Remembering 9/11

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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2008
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Wales, UK

Say a prayer, or have a thought for the victims of 9/11, and all the victims of the 14010 deadly terrorist attacks (for the same cause) all around the world since 9/11.
Thank you for posting, Fluff :)

So, it's remembered here, but ignored. fresia the 3000+ innocent people that lost their lives on that tragic day? You all must have caught THE skorian bug or something - The people deservered to die, they deservered to be burned and crushed alive, and they deservered to have their bodies splattered on the ground for jumping out of the windows? (God knows what the hell they were thinking...)

We'll just wait for the "next 9/11" promised to happen in Germany very soon. We all can ignore that too, and then it will all go away? :)

Anyway, thank you everyone, and God bless you all, or maybe Allah or Satan's blessing will be more suitable for you guys?
Punisher said:
Thank you for posting, Fluff :)

So, it's remembered here, but ignored. fresia the 3000+ innocent people that lost their lives on that tragic day? You all must have caught THE skorian bug or something - The people deservered to die, they deservered to be burned and crushed alive, and they deservered to have their bodies splattered on the ground for jumping out of the windows? (God knows what the hell they were thinking...)

We'll just wait for the "next 9/11" promised to happen in Germany very soon. We all can ignore that too, and then it will all go away? :)

Anyway, thank you everyone, and God bless you all, or maybe Allah or Satan's blessing will be more suitable for you guys?

I hope that you are not implying that since only one person posted in your thread that means that no one cares, or worse, that we are aligned with terrorists?

9/11 was an event of such horror, hate and evil that even now, 8 years later, it can be difficult to talk casually about it. My memories of that unspeakable day will stay with me until I die.

Yesterday many of my Facebook friends had status updates about remembrance. I didn't, but only because a brief blurb can't possibly come close to scraping the surface of my feelings. This doesn't mean that I treat the event and the lives lost as meaningless. 9/11 had a personal significance for me that I find difficult to explain, nor should I feel that I am forced to.

Not everything has to be examined in depth in front of the whole world.
Punisher said:
Thank you for posting, Fluff :)

So, it's remembered here, but ignored. fresia the 3000+ innocent people that lost their lives on that tragic day? You all must have caught THE skorian bug or something - The people deservered to die, they deservered to be burned and crushed alive, and they deservered to have their bodies splattered on the ground for jumping out of the windows? (God knows what the hell they were thinking...)

We'll just wait for the "next 9/11" promised to happen in Germany very soon. We all can ignore that too, and then it will all go away? :)

Anyway, thank you everyone, and God bless you all, or maybe Allah or Satan's blessing will be more suitable for you guys?

You are being unfair.

People think about such things in their own way. Nobody should have to prove they care on this forum; and just because they chose not to post does not mean they don't.

But go ahead, judge everyone. Judging people is easy.
All the big things around the world are ignored. Even when people speak out and plead to Obama to help while he is in that country, he ignores it and twists everything around.

There are bigger things than 9/11 happening today (not more or less important), but it's not in our country (UK/USA). When 9/11 becomes nothing (i'm sure it will be nothing soon) how in the hell will the world ever hear about anything?. There's going to be a new investigation on what happened on 9/11, when we already know what happened, but people are trying to take the blame away from real criminals, and let them carry on with their business.

I'm not judging (or it wasn't my intention to judge, sorry), or calling everyone here terrorists lol, i'm just pissed off with everything that's going on. It's all being ignored, or changed to to keep the wrong people happy.

I'm soooo bad, it's a bit disrespectful of me having a rant on this thread.
Punisher said:
I'm not judging (or it wasn't my intention to judge, sorry), or calling everyone here terrorists lol, i'm just pissed off with everything that's going on. It's all being ignored, or changed to to keep the wrong people happy.

I understand your frustrations with the status quo. It's a messed up world we're in.

Edited to remove my own rant.
Punisher said:
So, it's remembered here, but ignored. fresia the 3000+ innocent people that lost their lives on that tragic day? You all must have caught THE skorian bug or something - The people deservered to die, they deservered to be burned and crushed alive, and they deservered to have their bodies splattered on the ground for jumping out of the windows? (God knows what the hell they were thinking...)

We'll just wait for the "next 9/11" promised to happen in Germany very soon. We all can ignore that too, and then it will all go away? :)

Anyway, thank you everyone, and God bless you all, or maybe Allah or Satan's blessing will be more suitable for you guys?

I watched as people hurled themselves from windows. No, I don't want to be reminded of the horrendous results of such a heinous crime - hence no previous post from me. I don't need reminders to make me recall the events of that day. I can remember EXACTLY what I was doing, and the abject horror I felt (and still feel), at the precise moment the destruction began. 9/11 will NEVER be forgotten by anyone who cared to begin with.
So, while I'm sure you had good intentions, your second post rather ruined them. Sorry, Pun, I know you meant well.
i remember exactly where i was and what i was doing when the news came to us here in australia too. the events were absolutely tragic and it is difficult for me to put the event and its accompanying shockwave into words. there was the horror of the event and the decidedly palpable feeling that the consequences and effects were going to prolong and exacerbate the senseless destruction that occured.

bad vibes.

personally, if i commemorate this particular event i feel obliged to take note of every occurance of death, destruction and insanity throughout history (past and present) perpetrated by the smorgasboard of psychos this world allows to exist. i'd lose my marbles.

now that i posted, will i lose satan's blessing?
Why do people commemorate the holocaust? It's because the survivors and the family members of the victims are still alive, and us speaking about it shows them that their loved ones have not been forgotten. Using the logic displayed on this forum, we should ignore the anniversary of world war 2, and forget about all those Jews that were slaughtered. That is totally disrespectful. There's a big difference between recent events and ancient history, and if i brought up the incidents carried out by the ancient psychos, I’d have half this forum commenting on those events and i wouldn't need to have a rant before people notice it.

PoWer2tHePeOpLE said:
now that i posted, will i lose satan's blessing?

F**k do you!

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