Physical Attractiveness & The Death of Sanity

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This is a debate I am always having and in fact it is something that realy upset me yesterday.

I do blame the media and whoever came up with the "stick thin false" look in the first place.I get told I'm bitter all the time and in some cases I am.But I don't feel it's because I'm jealous, I think it's because I hate what it does to people.There are celbrities and really "good looking" girls who I admire. People like Katherine Jenkins,Cat Deeley,Jennifer Ansiton and basically any female celebrity that is not slutty. By slutty I mean girls who don't feel the need to pose for lads mags or get their kit off for attention.You can be beautiful without having to show the world what you look like.Jennifer Aniston did do a cover where she was practically naked not long ago and I wonder if that was to try and boost her self confidence after the luck she has had with relationships.If my partner left me for Angelina Jolie or any girl that I considered to be sexier than me I'd want to tone up and pose naked too to prove that I'm just as worthy.And that is exactly my point...

There are many girls who enjoy getting their kits off for lads mags.They enjoy showing the world what they've got because they are proud of it.And why not?Well I think it's great that there are girls that are really confident with what they have.However,what I don't support is the image that it sends out to the lesser confident woman.The ones who don't typically look like that.In my view everyone is beautiful in their own way,yet that isn't what we're told.

I've been told that I'm beautiful and sexy but I don't see that.I don't fit this stereotype.I'm not a size 6,I don't have false eyelashes and a tan.I don't look fantastic in a bikini.So there are days I won't even leave the house.I can't go to a supermarket without feeling like I'm ugly compared to other girls.It's something that affects me and it has affected me since I was little.I have no idea how it got there but it is there.And the sad truth is,there are girls as young as 7, that's 7 years old, who cry because they think they aren't pretty enough.They go on diets because they are told that they are fat.You see 12 year old girls walking around in short skirts and make up because that is what the media shows is beautiful.

It's a problem that affects most women.Even the women who get onto these lads mags don't look the way that they do.It's all about airbrushing.And when you see many models they have been told to lsoe weight to make it when they weren't even big in the first place.We are being forced to slim down, to look a certian way and if you don't you don't feel good enough.I do wish I had more confidence and I know that deep down it;s all about how you feel about yourself,but it sure as hell doesn't help when you have images of perfect girls pushed in your face.I hate it when people say "you should just settle for who you are and accept who you are" because to me that is like saying "you aren't as beautiful as they are but you can't change it so deal with it".It's still telling people that beauty is what you see in magazines and if you aren't that then you aren't beautiful but you should accept yourself anyway.That's what annoys me.

I think yeah,guys who are single should be able to look at naked women if they want to.But I do think in relationships and the importance of women's looks in everyday society is terrible.I mean my guy has pics of celbrities on his phone wearing next to nothing.He openly looks at girls when we're together.And it just makes me feel like I'm not good enough.I mean I find guys attractive,but I don't look.I don't need to.Yeah there will always be attractive people but they aren't anything special.There are millions of people who look just as attractive so why can't you just be happy with the attractive person you are with?

lol my rants go on for ages I apologise! My main problem is the women that support the image of perfection.Because even the models don't look the way that they are shown on tv and magazines.We'd all look like that if we had a make up artist spending hours on our make up everyday and thousands of pounds to buy the right products.I just think what it's doing is promoting low self esteem.For the people it affects like me,life is no laughing matter and you're constantly striving for something you'll never achieve.It hurts me that most women actually do have a problem with it,yet we still are happy enough to change ourselves to fit in.

It's not bitterness,it's sadness at the way society is.And before I finish I will add,there are an awful lot of girls who go purely for looks too.It isn't just guys that go for physical appearance but girls want more of a package,.They want a gorgeous guy with lots of money so they are provided for.

Anyway this debate could go on for hours if im not careful.I have so many views on the subject lol.
Yeah hollywood is mostly phony. Walls painted white on the outside, old dried up bones on the inside.
Humans are visual creatures we easily understand what we see
by instinct we rely on senses to take actions things like kindness can't be identified by our 5 senses so we instinctively 5 senses to pass judge ment on each other EXAMPLE: you give a stranger present the stranger smiles in the the strangers mind they plan on away to destroying your gift out of spite because you see the smile your natural responce is that you think they love the gift and they are thankful but really dislike the gift. beauty being skin deep are wise words said by those who don't use their instincts as a crutch
I think people now days are to picky about physical appearances. It's one thing to be turned off by big things like: bad hygiene, morbid obesity, or a slovenly style of dressing, but to nit pick over every last detail of someone's body is ridiculous. Every person in the world has physical flaws of some sort, and sometimes those flaws make a person more interesting.
fern said:
I think people now days are to picky about physical appearances. It's one thing to be turned off by big things like: bad hygiene, morbid obesity, or a slovenly style of dressing, but to nit pick over every last detail of someone's body is ridiculous. Every person in the world has physical flaws of some sort, and sometimes those flaws make a person more interesting.

Well said!
fern said:
I think people now days are to picky about physical appearances. It's one thing to be turned off by big things like: bad hygiene, morbid obesity, or a slovenly style of dressing, but to nit pick over every last detail of someone's body is ridiculous. Every person in the world has physical flaws of some sort, and sometimes those flaws make a person more interesting.

I agree with you whole heartedly only if people was more like you and was able to rise above the phyical apperance words like ugly would not hold so many people on this site back they would have a sense of confidence

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