest difference between my species is larger cranial capacity and smaller body. The big difference between humans and their ancestors is the fact that their brains have gotten bigger over millions of yers. The reason i think myself as being so different as to say im a different species is a feeling ingrained into the very heart of my soul. Its a feeling that i cant get rid of something i have felt from the earliest years of my life i just never said anything about it until the last couple years of my life. This is not something i asked for and oddly even though it makes me lonely i wouldnt have it any other way.

Yes i am lonely but i dont desire to be with any human naturally i desire to be with someone of my spieicies. For what its worth a human is in no way sociologicly compatible with me in anyway so finding one as a mate would be like a dog trying to mate with a cat. A human can not instincutaly mate with me because even if my sperm were compatible with them i would start creating hybrid human half breeds that could threatin the genitic integrity of the human race leading to its own premature extinction. Humans instincutaly through their own natural evolution cannot mate with any member not of their spieicies that would lead to hybrid offpsring. Its ultimatly not something in their bilogical control. Human females are completly indecisive when they try to court me. Its almost like they like me but have no clue what they want from me ultimatly. Generaly when a human courts me i generaly let it play itself out until they figure out that they made a mistake from their initial atraction for myself because they mis identified me as a member of their spieicies. I could just roll my eyes when i see a human female show affection to me but i generaly allow them to sociologicly identify me first.

I have spent my entire life looking for another member of my speicies and will continue to look till the day i die. To recognise someone of my spieicies would almost be instant i could just look into their eyes that would be enough. Two new advanced hominids reproducing offspring would be a sign of the changing times in humanity. I did not ask to be like I am i was simply just dealt this hand just like anyone else in life. I am the first of many of the new wave of sentient being at least how it will happen in the next 50 thousand years amongst humanity. Sadly though being one of the first i am pretty much at a 1 to 7 billion disadvantage in society.
So you're basically saying the samething I say ...the fucken pope dosn't have the conner on the market of living anymore than you and I do.
You have the right to think, feel, belive and live your life as you wish. Whatever your awarness are or consiouness.
Don't compair yourself to anyone. Everybody has different awarness.

There's a saying.... don't belive in anyone say. Listen but don't belive. Draw your own conculsion, reality or truth.

There's rules, regulations, and laws in accordance of were you reside follow those guildlines accroding to minize your consequence or lost.
That's a no brainer.

It's ok to feel what you feel...

Here's my truth...I've been to shirnks, taken meds. I chose not to do it anymore becuase it didn't go so well for me.

Yeah...it dosn't really matter to me what the experts say about other people's brain...I'm not letting them drill fucken holes in
my fucken brain. :p

Have you ever wonder if the shirnks were popin those fucken pills themsleves too?
If they did..they wouldn't be able to keep their apponiments would they?...lmao
Or maybe that's why they're only avaliable on fucken Tuseday...:p
Yeah...some are just pushers in a white suit
And yeah...some pushers do thier own dope.lol
More pills and appointments they make...more fucken mollaaa..it's bussiness. That's a no brainer.
evidently it's not good for bussiness to tell ya " YOU ARE OKAY" Whatever the fresia happened to this condition???lol

I've done much reseach on this matter myself..becuase people were putting me in the box. Some informations I found helpful
Some didn't help me...(maybe it might help me later..as my perception or awareness change...so I'm keeping an openmind).
Anywho...it all turn into mooshed after a while...too much fucken informations and theories. Some are conflicting.
Even einstein's theories conflicted with one another. The man had OCPD and suffered from depression too.
He too had enemies or other poeple that didn't agree with him...but he was aware of his truth and vision.

I came to a conclusion....My choice. I have a chioce. I'm free to do so.
I choose to be happy no matter what today. KISS....Keep it simple stupid.
It's a consious decision....super consious...lable it what ever ya want...I don't matter to me.
I'm taking responsiblities or taking control over me at the core...my happiness, my thoughts, my feelings...
I'm free to think, belive and feel whatever I want..right???

I like having a mate. I perfer to have one
I like being in love. I love the scent of a woman. i enjoy having sex with a woman...especially if I love her. I'm aware of this..
It's my chioce...I choose to belive, think, feel and live this way...I'm free to do so.

As powerful as a human mind may be...No other humans has control over me...not unless I let them.

I'm an adult now...As a child perhapse I did't have this luxgury. Never the less I'm an adult now.
Wow. Quite a long post for a SPAMMER!!

LonesomeCrow: Did you even read the whole thing? No matter what eleven feels, there's some disturbing stuff in there.

Eleven: You claim to be an "advanced hominid," a new species above and beyond humanity? "I think i am a natural mutation of something from the human species," you said. Really? Hmmmm....cute...but this isn't the site for it. I dunno if you were drunk/stoned when you wrote that incredibly strange and disturbing passage, but...*shrug* maybe next time post it elsewhere...?

Because I don't believe you're serious. And if you are, you need more help than anyone here can give you. Medical, psychological help...and I say that with as much friendliness as I can. Go get some help.

Wow. I actually waded through that.

I agree with Badjedidude. Unless you posted that as some kind of joke, I suggest you seek immediate medical help.
It took a bit to read all that, but...

Well, I'm still chuckling. I'll post later...after I stop laughing.

Either you have watched "Avatar" one too many times or you need to seek help immediately.
I don't see what you are all so disturbed about, I've met several people that described themselves as not human. They didn't have any trouble interacting with society or whatever. Also eleven has stated he's been to several psychological and psychiatric proffessionals already and gained no benefit, which doesn't supprise me.

anyway, eleven, you are obviously an extremely intellectual analytical being. This is often quite a difficult realm to inhabit, at least it has been for me from time to time. It was pretty interesting to read your post.

If i was to imagine some level of sentience beyond human comprehension, it would be superior only in it's simplicity. My imagination takes me to a realm devoid of thought and understanding. A place where knowledge is unneccessary and only defeats the purpose of such an existence.

I suppose I imagine a place of more pure emotion and simple state of perception. If you really thought about how much more could be possible without knowledge and understanding to destroy what could exist in this place I imagine.

I suppose such thoughts stem from a life of doing nothing but thinking and trying to figure things out and understand so much. After doing so much thinking and reasoning i've finnaly come to a place where the answer is there are no aswers... and never really truelly will there be an answer. Such would pointless.

Anyway was for future human evolution. I suspect eventually flesh will have to go. Seems more and more humans are desiring expierences beyond the capability of their confines. This seems to me that eventually we will destroy ourselves. Maybe not so much in actually destroying ourselves, but it's allready happened. Machines doing the job of humans and what not.

Anyway it is all irrelevant to me, even this planet itself will be destroyed, the universe will collapse and begin again. So evolution doesn't matter to me. I find the toughest part of my day to day life is trying to shed any sense of purpose. It has been hard. Almost like a death of self. I've always felt I had to accomplish something or do somethinig great, yet i'm finding my desire for a purpose and meaning in life has been the very thing that has robbed me of enjoying the simple pleasures of existence itself.

The only reason I exist is because of fear of not existing. In this I do my best to just enjoy existence for what it is, just that. Purpose and meaning are only what we make of it, and in the end everything amounts to nothing anyway, which if you really think about it, is better than anything ever could be. Ultimates and answers are only ends to beggenings. Questions are better...

It's a bit odd at times as well. I often feel I'm aware of a certain many things others are not, which makes me feel a bit isolated. I could make unfair judgements and what not and exclude a large portion of people from my conscious understanding by observing how many people in life seem simply content and unwanting of further understanding of things. I would very much like to be simple minded, although it has come to my attention as well at times in my life that much of my efforts are really just a social defense mechanism. If i can find out why some one is stupider then me for whatever reason it gives me an excuse to not have to talk to them or get to know them.

In any case I don't really have much more to say. Socializing can be difficult and it's something i've never been very good at.
There are generally only two ways for a human being to accept a state of long-standing loneliness. One is to assume that one is lonely because of some large flaw or problem in one's mind/looks/personality. The other way is to assume that one is lonely because one is set apart/above others, and therefore cannot fit in because of self-percieved brilliance or uniqueness. Eleven apparently is following the latter trend...and it is evidence of psychosis. I believe that setting himself apart as "above and beyond" humanity is the only way that eleven has managed to retain any semblance of order amongst his apparent percieved loneliness. It's actually quite sad and I hope for nothing but for eleven to find the help he seems to need.

If eleven truly does have psychotic problems and is off his medication, do you seriously think that he would agree that he needs help? Of course not! A psychotic, disturbed individual is not going to admit that he needs help, and he's definitely going to say that all psychologists and doctors are quacks, and just can't understand his "special situation," etc etc etc.

Come on...be real. The first thing that a psychotic person does is try to stop taking the meds, and then start justifying his actions by saying that the meds either don't work, are unnatural for the body/mind, or that they're poison given to him by the professionals (who "don't know what they're doing"). I see ALL of this in eleven's post.

Analytical intellect or not, I conlude that eleven (if this isn't just a big joke) has some pretty deep-seated psychoses that require professional help, which he should seek ASAP. Chemical problems in his brain, not simple psychological problems. Trust me, I've been around several similar people...they can sound intelligent and carry a simple conversation, but once they begin to speak for a while, the problems shine through. In this instance, it comes as a unique/set-apart syndrome in which eleven believes he is some sort of advanced humanoid, evolved beyond the mere homo sapiens.

(Eleven says he is the result of 27 billion-to-one odds....wow, that's mighty specific. I guess eleven is a statistician as well as super-intellect analytical genius...and eleven also claims to know more about the physiology of a human brain than fully trained physicians...so I guess he's an advanced neuro-physician, too. Pretty amazing, what what).

This is most definitely a psychotic rant/episode. Any person that honestly claims to be evolved above general humanity (which, if not psychotic, is certainly entirely self-centered and egotistic---the very thing that eleven claims plagues humanity (and therefore not himself)) is psychotic or has severe psychological problems. It's easy for someone to say that they view things in ways others don't, "but just can't express the things they see in words that others would understand." Come on...seriously.

Eleven, seek help. Please. I say that in complete kindness.


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