Only children?

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simpleliving said:
I am an only child. It is terrible IMO. My parents don't speak english, so I have no one to talk to at home. Both of those factors makes me feel heavily burdened. I have to take care of my parents in the future, not only because they will be old, but because they don't know english so I have to take care of their future affairs, and because I have no siblings so there is no one else to take care of them besides me.

Why you didnt learn your language? It would be nice. So you could talk to them. maybe they miss talking to you...
Silvernight said:
Having a sibling really doesn't automatically mean you're going to feel less lonely. I have a younger half-sister. We're ok with each other - most of the time. That's about it. We definitely don't have any sort of close relationship. She's not going to confide in me if something is wrong and I would never think of doing it either. We have rather different characters and interests, if we weren't sisters, I think we'd be exactly the sort of people who don't "click" together and would normally never talk to each other. As it is, our relationship is mostly that of mutual tolerance, hardly anything more.

Well she is only a half sister. So obviously it won't be that close.

Luna said:
Why you didnt learn your language? It would be nice. So you could talk to them. maybe they miss talking to you...

I do know speak their language. It's just that I am fluent in english but not my native language. Its a large barrier in conversations.
I agree with Silvernight.. Having a sibling does not mean you'll feel less lonely.. It just means you have someone to have fights and squabbles with.. Hopefully, someday you can be friends and rely on each other, but it does not happen that way a whole lot... With siblings there's always a favorite, and the others get left out of the equation..
I know a guy that his two kids (almost adults) and his wife (ex now, thanks god) just used to speak in english, even at home but the guy and his wife were portugueses and just went to usa when they were around 20. I always asked: "What happened? You got out of the airplane and started speaking english? Their kids, two pure blood, didnt know a word in portuguese. Now the are adults and learned it cause one married with a portuguese girl and lives there and the other one was always crazy to learn his language. If you know how to talk to your parents, talk to them. They are probably old, they are not going to learn another language so easy.
About the sis/bro subject, i still offering my sis. She is a good lawyer and will be useful for something lol She is so difficult to deal with that even being really beautiful she never has a relationship that longs enough to us meet the new love of her life :K
I am not saying I want them to learn english. I just wish that they already knew english before I was born. Even though I can talk to them. I can't tell them my thoughts and feelings because of the massive language barrier. I don't speak chinese fluently, and I don't understand every word they say.
Ohhh yeah! I understand what you say. I dont get why but chineses dont like to... "be part" of the country for where they go. I noticed it already is stores owned by chineses... They speak to each other in their language even if the subject interest to us like "Do you have this dress in that color?" so they talk between them and normally the man answers. And i met a girl that they parents where chineses and they didnt know almost nothing in my language and she was like one of us (her pronunciation). I think that they are just shy.
I think its just mostly immigrants clinging onto their traditions, or being too old to learn english.

There are a lot of people that don't speak english fluently of many races. Although I live in NYC, so there is a high concentration of people of diverse backgrounds.

And when I say my family, I mean me, my parents and my grandmother. My younger(as in younger than my dad) aunts and uncles know english but they live in their own homes. My dad got to stay at home and work on the farm while they went to school, when they were living in China. =(.
Yeah, i know i guy that was the older brother and needed to do the same as your dad. He has 9 brothers so he and another sister left school to work so the familly could pay the bills and the kids could go to school. He went to usa too (he is portuguese)... btw, he is the father of the two "pure bloods". Your aunt and uncle live too far from you?
My parents can't depend on them for help forever. And soon they will be as old as my parents.
Bluey said:
Just wondering corin how old your are. maybe your friend feels the same way? just that sometimes with this things pride can get in the way you know. I have friends out there that I no longer speak to and even though there was a very good reason why I kicked them to the curb if am honest with my self I still care and think of them.

Its a real shame that you don't talk to your friend still. Maybe hes feeling as lonely and as isolated as you? There is never to much time that can pass to make things right you know.

Also the name corin reminds me of two ppl I know that was marred to each other both much older then myself but there where both called corin. One was a man the other a women just in case you where wondering lol

I'm 19, and we've definitely grown far apart by now. I'm living away from my hometown, going to university, and I haven't talked to him in about 4 years. I doubt he's as lonely as I am though. We always were quite different that way. He's very extroverted and gregarious - pretty much my opposite. I'm sure he's going to parties every weekend.
I have an older brother (by ten years) but since he is out of the house I feel like an only child. I had a few years that I remember with him then he moved away and I hardly ever see him (possibly once every other year) so that along with my parents work habits leave me alone and lonely...solitude is something for the busy to enjoy and the depressed to wollow in.
I have 2 older sisters, but neither of them live at home anymore and I'm not close to either of them. I sometimes wish I was an only child.. hm no, I love my sisters, they're cool ppl, but I'm sick of being the loser kid of the family. They're too perfect and my parents think they're amaazzzzzzing and don't keep that a secret. One of my sisters is 2yrs older than me so growing up with her was fun and I think I was less lonely because of her. Now, though, she has her own life, friends, bf, etc. and when I see her, we barely talk. I guess I'm kinda living like an only child now. My sisters live far away and we just chat like we're strangers sometimes... really feels like that bond we once had has gone which is kinda sad.
Gah, I have a brother who's younger by two years. We sorta have a love/hate relationship..he's a snobby little prick and always seems so **** condescending. But I really love the little MFer-- not because I have to, but because he is the only one that truly understands why I am the way I am because he went through the same crap I went through growing up. I always wanted a sister though, someone I could gossip and share clothes and makeup with and all that other good sister stuff.. My brother and I used to get along okay when we were younger, but as we've grown older we've pretty much resorted to "hi, bye." I wish I had a big family.

I am the youngest in my family...I have two elder brothers. Ironically enough most of my loneliness comes out of the fact that I have an almost zero circle of friends...stemmed by the fact that as I grew up I would follow my first year of uni I went to a place that was twenty minutes walk from my elder brother...his shadow was there for me to hide under...if I am stuck at the weekend my middle brother comes round...his shadow is there for me to hide under.

I can't consider what it must be like to be an only child...sorry. Some of the kids at work though thrive as they make their own way in life...many others though have the same feelings as you.
I have one sister who I havent seen for about 14 years, and I havent seen my parents for over 10 years. I dont even know where any of them live.
RobertJW said:
I have one sister who I havent seen for about 14 years, and I havent seen my parents for over 10 years. I dont even know where any of them live.

Wow, that's that by your choice or theirs? Do you miss them? I can't imagine going that long without seeing my family, as different as we are...
We had a "falling out", and my parents were very disinterested in spending time with their grandchildren, so it was my choice really.

But it was their loss and they never made any effort to reconcile
I'm an only child and I definitely believe that's where my social anxiety stems from.

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